Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 It has been a tough season for my youngest son Turner during football. He started out fall camp with straining his groin. This was followed by a severe dehydration and cramping episode lasting for two hours. I had to physically carry him to the truck. He suffered a strain in his surgically repaired knee in the first scrimmage. He jammed a finer in practice. Last Friday night he got a concussion during the game. 

My son amazes me. He showed me a picture of the title of this blog from his cell phone weeks ago. I could not make out what it meant. He explained it to me. God is greater than life's ups and downs. That is easy to write and say when everything is going well for you. When you are facing adversity on top of other adversities, saying that means more. It carries more weight when you are declaring that in life's down moments. Turner now has two t-shirts with that message on both. Brenda and I both got shirts with that same message. GOD IS GREATER THAN LIFE'S UPS AND DOWNS!

A message definitely needed in 2020. I remember when people rang in the new year with all their hopes and dreams. Who knew what trials we would face. A pandemic. Churches shut down. Business closed. Fear. A run on toilet paper. Masks. Riots. A year like I have never experienced in my 54 years on this planet. 

God is greater. He is greater than Corona Virus. He is greater than ANTIFA. He is greater than BLM. He is greater than all our fears. He is greater than any political party or candidate. He is greater than a struggling economy. He is grater than racial division. He is greater than censorship of truth. He is greater than all anxieties. He is greater than life's down moments. 

He is greater than stock market gains. He is greater than health. He is greater than prosperity. He is greater than sports. He is greater than anything Hollywood can put out. He is greater than championships. He is greater than anything this world has to offer. 

Once again, I'm indebted to my youngest son. Turner has an optimistic attitude. He deals with adversity in a way that inspires me. I am thankful for His example. I am also thankful for the message that God is greater than life's up and downs. Press on brothers and sisters. 

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