Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Draw Near

 Abraham had many encounters with God. He is one of the more famous characters in the Bible. I bet there is one encounter you have not thought about in awhile. An encounter where Abraham drew near to God. He came closer approaching God. You read about that encounter in Genesis 18:16-33. Read carefully or you might just miss it.

Do we desire to draw nearer to God? God revealed something very unsettling to Abraham. Something so startling it motivated Abraham to intercede fervently. 

Do we really want God to reveal His intentions? For our lives, our families, our churches and our country? They say ignorance is bliss. Sometimes it is better not knowing. Information and truth can upset the apple cart. Not knowing can be a blessing. It can also be a curse. To hear and receive truth as warnings to repent and return to the Lord are vital to our survival. Often these warnings are both ignored and flat out rejected. 

Do we dare draw near? We are commanded to do so.

Hebrews 4:15-16 (NASB)
15  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
16  Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

 James 4:7-8 (NASB)

7  Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
8  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Draw near to God. Come closer to Him. Approach Him more frequently. He has given us permission through the blood of Jesus to come before the throne of grace with confidence. He invites us to draw near to find help and grace in our times of need. 

That is not all. When we make the effort to draw near to Him, He draws closer to us. Imagine the implications in prayer, private devotions and worship. God is looking to encounter His people as they seek Him and desire to come closer. He is coming toward us faster than we ever approach Him. 

When we do come closer and God comes to meet us, He will reveal sin. He will demand repentance. Some people prefer their sin over having closer communion with their Creator. Nor do they want God to ask them to do something. They refuse to accept His assignments by ignoring Him. They attend religious gatherings but worship from afar. They have deaf ears and petrified hearts. 

God is looking for the curious people who want to investigate Him further. He is looking for those who relentlessly pursue Him. God desires to draw near to those who are following hard after Him. If yo feel distant from God, cold, indifferent, apathetic, lukewarm, the problem could be you are not drawing near. 

What is it that God revealed to Abraham in Genesis 18:16-33? That the sin of Sodom had reached Him and judgment was near. Abraham immediately started asking God to preserve the city if there were 50 righteous. Eventually he prayed for God to spare the city if there were only 10 righteous in it. Most of us know the rest of the story. A very sad indictment on Sodom. 

We must draw near. We may not understand the full implications of what that will mean. Some person will draw near and God will call them to missions like He did with a young lady named Jackie Pullinger. Jackie has served in Hong Kong for over 50 years. Others will draw near, and God will share a burden with them they must carry in prayer. He will call them to intercede like He did with Rees Howells. Some might be convicted of some secret sin and called to repentance. He has done that with many. Sickening lukewarmness may be identified and called out. God draws near to His people to call them to holiness. [I Pet 1:15-16]

We must draw near in private devotions. Like the man I spoke to yesterday who is voraciously reading the Bible having completed the books of James, I Peter and is now working his way through Ecclesiastes and Hebrews all in less than two weeks. He is hungry to draw near to God. We must draw near in corporate worship so that we have real encounters with the living God and experience Him in fresh ways. The enthusiasm will spread like we experienced at Spring Creek this past Sunday morning. 

We must expend our energy in drawing near to Him. There is no other pursuit that compares. You will get to know God as you draw increasingly nearer to Him. You will not be able to remain the same. Maybe that is what scares people away. It should be what compels us to draw nearer. So that He transforms us for His purposes and glory.  Make it your aim to draw nearer, to grow closer, to follow hard after Him. He is what we need most. He desires to draw nearer to us more than we will ever desire to draw nearer to Him. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Sleepless Nights

 For the second night in a row I cannot sleep. The clock is nearing the 1:30 am mark as I type this. Last night I did not go to sleep until after 2:00 am. I know a person who struggles with insomnia. It is miserable to need sleep but be able to find it. God designed us to need sleep. We cannot function without it. I believe it is just one more reminder God built into our lives to remind us we are not almighty. That is reserved for Him. 

Sleepless nights can be dangerous. Temptations abound. In the dark shadows of the night, sin crouches at the door. Some television programming turns really raunchy in the night. Sexual perversion is promoted. Satanic agendas can fill the heart and mind. 

People may not be able to help the fact that they cannot sleep. They can help what they choose to do with that time. I can't sleep because I went to bed at 6:30 pm earlier tonight and awakened around 10:30 pm. Rather than toss and turn I got up so as not to disturb Brenda. 

There is a story about a rich and powerful man who could not sleep one night. He walked outside to get some fresh air from his pent house view. From his high perch, he saw a drop dead gorgeous woman walking around nude in the privacy of her residence below. That glance turned into a gaze. The gaze burned lustful desires. That tycoon did not stop with the lustful thoughts. He acted on them, even though he was married and had children. He wielded his power and connections to have a one night fling with that attractive woman. She was an all too willing participant even though she was married too. 

You may have already guessed that rich and powerful man was King David. The Bible reports that at a time when kings went out to war David stayed behind. He could not sleep and went to the roof of his palace where he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. He desired her, even though he had multiple wives and concubines. He gave into sexual temptation for a night of passion and pleasure. That sleepless night cost David more than he could ever imagine. 

You know the story. Bathsheba got pregnant. David tried to cover his tracks and eventually set up her husband to be killed in battle. He eventually married Bathsheba and nobody was the wiser. That is until God revealed the sin to Nathan the prophet. Nathan confronted David. David repented. God spoke the consequences. The sword would never depart from David's own house. A son raped his sister. Another son killed his rapist brother. The murderous son rose up to take the throne from his father causing David to flee. All because of a sleepless night and the decision to give into temptation. 

We must be careful what we do with our sleepless nights. I have chosen to write and watch the Tour De France at the same time. To use the sleepless night productively. To be on guard against the wicked schemes of Satan. Let us resolve to use our sleepless nights productively for the glory of God.  

No Pain No Gain

 Most people would prefer to live pain free lives. They want the path of least resistance. They will go out of the way to avoid pain. These are the people who will seldom opt to take the stairs rather than the elevator. They shy away from the challenges of life. 

There are others who know pain is good. Let me explain. Pain can identify there is a problem. I put my hand on a hot burner accidentally as a child. The immediate painful sensation warned my brain to remove my hand quickly. Pain can identify when there is a medical issue that needs to be addressed. Pain in a joint may meant something is strained or torn. It can also mean an autoimmune disease like arthritis. In such cases, pain can lead us to medical treatment. 

Pain and stress can also serve to strengthen muscles. I have been into weight training for over 40 years. I love the feeling of pushing muscles to strain under the pressure of weight resistance. Lifting heavier weights stresses deep tissue muscles. Lighter weights with higher repetition produces a different kind of burn. It was  in a weightlifting magazine where I first saw the phrase, "No pain no gain." The pain and burn of the muscles straining produces strength and mass. In this case, pain is a good thing. 

There is another kind of pain. The kind a track athlete experiences as they run to increase speed and endurance. The more they run the more the lungs are taxed and increases in capacity to handle the hard work. A marathon runner works to increase endurance in legs and lungs to run over 26 miles. Pain can produce endurance.

There is another good benefit of pain. When the pain of sacrifice produces good that benefits others. Like a person donating an organ. Like a soldier sacrificing the American dream to fight for freedom and to defend the republic. No greater sacrifice has even been made than Jesus sacrificing His life so sinners could be saved. His pain bought our eternal gain. 

It has been my experience that in the painful seasons of life God has grown me the most. I have leaned into Him more during those times than times of relative ease. I have found Him both faithful and sufficient during the hard times. 

There has been a lot of pain during a multi-decade ministry. There have been dark days. More than that, there have been dark years. The pain of broken hearts, shattered faith, crushed dreams, and the gloom of despair nearly overcame. In those trying times, God used the pain to help me plant deeper roots in Him. He helped me to understand those who suffer all around me. My pain helped to relate better to their pain. That helped me to gain insights into His word and to preach with more compassion. I don't think those things would have happened to the degree they have without the pain. 

Life is filled with pain. When we experience it, our focus usually becomes how can we get out of it as quickly as possible. Shouldn't we learn to gain from our pain. I have said this before. God does not waste pain. He uses pain in our lives. 

The failure of two church plants taught me valuable lessons that I use today in a growing church. The pain of the deaths of my grandfather, sister, and mother taught me have compassion for those grieving over loved ones. Personal bouts with depression have taught me that things are not as bleak as they might seem and cling to future hope. I fight to share that hope with others gripped in the vice of depression. The pain of fatigue and defeat have taught me to get back up and persevere. Not to give up.

I cannot fathom the pain you may be enduring. Some live in constant chronic pain. There is never real relief. There are just days when the pain is more manageable than others. There is the pain of parents praying for prodigal children. The pain of watching a child rip your heart to shreds while destroying their own lives at the same time is suffocating. There is the pain of broken relationships as marriages end in divorce and friends part ways. There is also the financial pain of having too many bills and not enough money to pay them. The pain of stress mounts when financial set backs dig a deeper hole you cannot climb out of. Then, there is the pain of disappointment and disillusionment. 

In all of these, God can use the pain to produce something good. When people suffer in disease and yet still find joy in Jesus, it makes Jesus shine all the brighter against the darkness of their pain. When a person keeps getting up after getting knocked down time and again, God can use that perseverance to inspire others like He did in the lives of Amy Carmichael, Lottie Moon, Charles Spurgeon and David Brainerd. He uses the pain of stressful situations to grow the muscle of our faith in prayer to overcome. 

In closing, I challenge you to seek God's purpose in your pain. Seek how He might use that pain to grow you. Constantly remind yourself there could be gain in your pain. 


 I remember getting a haircut on this day 30 years ago. Funny the little things you remember. I still remember that little shop in Fort Worth off University Drive. All these years later I went and got my hair cut today. I keep it a lot shorter than I did way back then. Why would I remember a hair cut 30 years ago. 

30 years ago I recall the lady cutting my hair asking me, "What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" She snapped to attention when I replied, "I'm getting married today." She manicured my hair with the utmost care. Excitedly I talked about Brenda and our upcoming marriage. 

It is strange when I look back on it. All my groomsman left my little duplex earlier leaving me all alone. I ate breakfast alone. I got my hair cut alone. I waited to drive over to the church alone. I made my way from Fort Worth across town to the FBC of Hurst. I dressed in my tuxedo which I failed to try on beforehand. The pants were too short. I didn't care. Brenda was soon to become my wife. 

The bridesmaids and groomsmen took a few pictures before the ceremony. I laughed with my buddies. I saw students and their parents from Spring Creek Baptist Church in attendance, where I recently had been called to serve as student pastor. How blessed am I that 30 years later I am not the pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church having the time of my life.

Then the ceremony began. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked in arm in arm. There were Brenda's friends and her sister. There were my college buddies and a mentor. I stood at the center down front when the preacher asked everyone to rise. She walked through the doors in that white dress looking absolutely stunning. In that moment, the full weight of the covenant of marriage hit me. I knew then it was for real and forever. There would be no breakups. No divorce. I had lost her for over a year during our senior year of college. God graciously brought her back to me. I could not take my eyes off her as she walked down the aisle with her father. We joined hands and her radiant smile captivated me as it still does 30 years later.  A friend sang the song Virtuous Woman while strumming the chords of his guitar. That moment is deeply etched in my memory. There were other songs, the preachers said their pieces, we partook of communion together and then we exchanged vows. We opted for the traditional wedding vows. Till death do us part. 

When I think back on that day 30 years ago I remember staring deeply into her milk chocolate eyes. I forgot about all else and all the people in attendance. It was just she and I standing before God uniting our hearts and lives in covenant marriage. Eventually the preacher pronounced us man and wife and told me I could kiss my bride. I dove in unreservedly while she felt embarrassed. She has never been one wanting to be in the spotlight. I am sure she hated being the center of attention that day. I radiated like a shooting star because of her. I was am still am a big old lump of clay. She is a radiant diamond. 

In these past 30 years, we have laughed a lot, cried some, rejoiced to see numerous people saved, been caught up in genuine revival, had our hearts broken, been blessed over and over again through loving generous people, and had our quiver filled with four sons who are now grown men. 

Brenda has believed in me when I did not believe in myself. She still tells me I am a great preacher, though I do not believe it. She did not give up when church after church turned us down when we needed a new place to serve. She waited patiently with me until God opened that door. She prayed with me through the long dark night of my soul. She has put up with teasing, fits of anger, stubborn pride, bouts with depression, and youthful zeal and passion. 

That brown haired brown eyed beauty stole my heart back on the campus of Howard Payne University. Until I met her, I never knew a girl could be so beautiful and love Jesus so much. When she told me about her salvation and devotion, I fell head over heels. I an still there today. 

We still walk hand in hand in public. We still flirt with each other. We leave little notes with the letters SHMILY all over the place. They are placed in drawers, on mirrors, in shoes, on steering wheels, inside pockets and on her coffee maker. That stands for "see how much I love you." I noticed recently there are still some hanging around the house. I love her more than I can put into words. 

Even as I write this, I am preparing to go home to see my brown haired and brown eyed beauty for another date night after we get off work. Just the two of us. I rise up today and call Brenda blessed. She is a virtuous woman. She is my dream girl. I thank God she is my girl. My best friend. My soul mate. My help mate. My confidante. My closest companion. My wife. My ministry partner. Her gifts and temperate compliment me. She is God's best for me. I treasure her more today than I did on this day 30 years ago. 

Her children rise up and bless her, her husband also, and he praises her saying, "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all."  Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:28-30

One Year Ago

One year ago today Brenda and I slipped away from the rest of the family for a date night. We drove to a local restaurant, found an isolated booth to enjoy some time together. Life gets busy. Life in ministry can get even busier. It was important for us to get away for a little while. It still is. We are going to have a date night later tonight. We have enjoyed many date nights. Most of them I cannot remember the details. 

I remember that night in detail a year ago. I wrote shorts, a polo shirt and sandals. Brenda looked ravishing. Stunning as usual. I remember what I ordered for dinner, I remember some of our conversation. I remember something else vividly. It was during the meal of chicken fried steak, baked potato and fried mushrooms that I started coughing. A little cough at first. It progressed as the evening wore on. I thought little of it. 

The cough persisted and intensified. To the point I could not sleep. Two days later I went to get tested and found out I had the Corona virus. Brenda and I spent the next 14 days together in quarantine. The cough kept me all night. No medication brought much relief. I took prescription cough syrup, some over the counter stuff, popped cough drops like candy, and drank hot tea mixed with honey. I coughed so violently at times I could barely breathe. 

I stayed up all hours of the night until I finally passed out from sheer exhaustion night after night. I managed better during the day than at night. As soon as my head touched the pillow the coughing fits made me get up and sit in a recliner. I watched television and coughed until my eyes grew bleary. 

Brenda and I watched old classic movies and romantic movies during those 14 days. I also experienced some shortness of breath. As bad as all that was, the time with Brenda I treasure to this day. She never exhibited any symptoms. She stayed by my side, bravely slept in the same bed, and took great care of me. Those were some of the sweetest days of our marriage. 

Sometimes we did not say anything but just enjoyed being in the same room together. Her on her tablet and me reading, dozing, and watching television. It is hard to believe all that has transpired in the past 365 days. Through all of it God has been faithful. 

He saw me through sleepless nights. Nights when I flipped through television channel after channel trying to take my mind off the incessant coughing. Ironically, last night I could not sleep. I tossed and turned and finally got up a little after midnight to watch television. Something I have not done since this time last year. I came across some of the same material I watched a year before. That prompted the reminder that it had been a year since I got sick. 

God blessed the time Brenda and I shared. She took great care of me. She cooked some wonderful meals. Unlike many who came down with the virus, I did not lose my sense of smell or taste. She made a fantastic salad and other savory dishes nursing me back to health. 

I grew stir crazy after a week and got out to take a little walk. I intended to walk around the block. I had no idea how much the virus affected my breathing and energy. On that little walk I had to stop and sit three different times. I even wondered if I had the strength to make it back home. I did not have my phone and trusted God to get me back. Slowly, step by step I managed to stroll back to the house at a snail's pace. 

The cough lingered for months, especially when I preached or taught. It annoyed me greatly. Looking back it is hard to believe it has been a year.

In that time, the church has grown, our youngest son graduated from high school, other sons have had profound encounters with the living God. God has sustained me. He has met with me. He has walked with me through the hard times and ushered in triumphant days as well. He provided five vehicles in a month's span back between Thanksgiving and the first of the New Year. Through it all, God has been faithful. What He has done and continues to do for me and my family, I am confident He will also do for you. 

God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. I Cor 1:9

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Long Journey Home

 We pulled out of the camp parking lot at 6:15 a.m. for the long journey back to Weatherford, TX. I knew it would be long day. We drove across the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and finally Texas to get home. We saw the sun come up on a bus and watched it go down again still on a bus. 

We watched some terrible movies to pass the time. Bored, I stared out the window or tried to sleep. I could not get into reading and did not have enough room to operate the laptop. The miles passed slowly. The thing that I kept focusing on was, that with every passing mile I was getting closer to a reunion with Brenda. 

The girls bus broke down 30 miles from the Texas state border. I had anxiously been looking for that lone star flag signaling we were nearing home. We had to wait over an hour to get it repaired and were fortunate it only took an hour. 

Finally, at 11:15 p.m. we rolled into the Northside Parking lot. It would be close to midnight when we actually got back home. We traveled about 18 hours that day in all, including stops for breakfast and a late lunch. I sure was glad to be back home. Looking back on it now, the long journey was worth to the reunion waiting on the other end. 

Brenda asked what I wanted to do on Saturday. My only comment was I just wanted to be with her doing anything she wanted. 

It strikes me that bus ride reminds me of our earthly pilgrimage. Christians are trying to get home. Home for a child of God ultimately is Heaven. On our paths there are some long hard stretches. There are obstacles to be overcome. There are setbacks we must tackle. Day by day over the course of a lifetime we are on the long journey to our eternal home. 

Thinking about that can help us press through the tough stretches. Just like thinking about getting to be with Brenda helped me on the long bus ride. Only when we get to Heaven, we will get to actually see Jesus. We will get to see the One who saved us by His grace. We will behold our King of Kings. We will gaze upon the Lamb of God. O what a day, what a glorious day that will be. 

The group Mercy Me sang a song titled, I Can Only Imagine. The song is about what it will be like when we first get to Heaven and our reaction. I have thought about that a lot. I think my first reaction will be to fall on my face and worship in gratitude. Just getting to be with Jesus and caught up in worship of Him will be enough. 

There are many sorrows, stumping of the toes, stumbles and sad tales on the way to Heaven. The Christian does not have a troubled and pain free journey. There are multiple battle scars. Many aches and pains in these temporary bodies as they age. There are some extremely joy filled moments like marriage and the birth of children and grandchildren. There are also some gut wrenching moments like divorce, death, and watching loved ones depart from the faith. 

It is not a journey for the faint of heart. It can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. It is important that we keep our minds focused on getting home. One day when the roll is called up yonder they will call the names of children of God who have been saved and sanctified through the blood of the Lamb. Those who have been washed in the blood will get home. The older I get the more I yearn for that home. 

We are somewhere on that long bus ride journey we call life. Young and old. Healthy and sick. Merry hearted or mourning. We are all on that long journey home. Soon and very soon we will get there and see our King Jesus. Press on. Don't lose heart now. Home could be just one heartbeat away. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fill Every Crevice

 People drive from all over the nation to come to the beaches in Florida. They love the white sandy beaches. The emerald green water. The sunshine, though it has rained a great deal this week with more forecasted for this afternoon. Some prefer the beach life. A life of shorts, tank tops, swim suits and flip flops. 

Personally, I am not a fan of the beach. It mainly has to do with the sand. It gets everywhere. The camp has outdoor showers to wash the sand off. It still gets everywhere. In the cabins. In the chapel. In the cafeteria. I have even wiped grains of sand off this computer. 

Right after recreation a young guy named Phillip came up to me caked in sand. Someone put him up to hugging me. Not only did he hug me, he gave me a 360 degree around the body hug. He left after getting into the water and then rolling in the sand to come hug me a second time. He did this three more times. I smiled and laughed it off. Inside I hated the grit of the sand on my body. I could not wait to shower to get it off me. 

I had a far different attitude and prayer in worship last night. Ross King and his family took the lead for us in powerful soul gripping worship. I asked God to come and fill every crevice of my being with more of Himself. To permeate every crack. To fill every thought. To consume all my passion. To get into the dark hidden places. To fill every crevice of my being. 

Seems to me that should be all of our desires. Some do not want that. They try to keep God at arm's length, as if that were even possible. They masquerade pretending. God will not be put off. 

He, like the sand, will find a way to get into our sin riddled hearts. He will convict, He will chastise His children. He will relentlessly pursue our sanctification. He will draw near to us. He will penetrate our petrified hearts. He convicts lost people. He leads people to repentance. He draws them to salvation.

As a follower of Jesus, do you really want Him to fill every crevice. You will be like a man I talked to recently who told me about looking for joy in the destination of alcohol, before he finally discovered that true joy is found in a relationship with God. God will root out sin. He will uncover secret sins to be repented from and lead people into freedom. He will continually refine us for His purposes. 

That process scares some people away. They prefer the half committed hypocritical way over the lifestyle of holiness. God desires to fill every crevice of our beings with Himself because He knows we were created to commune with Him. He is what is best for us. He is the absolute best. Many waste their lives in futile pursuits of lesser things. Lesser things never satisfy in the long run. 

I want more of God. To know Him more. To love Him more. To serve Him better. I want Him to fill every crevice. What do you want from Him?

Double Reds

 Panama City Beach, FL operates on a flag system at the beach. Each flag represents something about ocean conditions. Yellow flags means the water is safe for swimmers. A purple flag means there is marine life in the water. Typically this means jelly fish. It could also mean sharks in the area. A red flag means the rip currents make swimming hazardous. Double red flags means the beach is closed and nobody is to enter the water. 

We awoke to double red flags the last two mornings. Campers were allowed on the sand at the beach but not to go into the water. 

I have come to this camp many times dating all the way back to 2006. I have preached here numerous times. I have seen double red flags on just about every one of those trips. It is sad for campers to drive all these miles to play in the ocean but not be allowed to do so because of surf conditions. City officials are not trying to take away joy and fun. They are trying to keep people safe. 

I saw a familiar scene yesterday. A helicopter kept flying up and down the beach. That usually means they are looking for someone. Sure enough a 37 year old woman from Memphis, TN did not heed the double red flag warnings. She swam and got caught in the rip currents. They had to rescue her, but could not save her. She died at the hospital. We think she was vacationing. 

Jesus offers a double red flag warning about eternity. "And inasmuch as it is appointed for man to die once and after this comes the judgment." [Heb 9:27] People ignore this warning just like swimmers ignore the double red flags. They ignore the warning about eternity. Some wait too late. 

Sherriff deputies congregated where they recovered the woman. Later that day a plane flew dragging a huge banner behind it warning people of the rip tides and telling them to stay on shore. Even after going to those great lengths, people drown here every year because they will not heed the warning. 

This post is one more double flag warning for people all over the world. Life is short. Eternity is long. All sin and fall short of God's glory. The price for sin is death. Physical and spiritual death. Hell is hot and many suffer there. Hear their double red flag warning to listen and not suffer the same fate they suffer. 

Jesus willingly died to make a way of escape from hell. He died so sinners could be forgiven. He took the punishments sinners rightly deserved in our place. He offers salvation as a gift. In return, He demands allegiance, love and service. The reward is eternal life. This is a no brainer. Millions should be flocking to meet Jesus. 

Sadly, pews remain open. Baptistries are dry. Converts are few. 

Sinner, I warn you. Swim through life without Jesus at your own risk. There is appointed day for your end. A date and moment fixed on the calendar when your life will cease. If you are fortunate, you will see that day coming and have time to prepare. Many are not afforded that opportunity. Like three wrestlers from Wayland Baptist University who all died in a car accident last week. Like a 37 year old woman who refused to observe the double red flag warning choosing to swim in the gulf in hazardous condition. That one simple and foolish choice cost her life. 

Sinners you have been warned. I pray and plead that you will listen this time before it is too late. 

Never Outmatched

 Everybody has something. Some battle they are facing. Some trial they are enduring. Some problem they are trying to work through. Some burden they carry. A sorrow they cannot move past. Everybody has something. Maybe you are facing relational problems. Perhaps you know the sting from a prodigal child or grandchild.  What is your something?

It may be really big. Mountain like and seemingly immovable. The shadow alone may cause you to tremble and fills your heart with dismay. 

In such moments our adversary, the Devil, loves to pounce on the weak. Such people are easy prey. They are vulnerable, weary, and helpless. Like sheep. In such a condition the tempter comes. He offers tantalizing options to escape and cope. He pounces to devour. These options are lies. They never fulfill what they promise. They only lead further down the road to misery and condemnation. 

Jesus is never outmatched by the Devil. He defeated him when tempted. He defeated him on the cross. He delivered a knockout blow in the resurrection. That same resurrection power lives in Christians. 

"That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death in order that I may attain the resurrection from the dead." [Phil 3:10-11]

If people devoted themselves to knowing God, I mean really getting more and more acquainted with Him and His attributes, they would know for certain He has never nor will ever be outmatched by Satan. He will never be outmatched by problems and heartaches. He will never be outmatched by anyone or anything. He is undefeated. His power, resurrection power resides in the child of God. He resides in us to help us overcome, persevere, endure, press on, and triumph. 

Don't misunderstand. That does not mean the child of God may not have to suffer. If Jesus suffered the cruel cross, why should we mind a little suffering in our own lives. Suffering comes in different shapes and sizes. Suffering may come to the righteous and the unrighteous. 

The righteous remember that Jesus has never been outmatched. The worst suffering Satan can throw at believers is death. Through Jesus death is swallowed up in victory! [I Cor 15:54] Hallelujah. With Jesus there has never been a David verses Goliath moment when He was outsized, out experienced, and outmatched. Jesus is our champion. Undefeated champion. Satan challenged Him in Heaven and was quickly defeated and cast down to hell along with his demon co-conspirators. 

That is good news. It is not the best news. For awhile it may appear Satan is winning. He will rule and terrorize in the end days. Jesus will allow it. When the Father says, "Now," the Son of God will return on a white horse, with a sword in His hand and fire in His eyes to judge. Satan will be forever defeated along with his followers. [Rev 19:11-16] Jesus is not outmatched. He is and will ever be victorious.

Be encouraged suffering saints. Your Savior is not outmatched or outwitted. He can help you. He will help you. He is heavily invested in you. [Phil 1:6]  Hold your head high and do not walk in defeat. Your King and champion is never outmatched by anything you face. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

He Buried His Head on My Chest

 Tonight was powerful in worship. One of the other female sponsors felt burdened to come and pray in the chapel before the service. It was a privilege to join them. That set the tone for the whole service. 

Sam preached a gospel message. He shared his own testimony of a life in alcohol and drugs chasing the dream of being a professional musician. Eventually Jesus saved him when a guy invited him to a Christian fish fry. He followed that with attending a church service the next Sunday. He knew sin was killing him. He felt compelled to be saved but did not know how to do it. Nobody had told him. He knew if we waited to the end of the worship service, he could go up front and talk to the preacher about how to be saved. He did and trusted Jesus in that service. Now he is in full time ministry. 

He gave an invitation for people to be saved. He also extended an invitation for people who were wearing masks living one way in front of one group of people and a different way around pagan people to repent and give Jesus one hundred percent. Counselors went to the back of the room and waited for students to come and find us. I saw a couple of ours move toward other counselors. A young man approached me and asked if we could talk outside. 

I listened to his story. A story of wearing masks most of his life. He came in conviction that he needed to fully surrender to Jesus. He said he was saved. I believed him. I told him that he could fully surrender to Jesus right there. We stood outside the chapel next to an outdoor barbeque grill. I told him to take in that moment and remember that right there in that spot he was giving Jesus one hundred per cent. To never forget the location and commitment he was making. 

He bowed his head as I got ready to pray. I reached out and put my left hand on his right shoulder. I was not prepared for what happened next. He put his arms around me and buried his head on my chest. I felt the sincerity of his brokenness and desire to live for Jesus. When I finished praying, he wiped tears from his eyes and told me he needed to stay out there alone a little longer to pray. I believe he met with Jesus and rededicated his life. 

I saw similar scenes with dozens of other students all over the campground talking to counselors. I trust some were saved. Others were repentant and rededicated their lives. Much ministry took place tonight. By far it was the most powerful of the three evening worship services we have had thus far. 

I will long remember that precious ministry moment of that young man burying his head on my chest. It is all the more sweeter because that young man is one of my sons! Thank you Jesus. 

Like Heaven

 The worshipers gathered. A throng of Jesus exalting, God glorifying and adoring choir. All assembled for one purpose. To praise the Lamb of God in unison. The beat of the music reverberated. It could be felt in the floor. That sound was nothing compared to the voices. Loud, unashamed, harmonious voices lifting up songs of Zion. One truth packed lyric on top of another. Not sung from the head but from the heart. Sung with deep conviction. With earnest passion. The words resounded. A reverential awe permeated the place. The focus was aimed at King Jesus and His Father. 

This describes what takes place around the throne of God in Heaven. Flashes of lightening and peels of thunder. Worship. God exalting, Jesus glorifying worship. The voices of that worship make up a large portion of Revelation chapters 4-5. 

The voices of students and adult sponsors moved me most. Ross King has been anointed. No doubt about it. This group has chosen to enter into God's presence. I heard a young man tell me earlier, "For the first time in my life I am worshiping. I forget about everything else around me and sing to God." He grew up in church. I know. Not only am I his pastor, but I am also his father.  That is one of the great things about camp. People have the chance to connect to God in ways they never have before previously. 

You get students away from television. Away from cell phones and video games. You offer them multiple chances to get into God's presence. God becomes more real for them. They encounter Him. They fall in love with Him. Many meet Him for the first time. Adults experience the same thing. That is the genius of camp. 

Last night felt like heaven. Like the angels around the throne caught up in worship, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and who is and who is to come." [Rev 4:8] Jesus is worthy. The Father is worthy the heavenly hosts go onto say, " receive glory, and honor, and power, for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created." [Reve 4:11]

I don't know why we quit having camp as adults. I know our jobs and responsibilities do not always allow us to go away. Why can't each congregation have special camp meetings. Times set aside for worship, for getting close to God, for receiving the word of the Lord. 

The worship service last night felt a little like Heaven. If past experience tells me anything, the next two nights will be even more intense. The presence of God will be experienced by many. The truth will continue to be expounded. The Savior will be exalted. People will be saved. The angels will rejoice. Then it will be back to reality in a couple of days. Camp life is a break from reality. We have our own schedule. We operate in our own little world largely oblivious to what is happening around the world at large. Camp life is a little like Heaven. I wish all adults could experience it as well. 

One Inch On A Million Mile Road

 Imagine being drawn into an intense encounter with God. So intense you could barely contain it all. Picture expending yourself in singing, praying, listening and soaking in God's presence. Let your mind wonder that all of this took place is the musical portion of the service. Then the worship pastor prays, "O God, we have only traveled one inch down a million mile road of knowing You."

That sound you just heard was my mind exploding. That is how Ross King ended his part of the service last night. One inch down a million mile road. When it comes to knowing God that is where we all are. Maybe a few have traveled two inches. There is so much more of God to know, to discover, to enjoy. 

God knows the number of every grain of sand from Panama City Beach, FL all the way down to South Padre Island, TX. Each grain. He knows each person in those states by name. He knows the names, personalities and passions of every person around the world. He knows the number of eagle's eggs in every nest around the globe. Nothing escapes His notice. He sees the tiny crabs burrowed in the sand on the beach. He knows all the fish in the sea. He cares for the fawn born in the forest unseen by human eye. He knows the slithering of every snake, the rooting of every hog and the tree hopping of every squirrel. 

He commands the storms, stops the waves on the beach, and suspends the earth on its axis in space. He cancels the snow and sends the warmth of spring and summer to replace frigid fall and winter. He speaks and the power of His voice created the universe. 

We spend time in the study of Him, but still an infinite amount of knowledge about Him remains to be discovered. He is deeper than the ocean. Taller than the trees. More majestic than than the mountains. He is infinitely greater than the largest iceberg. So much of who He is lies beneath the surface of the scriptures. We have go far beyond just reading words on the printed page to meditate deeply about who He is. 

In our whole lives of worship, study, devotions and seeking we have barely scratched the surface. We have traveled about an inch down a million mile road. How could we be bored. We cannot be satisfied to know so little. 

In response, we should devote ourselves to the life long pursuit of knowing Him. Experiencing more of Him. Discovering new realities. Exploring old realities more closely. Dedicating ourselves to following hard after Him for all of our days. It is the greatest quest in the world. May we give ourselves to inching a little farther down the million dollar road of knowing God. 

Bow the Knee

 I felt a clear prompting from the Lord on Monday night during worship at camp. I sensed the Lord prompting me to get on my knees before Him and put my head on the ground. I disobeyed. I justified it with reasonings like, there was not enough room in the tightly confined space and I did not want to be a distraction to others. I cared more about what others thought than what my LORD wanted. I disobeyed and the service ended. I forgot all about it. 

That is until I was out walking yesterday afternoon. I felt convicted by my disobedience. I resolved right then and there that I would obey in the Tuesday night worship service. I arrived in the worship center early and moved chairs out from around me so I would have space. The very first song Ross King sang had a phrase in it, "I will bow on my knees." That sealed it. 

I got down on my knees placing my hands in front and resting my head on my hands. I did not sing. I just prayed. In humility. Embracing my insignificance in comparison to His significance. He must increase. I must decrease. I cried out for Him to come to meet with me. To speak to me. To touch me. To fill me. 

I got lost in that moment. I don't know how long I remained there. Though the throng sang around me, I got lost in the moment. Like there was no one else in the room but God and I. Pride surrendered. Submission embraced. 

I have preached for a long time. After several decades, I can say it is a rare thing to see people bow the knee. Not even during invitations. The altar is often barren. Frequented few times and far in between. There are some people who never bow the knee. Admittedly, there are some who physically cannot do it. 

There is a sweet lady in our church who is in her eighties. In a recent service, she came forward with the assistance of her daughter to pray at the altar. She had to be helped down and helped back up. How convicting. This lady loves Jesus so much hardly a Sunday goes by, when she is able to be in attendance, that she does not come forward to pray at the altar or come forward to pray with me. She is sensitive to the Lord. If she does that in her weakened and feeble condition what is the rest of our excuses. Like I said, watching her bow or even sit at the altar needing help to do so is convicting. One Sunday she did so in broken tears. I want to be more like her. 

One day we will all bow. Every Satanists will bow the knee. So will all atheists and agnostics. Each proud defiant person will have no choice. As Philippians 2 reminds us, "Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord." It will be involuntarily and forcibly done on that day. How much more pleasing to the Lord will it be when we have made a lifetime of bowing the knee. 

I wondered after my worship experience what I would have done if God had prompted that at Spring Creek. How would I have responded in "big church" instead of at youth camp? I do not think I can honestly give an answer. I would have to be in that moment. I would not want to be a distraction to anyone, but at the same time I want to obey my King. If He asks me to bow in His presence, then I must bow. So think nothing of it if that ever happens. Fact is I hope you are so enthralled in your own worship that you would not even notice what I am doing. Just maybe the day will come when your King will ask You to bow the knee. He is worthy. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Broken People

 People are broken but they try to hide it. By trying to make themselves sound more important than they really are. Trying to fake it behind plastic smiles and big words to make one look educated. They try to hide it behind perfect bodies, though no body is perfect and nobody is perfect. 

People work hard to masquerade the truth. The truth of their brokenness on the inside. Some have inferior complex issues they work to keep hidden. Most people see right through the masks. Others work hard to hide sinfulness and hypocrisy. They do not want people to know the truth, even though Jesus said the truth would set us free. They prefer to live in the shadows where sin can go on unexposed to others. It is exposed to God. 

People come from broken families. That really comes to the forefront at a week like this. God slowly peels away the layers of protection students hide behind. Eventually real pain, true brokenness is revealed and broken people find healing and wholeness in Jesus alone. Ministry can get a little messy. Years of pain unloaded is a beautiful thing to witness, and at the same time, a very difficult thing to witness. 

I talked to the camp nurse today. She never mentioned names, but said it makes her sad to see all the students on medication just to cope with life. 

Before we go any further, is it any difference for adults. Adults become more hardened, less vulnerable and find different coping mechanisms. Like affairs. Just last week while getting my haircut, more than one worker told me about the numerous men who bring their wives in when they get their haircuts and then the next time they come in with women they are having an affair. Still covering up their own brokenness and causing more in others. 

The vulgarity of society is appalling. Not only the language but the things people brag about doing. There was a day when drunkenness and sexual exploits were kept private. Now people post many of them on social media to get some "likes."

Christian people are often no different. They cover their brokenness in religious activity, service, and monetary donations. 

What would happen if on this night all the broken people at this camp came to Jesus and revealed the truth of their circumstances to others. It would get real. Authentic very fast. The whole and healthy people would scramble trying to hold, love, comfort, and pray for the broken. It would be very uncomfortable but very refreshing also. What if that happened this coming Sunday? 

What if it started with me? What if I wrote that I am broken. Brushing up against burn out. Finding focused prayer difficult. Feeling like all the sermons and studies I preach and teach are shallow and just repeating the same things over and over. What if I were honest and confessed the lack of revival we experienced on this very week last year still troubles me. What if something broke in me after those meetings that hasn't fully healed. What if I honestly confessed a large gaping wound in my faith I carried for a solid year with no healing and no answers. Just supposing. How would you respond? Would such raw honesty make you uncomfortable. Would you judge and condemn with know it all answers. Just supposing. Better change the subject and keep my suppositions private like everyone else. 

Brokenness is everywhere.  I bet many reading this know exactly what I'm saying. I know a good portion of the students here in Panama City at Beach Camp can identify. When, if ever will we do something about it? When will broken people be honest in church and let the consequences fall where it may. If broken leaders work to hide their condition, doesn't it stand to reason that followers will do the same. 

David tried to hide some brokenness. God brought it to light. David came clean for all to see. You can read that confession in Psalm 51. Just supposing, what if we did the same thing? What a glorious night that would be and glorious days we would experience. Lord give us the courage. 

An Audience of One

 We enjoyed some pretty intense worship last night at Beach Camp. The students willingly entered the courts with praise and the gates with thanksgiving. I sat in my chair and bowed my head. It really came home for me that God was the only audience that mattered. An audience of One. 

It is Him that I am after. I am following hard after Him in private prayer, corporate worship, and on beach walks and views. He is the only one in the audience I desire. He is the One and only One I live for and worship. 

We traveled all this way to get away from distractions to a place where we can seek and worship the King of Kings. All else fades in the light of Him. This whole beach is His sandbox and this ocean like a kiddie pool to Him. It is Him that we are after. It is His heart and mind that we seek. There is a deep yearning for transformation. A gut wrenching hunger for more of Him. Nothing less will ever satisfy our sin parched souls. Nothing less than God Himself. 

He is why we packed bags, drove hundreds of miles across five states to get to this place. We yearn for God encounters. We love, worship, and pray to an audience of One. He will not disappoint. He told us that we would find Him if we searched for Him with all of our hearts. [Jer 29:13] The students are challenged this week to give that God 100%.  

Let me ask you back home, do you have that same longing to meet with an audience of One. In your private devotions, in your daily routines? May these students not get more excited for God than their families back home. We can all live, worship, pray, and serve for an audience of One. No matter if we are in Florida or back home in Texas. 

Son Shine

 We woke up to thunder, lightening and rain this morning. It rained all morning long. So heavy at times that water rose within a couple of inches of flooding the boys' cabin. The camp turned on sewage pumps to get the water drained down. That does not mean the SON is not shining brightly. Jesus is present and at work. 

The students really seemed to enjoy worship with Ross King and family last night. We posted a short clip of it. We will try to do the same tonight. Pastor Sam Nobles did a great job last night talking about giving God 100%. Worship was followed by small groups with our students. Tucker lead the guys and Elie lead the girls. 

They got up this morning for breakfast without much fuss, cabin clean up, quiet time, recreation in the pool with relay races, and they just finished twist and shout (the morning Bible study) and are now at lunch. I have nicknamed this "Chicken Camp" because they serve so much chicken. I bought my own food and am eating lunch in the cabin in a little peace and quiet before we go back for an afternoon fun time and then free time. 

The sun has started peeking out, though surf conditions are too rough for swimming. There is a volleyball tournament, several pools, and basketball courts. There is plenty for them to stay busy.  I am sure some of our students will want to go to the beach anyway. We will gather for worship again tonight at 7:30 p.m. if you would like to pray specifically. We gather in our cabins at 7:00 p.m. to pray for the evening service before going to worship. 

Thank you for all your gifts, prayers, support, and trust to take our students so far from home. It appears to me they are having a blast. Each of our students has been mixed in recreation groups where they are interacting with students from Northside. 

 We hope to keep you updated with pictures which Connie is diligently  posting to Facebook. It sure seems that the students are enjoying themselves and making the best of some challenging weather patterns. The weather is supposed to improve significantly on Wednesday and Thursday. I will post again as I have time and inspiration. 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Protect The Past - Champion The Future

 Spring Creek Baptist Church has been in existence for 140 years. This congregation has gone through a relocation and five name changes before landing in our current location with our current name. There is a rich heritage here. A beautiful legacy. That does not mean there have not been some very hard times as well. 

For the past 21 months I have prayed over and over again to know God's unique vision for Spring Creek. I read a statement today that gave me food for thought. The statement written by Will Mancini in his book Church Unique is, "Visionary leadership is the art of protecting the past as we champion the future."

In an age where so many different churches copy cat what other successful churches are doing, I hold a different core conviction. I believe every body of believers has a unique thumbprint from God. Each fellowship has a different cultural context and a very unique purpose and plan from God. It is the job of each congregation to prayerfully discern that unique vision. 

For us at Spring Creek, that means walking that fine line of protecting our past and championing our future. We are a country church. I have heard that phrase used about us hundreds of times. I have even heard people say at nauseum. " We are a small country church." Spring Creek will always be a country church. Even though the landscape is filling up with housing development after housing development. we are surrounded by farm land. We are located half a dozen miles outside the city of Weatherford. Jeans and boots are more common here than slacks and loafers. The people are not pretentious. They are hard working. Servant minded. Loving and friendly. It is an honor to serve among them. All of that is part of our legacy, our past. 

At the same time we protect the past, we must champion the future. Within five miles of this location there are 7,000 people under the age of 17. Why is that significant? 94% of people who get saved do so before they reach 18 years of age. If Spring Creek is going to seriously engage in evangelism, we must direct a large part of our focus to children and teenagers. That is championing the future. 

The challenge is to do both. To honor, preserve, and protect the past. To remember those who came before us. Those who labored and sacrificed so we could be in the position we are in. Those people championed the future. Our present. They voted to relocate the facilities on one of the busiest roads in Parker County. That was foresight. Vision. Championing the future. We are benefiting from it today.

Now we must do the same knowing one day some will come after us. They will enjoy and build on our legacy of faith. People's dedication, labor, sacrifice will be remembered for years to come. Those who are the very heart and soul of this body. The nucleus that has held this together through many years and many storms. 

I am blessed to have a small connection with the past. 31 years ago Breda and I cut our ministry teeth here. They loved and embraced us back then. Now we are back championing the future. We are once again loved and we have already met so many new people who have endeared themselves to us. It is a blessing to serve here. While I may not know the full unique vision God has for Spring Creek I do know it has been and will continue to be a fascinating journey. 

God Is Faithful

 Previously I wrote about my red feathered messenger who landed outside my office window 261 times! Then it disappeared. For two days the cardinal did not show up. 

I just got off the phone with a friend I met at Spring Creek 31 years ago. We recalled some of those times. We spend thousands of hours together talking and in ministry.  He then said, "God is faithful. He has been faithful to guide us all these years." I just happened to be looking out my window when guess who made another appearance. Yep. The red feathered messenger. 262 times now and counting. 

Coincidence that he flew down at the exact moment my friend said, "God is faithful." No way. Once again God reminded me He is present in all the various issues circling our lives. He has gone out of His way to make that known. To remind us that He is present and at work. Even when it does not appear to be the case. 

He is trustworthy. Dependable. Reliable. We can count on Him. In all circumstances. He does not forsake us. That is a message God wants to send to His people. He wants us to recall this over and over again. For the grieving parents. For the impoverished family. For the orphans. For the betrayed. Defrauded. Terminally ill. The elderly pastor laboring in a forgotten field with an obscure flock. To the neglected  and abandoned spouse. To the incarcerated for past mistakes. To the overworked and under paid. He is faithful to all these. 

It is the very nature of God to be faithful. NOBODY in the history of the world can ever stand before the courtroom of God and justly say, "You were not faithful to me. You failed me." That can never be truthfully spoken by anyone. There may be times it appears to be the case. There may be seasons when it feels that way. IT IS NOT TRUE. 

God is faithful. That is truth and fact. It is reality. Certainty. Absolute. Whether you believe it or doubt it does not alter this truth. God is faithful.

I Thessalonians 5:24 Faithful is He who calls you, and He will bring it to pass.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Red Feathered Messenger

Have you ever tried to get someone's attention repeatedly only to be ignored. Persistently you raised your voice a little louder. It is frustrating when you are ignored. I wonder if God ever feels that way. I wonder if He tries harder and harder to get our attention. 

In recent days, God has gone the extra mile to get my attention. I mean the way extra mile. 

 I busied myself in study lost in sermon preparation a week ago. A thud on the window startled me out of my meditations. I looked up surprised to find a cardinal sitting on the window ledge outside. For the next three days that cardinal either ran into the window or set on the ledge 98 times. Yes, I kept count. 

The following day the same thing happened and the day after. The number jumped up to 137 times and then 156. He came over 200 times and counting. At last count, 261 times that cardinal showed up on the window ledge in a week and a half. At random times I would hear a thud and look to find my red feathered friend looking in at me. 

I started asking God what He was trying to show me when the cardinal showed up several times on the first day. Days went by with nothing. Eventually I shared it with the congregation on a Wednesday night. Four different people researched the symbolic meanings of cardinals and relayed it back to me. 

Here are the top things I took away. First, it represents God's presence and peace in distressing or trying times. That meant a great deal to me. Previous to the cardinal showing up I had trouble sleeping. I could not turn my mind off. Hundreds of thoughts constantly whirling. Most of the thoughts/prayers were focused on Spring Creek and leading us through growing pains. The joy of the growth has been tempered by the many ministry voids we the growth has revealed. Needing teachers, volunteers, additional classes and ministries have been continually on my mind. Asking God for wisdom and trying to discern His unique vision for Spring Creek have been in the forefront of my thoughts for weeks. 

God used that cardinal to bring me peace. 

Another interpretation for the cardinal showing up repeatedly came to me from a lady saying it means company is coming. In my circumstance, I took that to mean that God is continually drawing people to Spring Creek. Each week we see new faces. The exciting thing is to see all the young children. We went through a long drought where there were very few children here. I love seeing their smiling faces and their raiding of the candy jar after the worship service. Company is coming indeed. Which could lead me to more stress. 

God has gone to great lengths to get my attention. To replace my stress with His peace. He has prepared Spring Creek for such a time as this. I cannot tell you what comfort that has brings to me. 

It is very interesting as I write this, it occurs to me the cardinal has not shown up one time today. That is the first time in several days. Maybe God has sent His red feathered messenger to some other tormented soul who needs to be reminded God is present and in control. I will long treasure the memories of my red feathered messenger. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Hidden Rotten

 The discovery was not a pleasant one. Something that will go down in Edwards folklore for years to come. Turner looked for a menu we thought was in a back pocket of one of the two front seats in our Yukon. He did not find a menu but did make another discovery. One we all regretted. 

He found a rotten taquito wrapped in a plastic bag. The taquito had a bite taken out of it. The rest of it had turned green. Turner opened the bag and the rancid smell permeated the air, penetrated our nostrils, and turned our stomachs at the same time. If you have ever cleaned vomit, you have a good representation of what that partially rotten taquito smelled like. 

We finally ascertained when it had been left in that seat pocket. Months ago. We had no clue it lay hidden and rotting. It remained hidden for months. The rancid smell was self contained in the plastic bag. Once it was exposed it could no longer be ignored. 

Isn't that just like sin. It takes root in our hearts, souls and minds. Sometimes we do not even realize it has buried itself. We may forget it is there altogether. Then one day it surfaces. The rotten, foul, stench brings conviction from the Holy Spirit. 

There we stand face to face with the hidden rotten sin in our lives. We face a decision. Do we try to conceal the sin from others and keep up our religious appearance? Do we choose repentance and restoration with the Lord? 

Sadly, many try to conceal it. Afraid to be exposed. They lie to others and God. Many have dirty rotten sins they hate but cannot get free from. Like a foot caught in a bear trap, they are unable to free themselves. They pray. The pledge never to fall into the same sin again. They recommit. They fail and the whole cycle repeats itself. They are trapped. 

They are like the prodigal son. They have wandered from the faith and holiness. All seems fine for awhile. Until the hidden rotten rancid smell of sin eventually services. 

In those moments, we need to be reminded of some important truths. God loves and is willing to cast our sins as far as the east is from the west. Ps 103:12. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance. Rom 2:3-5. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us all unrighteousness. I Jn 1:9. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1. He offers forgiveness, restoration, and freedom for those who will take it. 

When Turner opened that bag, I pulled over in a parking lot  and told him get out and find a trash can. I wanted that out of the vehicle. We should feel the same way about sin. We should want to get rid of it. We should want it gone. To be rid of it. To be free from it. 

Sin is not something to play around with. God desires truth in the hidden part of our lives. See Psalm 51. Truth in the parts we do not want anyone to have access. God wants to clean house. To sweep the corners. Once the rotten taquito was removed from the vehicle the stench soon faded. 

We can give off a stench too. Not of body odor. Rotten attitudes. Half hearted devotion. Lackluster service. Hypocrisy hiding authentic relationship with God. All give off a foul stench to those around us. We may be nose blind to it spiritually. It may be more evident and even repulsive to others.  It is time to remove hidden rotten sin from our lives.