Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Never Forget

As an eighteen year old teenager just graduated from high school, I walked forward during the invitation one Sunday morning. Our youth group had attended two youth camps in successive weeks. I had a decision to make public. I had wrestled with it for months.

I walked down and took Brother Charles Roberts' hand. I told him God had called me to preach. He neither looked surprised or bewildered. He prayed with me. I can't remember what he prayed. I do remember two things he told me when everyone filed past. One is not relevant to this post. The second thing he told me started with the phrase never forget. 

What could be so important that he would tell me never to forget it. To have my quiet time. To pray. To read my Bible. To stay a student of God's word for life. To memorize scripture. To build strong faith.

He did not utter a word of any of that on that day. He said, "Never forget to say, 'thank you.'" He told me that back on Sunday July 7, 1985. He knew that people continually look for ways to bless the preacher and or pastor. It happens repeatedly. He counseled me to never take those things for granted. To never take people for granted. To thank people for their love, kind words, love gifts, service and devotion. It is something Brenda and I have tried to do.

Each month we have thank you letters to write to someone for some kind thing they did. As I write this, I am behind on three. I will get them caught up after I finish this.

Never forget to say thank you. People like to be appreciated. Preachers are guilty of expecting preferential treatment. They play up to the fact that people like to bless the pastor. They expect it. You will never seem them pull their wallet out and offer to pay for a meal. You will seldom see them offer a lending hand to those who continually offer helping hands around the church.

Brenda and I try not to take God's blessings through other people for granted. I am sure we have let some fall through the cracks from time to time. For that we apologize. We have seen God do so much. So many have sacrificed and given to us. Vehicles. Money. Groceries. Tanks of gas. Car repairs. Books. Computers. Suits of clothes. More meals than we can count. House payments. It is all overwhelming.

I serve a giving people at Spring Creek. Twice recently we were invited to go out to eat with people after the evening service. Both times people insisted on paying for our meal. It is humbling. To constantly be a recipient and not the giver is hard. Brenda and I prefer to be on the giving end.

How can I say thank you for everyone who has sowed into our ministry. I just spent the last five minutes typing out the names of such people, and had close to fifty, when I realized I could not do it. Inevitably I would leave someone out and there are too many. So I say to people from Rochelle, Spring Creek, Burke, Denman Avenue, CentrePointe, FBC Paradise, FBC Seminole, Faith Community, Heritage, and Spring Creek again, THANK YOU. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. Thank you for sticking with us in the tough times. Thank you for your forgiveness when I failed you. Thank you for your financial sacrifice. Thank you for the sacrifice of your time to serve. Thank you for chasing God with us and pursuing Him for lost souls and revival. Thank you for loyalty. We are who we are and where we are because of your investment. We are rich in relationships. Thank you is inadequate but I hope you see I mean it. We do not take what you have done for us for granted. I have bragged on you in sermons more than you can know. Some of your stories have gone far and wide across this land as I testify of what God used you to do in our lives. Thank you.

Brenda and I will not be like the nine lepers who were healed but did not come back to say thank you. Only one thanked Jesus for healing him. May we all live with the attitude of gratitude.

Brother Charles, after 34 years, I still have not forgotten your wise counsel to me. I trust the Lord will never let me forget your timely and impactful words all those years ago. Thank you for sharing them.

To Spring Creek, thank you for choosing us. Thank you for patiently listening. Thank you for attending. Thank you for working so hard. Thank you for buying into prayer the way you have. Thank you for continually looking for ways to bless Brenda and I. We are blessed to be here. I know I am just the new preacher now. I pray over time I earn the right to be your pastor.

Lastly, God thank you for making all this possible. To you be the glory for great things you have done.

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