Thursday, June 7, 2018

Attack The Hill

Runaway Bay is a hilly community. No matter which direction you walk, jog, bicycle or drive you are sure to encounter a series of hills. Driving up a hill is no big deal. To walk, jog or bicycle up a hill requires much more effort.

Many times at the end of a walk or ride I faced another hill. There have been times when I stood at the bottom looking at the long uphill climb before me. Somedays I sighed and wished I'd taken a different route. I dreaded every step or push of the pedals. On those days the hills are higher, steeper and more difficult.

On other days I have a different mentality. I choose to attack the hill. On those days I embrace the challenge pressing forward. I welcome the uphill climb. When I adopt this mindset I often lose myself in thought and have actually reached the top unaware. The climb seemed manageable in hindsight largely based on my attitude going into it.

Life is filled with challenges. There are hills everywhere. Hills in marriage. Hills in parenting. Hills at work. Hills in retirement. Health hills. Financial hills. Relational hills. Church hills.

Many people will stand at the bottom feeling sorry for themselves. Or they complain to everyone who will listen. They bemoan the challenges before them. Some pout. Others will group together to cry on each other's shoulders. All that energy exerted and not one step is taken to reach the top.

I do not know many hills greater than the death of a spouse. I recently met such a widow enduring that hill. What I learned about her inspired me. She is a women's Bible study teacher and one of the most respected women in her church. She is continually looking for other opportunities to volunteer to help others She attacked the hill of widowhood. I am sure along the way she has encouraged many others facing the same hill.

There will always be hills in our lives. We must learn to attack the work project, attack the household chores, attack the health issues, attack the studies, attack setbacks and by all means attack the hills. God uses hills to teach us perseverance. If we need anything in this life we need persevering faith. It is a hilly journey from birth to the grave.

What did Jesus do when He faced the hill of Calvary? He resolved to go there. He submitted to the will of the Father. He attacked the cross.

Hebrews 12:2-3 (ESV)
2  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
3  Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

Jesus attacked the cross joyfully. He endured. He sets the example so we will not grow weary and fainthearted.

I don't know what hills you see in front of you. I exhort you to attack it like Jesus attacked the cross. I hope Jesus will inspire you not to give up but to press on to the finish. Along the way you might just find your hill seems shorter and flatter than you first imagined.

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