Monday, September 14, 2020

He Excelled In Prayer

 Leonard Ravenhill wrote these words about the powerful preacher George Fox, "Above all else he excelled in prayer." That would explain why William Penn could write that Fox lived nearer to God than other men. 

I have been a pastor for three decades. In that time there are two things I have seen Christians reluctant to give themselves to doing consistently. Evangelizing the lost. Prayer. Both are work. Satan hates both because they are like bombs dropped on the kingdom of darkness. 

If a person could excel in prayer, they would excel at many other things. Excelling in prayer means having God as your partner. God answering prayer ushers in impossibilities and improbabilities. To excel at prayer means to regularly behold the supernatural. It might include greater insight into people and situations that need ministry. It would make a person more effective. Affections for God and His work would increase. New strength would be gained. Fresh insight and inspiration would be gained. All of that from excelling in prayer. 

I think most would say they do just opposite from Fox. They fail at prayer. They struggle. They even neglect it. We all see the results of prayer-less churches, but muscle bound with programs. Programs have not ushered revival to the world. God has often used praying people to ignite revivals and Great Awakenings. 

The only way to excel in prayer is to pray. Not read about it. Not hear sermons about it or go through Bible studies on prayer. If you really want to excel in prayer, then pray. Pray much. Let God direct your praying. Pray about everything and worry about nothing. 

The fact that George Fox lived nearer to God than other people and excelled in prayer are remarkable statements. I wish those things could be said about all of us. Alas.... I fear we fall short. It is not too late. We can excel at paying by practicing praying. May the world see the fruit of those prayers and may God be glorified. 

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