Thursday, June 24, 2021

Double Reds

 Panama City Beach, FL operates on a flag system at the beach. Each flag represents something about ocean conditions. Yellow flags means the water is safe for swimmers. A purple flag means there is marine life in the water. Typically this means jelly fish. It could also mean sharks in the area. A red flag means the rip currents make swimming hazardous. Double red flags means the beach is closed and nobody is to enter the water. 

We awoke to double red flags the last two mornings. Campers were allowed on the sand at the beach but not to go into the water. 

I have come to this camp many times dating all the way back to 2006. I have preached here numerous times. I have seen double red flags on just about every one of those trips. It is sad for campers to drive all these miles to play in the ocean but not be allowed to do so because of surf conditions. City officials are not trying to take away joy and fun. They are trying to keep people safe. 

I saw a familiar scene yesterday. A helicopter kept flying up and down the beach. That usually means they are looking for someone. Sure enough a 37 year old woman from Memphis, TN did not heed the double red flag warnings. She swam and got caught in the rip currents. They had to rescue her, but could not save her. She died at the hospital. We think she was vacationing. 

Jesus offers a double red flag warning about eternity. "And inasmuch as it is appointed for man to die once and after this comes the judgment." [Heb 9:27] People ignore this warning just like swimmers ignore the double red flags. They ignore the warning about eternity. Some wait too late. 

Sherriff deputies congregated where they recovered the woman. Later that day a plane flew dragging a huge banner behind it warning people of the rip tides and telling them to stay on shore. Even after going to those great lengths, people drown here every year because they will not heed the warning. 

This post is one more double flag warning for people all over the world. Life is short. Eternity is long. All sin and fall short of God's glory. The price for sin is death. Physical and spiritual death. Hell is hot and many suffer there. Hear their double red flag warning to listen and not suffer the same fate they suffer. 

Jesus willingly died to make a way of escape from hell. He died so sinners could be forgiven. He took the punishments sinners rightly deserved in our place. He offers salvation as a gift. In return, He demands allegiance, love and service. The reward is eternal life. This is a no brainer. Millions should be flocking to meet Jesus. 

Sadly, pews remain open. Baptistries are dry. Converts are few. 

Sinner, I warn you. Swim through life without Jesus at your own risk. There is appointed day for your end. A date and moment fixed on the calendar when your life will cease. If you are fortunate, you will see that day coming and have time to prepare. Many are not afforded that opportunity. Like three wrestlers from Wayland Baptist University who all died in a car accident last week. Like a 37 year old woman who refused to observe the double red flag warning choosing to swim in the gulf in hazardous condition. That one simple and foolish choice cost her life. 

Sinners you have been warned. I pray and plead that you will listen this time before it is too late. 

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