Thursday, September 3, 2020

What Would Ravenhill Think Today

 While in college, I got introduced to an author who ignited something in me. He only wrote a few books, but they were powerful and hard hitting. Just what a young believer and a wet behind the ears Bible student needed. Leonard Ravenhill was a prophet, prayer warrior, revivalist and author. 

Since those early college days, I have read all of Ravenhill's books, most of them several times, as well as the over 700 page biography about him. I am currently rereading his classic book titled, Sodom Had No Bible. Typically, I only got into a few pages before something really rooted in my mind. 

Ravenhill quoted the famed Jonathan Edwards, who wrote God was under no obligation to anyone. Ravenhill followed that quote with these lines:

"What obligation has God to a people like us whose aggregate sin as a nation in one day is more than the sin of Sodom and her sister city Gomorrah, in one year? Sodom had no churches. Sodom had no Bibles. Sodom had no preachers. Sodom had no Bible schools. Sodom had no prayer meetings. Sodom had no gospel broadcasts. America today is only living by the mercy of God." Sodom Had No Bible, pp.27-28

He wrote those words in 1971. That was 49 years ago. What would Ravenhill think if he were alive today? He used to devote up to eight hours a day in prayer for revival. He died about 30 years ago. His was a prophetic voice in preaching and the printed page. He carried a large burden for America though he was born in England. 

He was right. Sodom had none of the advantages and blessings afforded to the United States. Let these statistics sober you. 

America has over 300,000 churches. What excuse can we ever give in light of God's judgment on Sodom who did not have a single church. 88% of American households own a Bible. The average household owns four Bibles. Sodom had no Bible. Not one. America has over 1,200 Bible colleges or institutions. Sodom had none. I could go on. Sodom had no preachers. America has hundreds of thousands. America has Christian literature in ample supply. Sodom had no Christian books. 

In America, we have aborted tens of millions of babies. In America, we have voted to legalize homosexual marriage, though it is an abomination in the eyes of God. We voted to outlaw prayer in school. We voted to legalize partial birth abortion. We are a nation where pedophilia is being legalized, transgenderism is prompted and pushed on helpless children, and where Bibles are burned and statues of Jesus defamed. How could we ever defend our actions before Holy Jehovah. How could we ever think God owes us anything. 

In a nation, where Black Lives Matters is the politically correct narrative, trumping John 3:16 where in the eyes of God all lives matter. He died for the people of the world. Even in the children's song, "Jesus Loves The Little Children", a child understands red, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight. Something the educated and ignorant alike keep missing. 

God is under no obligation to save or even defend America. He judged other nations before us. We are not exempt. 

Strangely I have hope. I think of the days in England during the lives of John and Charles Wesley. Things looked black, bleak and beyond hope. Those men prayed, preached and sang thunderous messages of repentance and God sent revival. 

Jonathan Edwards saw morality dip and spiritual apathy increase in Northampton during his ministry. He prayed fervently and God answered mightily with the sparks that turned into the First Great Awakening. Later, George Whitfield would take up the revival torch and saw many thousands converted. 

William and Catherine Booth saw moral decadence and the hopeless and lost people around them. They fearlessly took the gospel to the streets and saw revival and transformation happen. They founded the Salvation Army. 

In the darkest times, God has come through before. Perhaps He will do it once again in America. He is under no obligation to do so. He gave this country every advantage. We squandered His blessings, indulged in pleasure, entertainment and futile pursuits. We deserve everything happening, but I still plead for mercy. The prayers of Ravenhill still linger in the ears of God. May God turn this nation back to Him again. 

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