Friday, June 15, 2018

Trust The Path Of Peace

Hard decisions are never easy to make. No matter how long you pray. No matter how much you think it over a hard decision is just that. HARD. No matter which way you decide people will be affected. Some will like the decision. Others will not. That is the nature of a hard decision.

2 done with a great deal of force or strength: a hard blow to the head.
3 requiring a great deal of endurance or effort: stooping over all day was hard work.

Hard decisions have to be made all the time. Today, Brenda and I made one. It is something we have prayed about for months. Something that kept us both awake at night. Something we weighed the pros and cons over repeatedly. We had numerous conversations. We had such a one late last night and early this morning. Scriptures were read. The counsel of trusted family and friends was sought.

No matter how we dreaded it and wished we could put if off a decision had to be made. In faith we made it today. Brenda asked me afterward, "How do you feel? Peace? Relieved?" I feel both peace and relief. First of all, because the decision has finally been made. Secondly, because we live without the distraction of this hard decision. Thirdly, because a course has been charted.

The nature of the decision is not important. What is important is that peace guided us through it. Not just any peace. The peace of God. Some time ago I received some great counsel from a trusted brother. He told me, "Let peace be your guide."

Those words still echo in my mind today. In the face of a hard decision that required great effort to make and much endurance and, a great deal of faith on top of that I might add, we made our choice and will live with the consequences. In the end peace guided me. God's peace. I can sleep easy tonight. The decision has been made.

Many stare at hard decisions for years. They cannot pull the trigger. They are reluctant to step out one way or the other. While it is prudent not to make hasty decisions to put them off endlessly is indecisive and noncommittal. Couples decide whether to continue in the relationship resulting in marriage or to categorize the relationship as a friendship. People make hard choices in their careers. They decide whether they will stay on their current path or look for other opportunities. People make choices about debt. People make decisions about where to worship, live and send children to school. Hard decisions are made about career opportunities that require a relocation to another city, state or country.

I don't know what hard decisions you face today. I am sure you have prayed about it endlessly. You have most likely studied your Bible trying to find direction. You may have also sought the counsel of wise and trusted people around you. After all of that, when you do not have a clear path I say like my friend, "Let peace be your guide."

Which decision brings peace to your mind. Which decision makes you feel more at ease than the other. We pray. We read the word of God. We wait. We seek counsel. And we also choose the path of peace. Trust the path of peace.

Philippians 4:7 (ESV)
7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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