Friday, June 29, 2018

I'm Pregnant

By the title let me clear something up right away. I did not write, "We are pregnant." Brenda is not pregnant. We are well past that stage. I wrote,"I am pregnant." Now that is impossible in the physical realm. It is totally possible in the spiritual realm.

I spent some time travailing in prayer over five things that I am pregnant with today. Five burdens that weigh heavy on my heart. Five gigantic seemingly impossible things that I carry inside like a woman carrying a child. While that woman will one day feel the labor pains while giving birth my labor pains are travails in the secret place. She labors to give birth to a baby. I travail to give birth to miracle answers.

I thank God that He is powerful enough to call what does not exist as if it does exist.

Romans 4:17 (ESV)
17  as it is written, “I have made you the father of many nations”—in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

In my life there are five things that do not exist as of yet. Five tangible things I can see through eyes of faith. Five things I will one day be able to touch, show and testify about. Five mountains. I am pregnant with them. I carry them in my soul. Five things that will glorify God when He does them. Five things that will once again demonstrate how powerful He is and how effective prayer can be. 

What are they you may ask? Four of them I will not share at this time. It is sufficient God knows. He can do it and include using anyone He chooses. One I will share. For months I've served a small church in Weatherford, TX. Within a few weeks of serving them I learned they owed on their building. They are a small congregation of less than 50 people. They owe $115,000 on their building. For months I have felt led to pray that God would pray it off by Dec 30, 2018. That is impossible with such a small group of people. It's one of the burdens I am pregnant with. What is $115,000 to God? It is equivalent to you and I coming up with a nickel or a penny. It is nothing. I am travailing over these next months believing God to call into existence that which does not exist at this moment. In my mind I can see the last dollar being paid off. I can the note and deed in hand. I can hear the celebration and rejoicing of the Heritage folks in response to what God has done. I believe God for this big, audacious, daunting and impossible thing to become reality. 

I have gone so far as to pray God would increase my wealth so I can give more. I wish I could pay the whole thing off. God wants others involved at Heritage. This is a miracle we will all get to be a part of. $115,000 in six months. That breaks down to over $19,000 a month and over $4,000 a week. All in a church that takes in much less. O, but what can God do? How powerfully can Yahweh intervene? My prayer will be that He will increase the wealth of all the people at Heritage and give them the desire to give more and to sacrifice. That God will lead people to donate things such as land, vehicles, jewelry etc. to this cause as well as money. I am pregnant with that. I hope to travail over these next six months. I hope God gives birth to a Heritage Baptist Church with no debt. To the glory of  His name.  

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