Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Sleepless Nights

 For the second night in a row I cannot sleep. The clock is nearing the 1:30 am mark as I type this. Last night I did not go to sleep until after 2:00 am. I know a person who struggles with insomnia. It is miserable to need sleep but be able to find it. God designed us to need sleep. We cannot function without it. I believe it is just one more reminder God built into our lives to remind us we are not almighty. That is reserved for Him. 

Sleepless nights can be dangerous. Temptations abound. In the dark shadows of the night, sin crouches at the door. Some television programming turns really raunchy in the night. Sexual perversion is promoted. Satanic agendas can fill the heart and mind. 

People may not be able to help the fact that they cannot sleep. They can help what they choose to do with that time. I can't sleep because I went to bed at 6:30 pm earlier tonight and awakened around 10:30 pm. Rather than toss and turn I got up so as not to disturb Brenda. 

There is a story about a rich and powerful man who could not sleep one night. He walked outside to get some fresh air from his pent house view. From his high perch, he saw a drop dead gorgeous woman walking around nude in the privacy of her residence below. That glance turned into a gaze. The gaze burned lustful desires. That tycoon did not stop with the lustful thoughts. He acted on them, even though he was married and had children. He wielded his power and connections to have a one night fling with that attractive woman. She was an all too willing participant even though she was married too. 

You may have already guessed that rich and powerful man was King David. The Bible reports that at a time when kings went out to war David stayed behind. He could not sleep and went to the roof of his palace where he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. He desired her, even though he had multiple wives and concubines. He gave into sexual temptation for a night of passion and pleasure. That sleepless night cost David more than he could ever imagine. 

You know the story. Bathsheba got pregnant. David tried to cover his tracks and eventually set up her husband to be killed in battle. He eventually married Bathsheba and nobody was the wiser. That is until God revealed the sin to Nathan the prophet. Nathan confronted David. David repented. God spoke the consequences. The sword would never depart from David's own house. A son raped his sister. Another son killed his rapist brother. The murderous son rose up to take the throne from his father causing David to flee. All because of a sleepless night and the decision to give into temptation. 

We must be careful what we do with our sleepless nights. I have chosen to write and watch the Tour De France at the same time. To use the sleepless night productively. To be on guard against the wicked schemes of Satan. Let us resolve to use our sleepless nights productively for the glory of God.  

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