Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Spring Creek Dream 4

I received this on August 28, 2020.

I am sitting in a large clearing at night in a forrest huddled over a smoldering fire. I blow on the embers and fan them to ignite the flame. When the flame ignites, I put leaves, twigs and eventually limbs to enlarge the fire. As I keep adding wood to the fire, it grows into a bonfire lighting up the dark area.

One by one people show up carrying firewood. Some bring one log and others bring several. Written on the firewood  are words like; fear, depression, alone, addiction, broken, rejected and abused. These are the issue people struggle with. One by one each is tossed into the fire setting the people free and enlarging the flame. 

Neal, David, Damon, Gary and I all take torches and stick the ends in the fire to light them. Then we go different directions to cold dark homes. We use the torches to light candles, lanterns and fires in the fireplaces. 

Then, I see these words on the church marquee, "Revival Continues."

1 comment:

  1. Holy Spirit bring the afflicted, the oppressed, the beaten and the broken.
    Please bring those in despair; and the hopeless, as I once was.
    Lord God let my heart ache for the homeless, for the lost; and for the precious children in this world who are abused and unloved!
    Let the things of this world grow strangely dim. I pray that all I see is the Light of Your Spirit!
    Please help me to follow You wherever You lead me.
    In Jesus’ Name,
