Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Anchor

 The waters are turbulent as the storm rages around me. The hurricane winds blow ferociously all about. At times it has been difficult to see a clear path ahead to navigate the ship forward. I have sought safe harbor and found it in God's presence. I have dropped anchor and hanging onto Him to ride the storm out. 

The anchor is the faithful character of God and the promises of His word. I have dropped anchor into those and found a steady secure place. While others may be tossed about by the towering waves, the anchor of faith keeps me in peace. My ship is battered and busted. I may take on a little water. I will not sink. I have been through storms before, and my anchor held true. It does so still today. 

Faith must be tested to be proven. Mine has been tested repeatedly over the past several decades. Personal attacks. Failed ministry endeavors. Repeated financial setbacks. Repeated sports injuries with my sons. Relentless Satanic attacks. There were times when I thought I would go under. The anchor held and the storm dissipated every time. There is no reason to believe the same will not be true this time. 

God is trustworthy. His word is true. My faith is stalwart. I will survive. I will see the light of better days. I will sail on smooth seas again. My ship and anchor are battle tested. They have held together soundly. I believe they will do so again. The dark night will not remain dark forever. It is true that weeping may last for a night, but it also true that joy comes in the morning. [Ps 30:5] It is true that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers out of them all for His children. [Ps 34:19] It is true that in this world we have tribulation, but it is also true that the Lord speaks peace over us, and He has overcome the world. [Jn 16:33]

For all those reasons and many more I can resolutely say the anchor holds. God has not abandoned in the day of trouble as I cry out to Him and He will deliver. [Ps 50:15] So if you find yourself in a storm also, I say hold on and drop anchor into God and His word. Storms last for a season, but God's faithfulness endures for all eternity. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

God's Plans Are Not Thwarted

 Thwarted is probably not a word you have used recently. It means to prevent or oppose. I read that word in Job 42:2 this morning about the plans and purposes of God. Those plans and purposes cannot be thwarted. Satan and His followers try. They try to upset and oppose God and His work every step of the way. 

In the end, they will prove unsuccessful. I want to examine this from two points of view. First, think about it. God has a prescribed plan. That plans includes saving people from their sins. If you read the book of Revelation, you know this whole unfolding drama is leading toward a certain conclusion. The rapture will happen. The Great Seven Year Tribulation will happen. During this time the Antichrist, or the Beast, as Revelation identifies Him will rise to prominence and power world wide. He will step on the scene providing peace for three and a half years. That will end in the last three and a half years when he will make war on Christians and persecute all who do not worship him and take the mark of the beast. God will pummel the planet with a series of judgments increasing in severity. Ultimately the antichrist will be defeated and cast into the lake of fire. The millennial reign of Christ will come ushering in days of peace and utopia. Those plans are certain and will not be altered. 

A second way of looking at that verse, is on a personal level. God has plans and purposes for each of us. We know Satan and his demons want to oppose God and His purposes in our lives every step of the way. It is comforting to know that Satan cannot prevent the plans and purposes of God. There are things that God wants to do in, for, and through each of us. He will accomplish those things as we seek Him and submit to His leadership. God will get us where He wants us. He will teach us what He wants to teach us. He will work in us the things He wills to works in us. 

He has the power to do anything. No matter how much Satan opposes, ultimately he is powerless to thwart the plans of God. I hope that encourages you today as much as it did me. Keep trusting. Keep seeking. Keep following. Keep submitting. God will have His way on this planet and in the lives of His children.