Friday, June 29, 2018

27 Years Ago

I woke up on a Saturday morning 27 years alone in my duplex on the Southside of Fort Worth. . A bunch of college friends and I  got together the night before. We laughed. We played basketball. We ate. After breakfast alone the next morning I went to get my haircut. That is kind of an odd thing to remember from so long ago. I remember sitting in the chair talking to the lady cutting my hair. She asked, "So, what do you have going on today?"

I still remember my reply. "I'm getting married today." She smiled. I wonder if she felt any added pressure. She did a good job I recall.

I went back to my duplex for awhile. I don't remember what I did for lunch. I met all my friends and family at First Baptist Church of Hurst, TX later. We of course started cutting up and laughing. We all got dressed. Pictures had to be taken, which later would prove to be in vain. That photographer went out business before Brenda and I could afford to purchase the photos. The only picture we have of our wedding is a 3"x5" somebody snapped with their camera.

What I remember most before the ceremony began was that the pants on my tuxedo were too short. I did not try it on beforehand like I was supposed to. Oh well.

The service started. A good friend videoed for us. Only none of us thought about putting in a fresh tape before the service. We videoed ourselves playing basketball  the night before and the tape ran out just as Brenda walked down the aisle. We have no photos and no video of our wedding.

There I stood in my high water pants watching the love of my life walk through the backdoors of that sanctuary. The reality of what we were doing hit me. This was no longer dating. This was a commitment. A covenant. She looked beautiful. Classy. A beautiful wedding dress with a veil and train. Absolutely stunning. Mesmerizing. We stood there with eyes locked on each other. She walked down with her father. We joined hands as we had joined hearts years before. She looking every bit a lady and me like a tramp drug off the street.

We exchanged vows. We celebrated communion. She was supposed to serve me and then I serve her. I did not listen in rehearsal. I served her. I tore off such a piece of bread for myself I spent the rest of the service trying to chew and swallow. Not very reverent I confess.

Then they pronounced us man and wife. The preacher said I could kiss my bride. I laid a big one on her which I am sure embarrassed her because she is shy. With that beginning we became the Edwards. Little did we know what the future held. 27 years, one adopted daughter, four sons, three dogs, seven churches, one non-profit ministry, ten houses, six authored books, three graduations and numerous camps, revivals, and retreats later we are still together. 27 years of following Jesus all over the state of Texas. 27 years of faith adventures. 27 years of memories and special people along the way.

27 years later we still love each other. The trials have brought us closer. The years have aged us both. She is still my best friend. I am about to go get my haircut just like I did 27 years ago. I hope they ask me what I have going today. I will brag on my wife and the fact we are getting away in the morning just the two of us. We'll share meals. Walk hand in hand. Catch a movie. Enjoy being together. Pray together. Dream about our future ministry and plans.

I praise  God I get to do it all with her. She takes my big dreams and puts the details together so they can stand on their feet. She balances my boldness with compassion. She has my ear when I'm about to make a mistake in my zeal to follow hard after Jesus. She is the math wizard and works wonders in our finances so I can be free to pray, study, preach, write, evangelize and shepherd without that distraction. She cheers me on when I fail or feel like I failed like last week one night at Beach Camp in Florida. She prays for me. She prays for our boys. She loves. She has the unique ability to love all kinds of people from all walks of life. She has learned in 27 years to get tough living with me and four sons. She is wise. I trust her counsel. And she is my wife. I married beyond my punt coverage.

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