Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 It has been a tough season for my youngest son Turner during football. He started out fall camp with straining his groin. This was followed by a severe dehydration and cramping episode lasting for two hours. I had to physically carry him to the truck. He suffered a strain in his surgically repaired knee in the first scrimmage. He jammed a finer in practice. Last Friday night he got a concussion during the game. 

My son amazes me. He showed me a picture of the title of this blog from his cell phone weeks ago. I could not make out what it meant. He explained it to me. God is greater than life's ups and downs. That is easy to write and say when everything is going well for you. When you are facing adversity on top of other adversities, saying that means more. It carries more weight when you are declaring that in life's down moments. Turner now has two t-shirts with that message on both. Brenda and I both got shirts with that same message. GOD IS GREATER THAN LIFE'S UPS AND DOWNS!

A message definitely needed in 2020. I remember when people rang in the new year with all their hopes and dreams. Who knew what trials we would face. A pandemic. Churches shut down. Business closed. Fear. A run on toilet paper. Masks. Riots. A year like I have never experienced in my 54 years on this planet. 

God is greater. He is greater than Corona Virus. He is greater than ANTIFA. He is greater than BLM. He is greater than all our fears. He is greater than any political party or candidate. He is greater than a struggling economy. He is grater than racial division. He is greater than censorship of truth. He is greater than all anxieties. He is greater than life's down moments. 

He is greater than stock market gains. He is greater than health. He is greater than prosperity. He is greater than sports. He is greater than anything Hollywood can put out. He is greater than championships. He is greater than anything this world has to offer. 

Once again, I'm indebted to my youngest son. Turner has an optimistic attitude. He deals with adversity in a way that inspires me. I am thankful for His example. I am also thankful for the message that God is greater than life's up and downs. Press on brothers and sisters. 

My Candidate

 The Presidential election is about a month away. The signs are everywhere. Political advertisements. Signs in yards and on fences. The line has been drawn in the sand. One debate is behind us. 

I did not watch the debate. I caught some highlights (or should I say lowlights) this morning. After watching several clips, I am glad I did not watch the debate. Are you telling me that is the best America has to put on stage? Three grown men shouting over each other, not exercising decorum,  statesmanship, politeness or the least respect for the others. Lies were spoken. Biased ran throughout. What little I viewed looked chaotic. It is what I expected. Nauseating. 

Biden has been in politics for 47 years. What does His record show? Trump has been in politics for almost four years. What does his record show? 

In one of the most critical times in our country, we have grown men acting like junior high students. I will be perfectly honest. I do not put my hope in Joe Biden for America. Nor do I put trust in Donald Trump for the future of the United States. 

If America is to ever become great again we must turn to my candidate. A true leader. A person with a true following. Someone who has integrity. A person of action. Someone who works with all kinds of people. An individual totally secure and with tough skin to withstand constant criticism. One with courage and conviction. A bold leader to get us back on track. 

Only my candidate will not be on the ballot at the polls. He is on the ballot of people's heart. If you have not already guessed, my candidate is Jesus Christ. He is a revolutionary. He is a Healer. He is a Redeemer. He unites. He rescues. He is the only hope for this sin infested nation. 

Andrae Crouch wrote these words. "Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other, Jesus is the way. Jesus is the answer for the world today." It will take more than a candidate from a political party to help this country. 

Truth be told I have zero confidence in people in Washington. They promise to look out of our best interests and quickly get sucked into voting to protect their self interests and careers over their constituents. Integrity is nearly extinct there. Corruption struts down the halls. 

Jesus if faithful. He is powerful. He is wise. He is a transformer. I desire Him to lead and rule this country. I long for people to wake up from Hollywood to the backwoods, from the Whitehouse to our house, from coast to coast, from the Big Apple to the apple orchards, from the swamps to the deserts, from the prairies to the hill country we need Jesus to turn the hearts of people back to Him. No man will ever fix this country. Jesus can. I choose Him. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Jesus Did Not Do Much With His Life

 I read those words shocked earlier this week. The partial quote is as follows. "Jesus, if He existed at all, never did much with His life...." I will give the full quote to start the Sunday morning message on Sept 27th. Everything in me revolted at that statement. Revolted. It angered me. It provoked me as I sure it is doing with some of you. Wait until you hear the full quote. 

If Jesus existed at all? It was through Him and His Father that all things came into being. John 1:3. Colossians 1:15. On top of that, historians agree that Jesus was a real teacher and philosopher at the very least. Bible believers trust He was the Son of God born to die for the transgressions of many. 

The statement that He never did much with his life is false. Let's examine it further. He did more in His birth than many do in their lives, fulfilling hundreds of Old Testament prophesies, giving hope to the people and glad tidings to all people for all times. In addition, there are the miracles. Healings. Deliverances. Mark 5 lists three powerful ones in succession. And on three occasions bringing three dead people back to life.  To go further, He left profound teachings that have impacted millions in history. He reached and loved the most unlovable people. He recruited and trained some men who spread His teachings around the world. He also transformed and continues to transform lives to this very day. Millions upon millions. He inspires. He champions people who have wrecked their lives. He loves the down and out as well as the up and on top. His influence cannot be calculated. 

If that were not enough, He died on a cross and rose again. Who else can make that claim after being in the tomb two full nights? He is alive today seated at the right hand of the Father. He today intercedes for His people. 

Oh, by the way, He did all of that in just three and a half years. Whoever wrote the quote that started this blog, unknown to me, has not had such a profound existence. None have. 

I state confidently Jesus did exist and His life made and is still making a profound difference around the world. He is a revolutionary. He is Head of the church, not the Pope. He is alive and still working today. He is still rescuing lives. He rescued me. For that reason I bow my knee and profess unashamedly He is my Lord and Master. I give my allegiance to Him. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

He Excelled In Prayer

 Leonard Ravenhill wrote these words about the powerful preacher George Fox, "Above all else he excelled in prayer." That would explain why William Penn could write that Fox lived nearer to God than other men. 

I have been a pastor for three decades. In that time there are two things I have seen Christians reluctant to give themselves to doing consistently. Evangelizing the lost. Prayer. Both are work. Satan hates both because they are like bombs dropped on the kingdom of darkness. 

If a person could excel in prayer, they would excel at many other things. Excelling in prayer means having God as your partner. God answering prayer ushers in impossibilities and improbabilities. To excel at prayer means to regularly behold the supernatural. It might include greater insight into people and situations that need ministry. It would make a person more effective. Affections for God and His work would increase. New strength would be gained. Fresh insight and inspiration would be gained. All of that from excelling in prayer. 

I think most would say they do just opposite from Fox. They fail at prayer. They struggle. They even neglect it. We all see the results of prayer-less churches, but muscle bound with programs. Programs have not ushered revival to the world. God has often used praying people to ignite revivals and Great Awakenings. 

The only way to excel in prayer is to pray. Not read about it. Not hear sermons about it or go through Bible studies on prayer. If you really want to excel in prayer, then pray. Pray much. Let God direct your praying. Pray about everything and worry about nothing. 

The fact that George Fox lived nearer to God than other people and excelled in prayer are remarkable statements. I wish those things could be said about all of us. Alas.... I fear we fall short. It is not too late. We can excel at paying by practicing praying. May the world see the fruit of those prayers and may God be glorified. 

Living Nearer

 William Penn wrote the following words about George Fox. "He knew and lived nearer to the Lord than other men." Could those same words be said about you and me? I want them to be. I want to know the Lord and not spend all my days just knowing about Him. 

What does it mean to live nearer to the Lord than others? For one thing, it means living to get more acquainted with Him. We need to spend so much time seeking Him that we become familiar with His voice and His ways. We  may grow increasingly out of step with the modern times as we keep step with our Lord. We should willingly forsake the company of other people in preference to keeping company with Jesus. 

Living nearer to Jesus will mean long sustained times alone with Him. Times when we give Him our undivided attention. Times when we linger long with Him in the secret place. Times when we lose track of reality around us in favor of the reality of His presence. We need to bask in His presence. We ought to enjoy Him. We should keep growing ever closer. 

Do we long for that? I fear many church people have no such interest. They are satisfied with far lesser blessings. 

God, I plead with You to draw us closer. To deepen our hunger for You. To increase our thirst for You. To renew our commitment to pursue You relentlessly. Please help us live ever nearer to You. Even if doing so makes us outcasts to others. You are the best and closest companion we could ever enjoy. May we expend our days in following hard after You. May we live nearer to You. Amen. 

Icicles From The Pulpit

 I don't know how many tens of thousands of sermons are delivered on any given Sunday. That is not what interests me. I am more interested in how many of those sermons are delivered with the fire and the power of the Holy Spirit on them. As Leonard Ravenhill wrote, the pulpit is not a shop window to display talent or education. We are not there to impress. We are there to proclaim. 

I have heard too many cold sermons leaving my soul icy and icicles on the pulpit. Where is the fire in preachers today? I hear many say they give talks. I don't know what all that entails. God called me to preach. To herald His word. To proclaim His truth. To do so not with persuasive words of human wisdom but with a demonstration of Holy Spirit power. 

God please replace fireless preachers and preaching. Eternity is at stake. When I sense lost men and women in the congregation, I agonize as I preach calling them to trust Jesus for salvation. It pains me when I feel I am not getting through to them. I know it is God who convicts and opens darkened and deceived hearts. It still bothers me when I preach a gospel message and nobody gets saved. It hurts. It grieves. It makes me cry out to God all the more. 

I do not want to preach icy sermons that chill the souls of the lost. I certainly do not want icicles hanging from the Spring Creek pulpit or any pulpit. So much hangs in the balance. Preaching is serious business. Preaching has God as its subject matter and His holy word as our text. These are serious times requiring serious minded preaching. We are not there to entertain nor tickle the ears of the listeners. We stand behind the sacred desk to proclaim the word of the Lord. May we do it with fire, passion and Holy Ghost anointing. 

10,000 miles

 I just read something that shocked me from a mundane Monday. So bewildered by the statement on printed page, I had to research further. What I discovered proved even more bewildering. There is a pastor in China whom they call "Pastor Bike." He rides his bike to visit people and share the gospel with other villages. 

In 1998 it was estimated that Pastor Bike cycled over 10,000 miles. Over 10,500 to be more precise. He rode to 24 different provinces. He got harassed and detained by police repeatedly, but that did not deter him. He is still working for Jesus today. 

He leads an average of 2-3 people to Jesus everyday! I did the math. Say he averaged 2.5 people a day. He wins over 912 people to Christ each year.  I am shamed. I have not led anyone to Jesus since June. It was reported he baptized hundreds last year. At Spring Creek we baptized 2 last year. Again I am shamed. 

Even in the midst of persecution, in a gospel closed country, Pastor Bike proves the gospel still works. Sadly, in America we talk a big game but how few give a verbal witness. I am convicted I do not do it nearly enough. May I repent and be a more zealous and faithful witness for Jesus. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

What Would Ravenhill Think Today

 While in college, I got introduced to an author who ignited something in me. He only wrote a few books, but they were powerful and hard hitting. Just what a young believer and a wet behind the ears Bible student needed. Leonard Ravenhill was a prophet, prayer warrior, revivalist and author. 

Since those early college days, I have read all of Ravenhill's books, most of them several times, as well as the over 700 page biography about him. I am currently rereading his classic book titled, Sodom Had No Bible. Typically, I only got into a few pages before something really rooted in my mind. 

Ravenhill quoted the famed Jonathan Edwards, who wrote God was under no obligation to anyone. Ravenhill followed that quote with these lines:

"What obligation has God to a people like us whose aggregate sin as a nation in one day is more than the sin of Sodom and her sister city Gomorrah, in one year? Sodom had no churches. Sodom had no Bibles. Sodom had no preachers. Sodom had no Bible schools. Sodom had no prayer meetings. Sodom had no gospel broadcasts. America today is only living by the mercy of God." Sodom Had No Bible, pp.27-28

He wrote those words in 1971. That was 49 years ago. What would Ravenhill think if he were alive today? He used to devote up to eight hours a day in prayer for revival. He died about 30 years ago. His was a prophetic voice in preaching and the printed page. He carried a large burden for America though he was born in England. 

He was right. Sodom had none of the advantages and blessings afforded to the United States. Let these statistics sober you. 

America has over 300,000 churches. What excuse can we ever give in light of God's judgment on Sodom who did not have a single church. 88% of American households own a Bible. The average household owns four Bibles. Sodom had no Bible. Not one. America has over 1,200 Bible colleges or institutions. Sodom had none. I could go on. Sodom had no preachers. America has hundreds of thousands. America has Christian literature in ample supply. Sodom had no Christian books. 

In America, we have aborted tens of millions of babies. In America, we have voted to legalize homosexual marriage, though it is an abomination in the eyes of God. We voted to outlaw prayer in school. We voted to legalize partial birth abortion. We are a nation where pedophilia is being legalized, transgenderism is prompted and pushed on helpless children, and where Bibles are burned and statues of Jesus defamed. How could we ever defend our actions before Holy Jehovah. How could we ever think God owes us anything. 

In a nation, where Black Lives Matters is the politically correct narrative, trumping John 3:16 where in the eyes of God all lives matter. He died for the people of the world. Even in the children's song, "Jesus Loves The Little Children", a child understands red, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight. Something the educated and ignorant alike keep missing. 

God is under no obligation to save or even defend America. He judged other nations before us. We are not exempt. 

Strangely I have hope. I think of the days in England during the lives of John and Charles Wesley. Things looked black, bleak and beyond hope. Those men prayed, preached and sang thunderous messages of repentance and God sent revival. 

Jonathan Edwards saw morality dip and spiritual apathy increase in Northampton during his ministry. He prayed fervently and God answered mightily with the sparks that turned into the First Great Awakening. Later, George Whitfield would take up the revival torch and saw many thousands converted. 

William and Catherine Booth saw moral decadence and the hopeless and lost people around them. They fearlessly took the gospel to the streets and saw revival and transformation happen. They founded the Salvation Army. 

In the darkest times, God has come through before. Perhaps He will do it once again in America. He is under no obligation to do so. He gave this country every advantage. We squandered His blessings, indulged in pleasure, entertainment and futile pursuits. We deserve everything happening, but I still plead for mercy. The prayers of Ravenhill still linger in the ears of God. May God turn this nation back to Him again. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

One Week Ago

 It was a week ago last Wednesday. Just an average ordinary day in every way. A day spent in prayer and study for our midweek service. I did a deep dive into part of the fourth chapter of Ephesians, as we make our way through that epistle on Wednesday nights. 

I left the office later that afternoon to get a workout out done before the service. I love Wednesdays for another reason. It is the day I get to reunite with Brenda. My schedule now is I stay in Weatherford Sunday night during the week before I go home with Brenda on Wednesday nights. We are making it work. Only last Wednesday night she did not make it. Taylor had last Thursday and Friday off so he drove me home.

Before that I taught a handful in person and several watching online. Just an ordinary night. It ended up in extraordinary fashion. Once the teaching ended and we spent time in prayer, I wanted to get on the road to get home to Brenda. I talked to several people and just as I gathered my stuff to walk out the doors before they locked up, a man handed me an envelope with my name and Brenda's handwritten on it. I put it in my back pocket after saying goodbye to everyone. Taylor and I loaded his truck and we headed for Runaway Bay, TX about an hour drive from the church parking lot. 

I forgot all about that envelope until I arrived back home and hugged Brenda. I handed the still sealed envelope to her. At first, she stood there in stunned silence. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and then looked back to the contents of the envelope. It seemed like she reacted more strongly after the second look. I think on the second look she really discovered the contents of the envelope. A check for $2,000!

When she told me I recounted how I had been praying for a specific dollar amount. $2,700 to be exact for several weeks. We owed that much on Tanner's last semester at college. He could not enroll unless we scrounged it together. We scraped all we had to pay his bill. It disheartened us because that was all and more than we had put back. I asked God to restore it. That $2,000 gift was a significant answer to prayer for which Brenda and I praise and glorify God. 

I don't know how many times God does something miraculous like this for us. One week ago looked like a very ordinary day. God once again moved in an extraordinary way. To Him be glory now and forever.