Thursday, September 24, 2020

Jesus Did Not Do Much With His Life

 I read those words shocked earlier this week. The partial quote is as follows. "Jesus, if He existed at all, never did much with His life...." I will give the full quote to start the Sunday morning message on Sept 27th. Everything in me revolted at that statement. Revolted. It angered me. It provoked me as I sure it is doing with some of you. Wait until you hear the full quote. 

If Jesus existed at all? It was through Him and His Father that all things came into being. John 1:3. Colossians 1:15. On top of that, historians agree that Jesus was a real teacher and philosopher at the very least. Bible believers trust He was the Son of God born to die for the transgressions of many. 

The statement that He never did much with his life is false. Let's examine it further. He did more in His birth than many do in their lives, fulfilling hundreds of Old Testament prophesies, giving hope to the people and glad tidings to all people for all times. In addition, there are the miracles. Healings. Deliverances. Mark 5 lists three powerful ones in succession. And on three occasions bringing three dead people back to life.  To go further, He left profound teachings that have impacted millions in history. He reached and loved the most unlovable people. He recruited and trained some men who spread His teachings around the world. He also transformed and continues to transform lives to this very day. Millions upon millions. He inspires. He champions people who have wrecked their lives. He loves the down and out as well as the up and on top. His influence cannot be calculated. 

If that were not enough, He died on a cross and rose again. Who else can make that claim after being in the tomb two full nights? He is alive today seated at the right hand of the Father. He today intercedes for His people. 

Oh, by the way, He did all of that in just three and a half years. Whoever wrote the quote that started this blog, unknown to me, has not had such a profound existence. None have. 

I state confidently Jesus did exist and His life made and is still making a profound difference around the world. He is a revolutionary. He is Head of the church, not the Pope. He is alive and still working today. He is still rescuing lives. He rescued me. For that reason I bow my knee and profess unashamedly He is my Lord and Master. I give my allegiance to Him. 

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