Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Broken People

 People are broken but they try to hide it. By trying to make themselves sound more important than they really are. Trying to fake it behind plastic smiles and big words to make one look educated. They try to hide it behind perfect bodies, though no body is perfect and nobody is perfect. 

People work hard to masquerade the truth. The truth of their brokenness on the inside. Some have inferior complex issues they work to keep hidden. Most people see right through the masks. Others work hard to hide sinfulness and hypocrisy. They do not want people to know the truth, even though Jesus said the truth would set us free. They prefer to live in the shadows where sin can go on unexposed to others. It is exposed to God. 

People come from broken families. That really comes to the forefront at a week like this. God slowly peels away the layers of protection students hide behind. Eventually real pain, true brokenness is revealed and broken people find healing and wholeness in Jesus alone. Ministry can get a little messy. Years of pain unloaded is a beautiful thing to witness, and at the same time, a very difficult thing to witness. 

I talked to the camp nurse today. She never mentioned names, but said it makes her sad to see all the students on medication just to cope with life. 

Before we go any further, is it any difference for adults. Adults become more hardened, less vulnerable and find different coping mechanisms. Like affairs. Just last week while getting my haircut, more than one worker told me about the numerous men who bring their wives in when they get their haircuts and then the next time they come in with women they are having an affair. Still covering up their own brokenness and causing more in others. 

The vulgarity of society is appalling. Not only the language but the things people brag about doing. There was a day when drunkenness and sexual exploits were kept private. Now people post many of them on social media to get some "likes."

Christian people are often no different. They cover their brokenness in religious activity, service, and monetary donations. 

What would happen if on this night all the broken people at this camp came to Jesus and revealed the truth of their circumstances to others. It would get real. Authentic very fast. The whole and healthy people would scramble trying to hold, love, comfort, and pray for the broken. It would be very uncomfortable but very refreshing also. What if that happened this coming Sunday? 

What if it started with me? What if I wrote that I am broken. Brushing up against burn out. Finding focused prayer difficult. Feeling like all the sermons and studies I preach and teach are shallow and just repeating the same things over and over. What if I were honest and confessed the lack of revival we experienced on this very week last year still troubles me. What if something broke in me after those meetings that hasn't fully healed. What if I honestly confessed a large gaping wound in my faith I carried for a solid year with no healing and no answers. Just supposing. How would you respond? Would such raw honesty make you uncomfortable. Would you judge and condemn with know it all answers. Just supposing. Better change the subject and keep my suppositions private like everyone else. 

Brokenness is everywhere.  I bet many reading this know exactly what I'm saying. I know a good portion of the students here in Panama City at Beach Camp can identify. When, if ever will we do something about it? When will broken people be honest in church and let the consequences fall where it may. If broken leaders work to hide their condition, doesn't it stand to reason that followers will do the same. 

David tried to hide some brokenness. God brought it to light. David came clean for all to see. You can read that confession in Psalm 51. Just supposing, what if we did the same thing? What a glorious night that would be and glorious days we would experience. Lord give us the courage. 

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