Friday, October 25, 2019

A Prayer For The Overwhelmed


I lift up those overwhelmed this morning. Those covered up with various trials, heartaches and stress. I lift those to Y,ou who are at their wits end and do not know what to do. I ask You to meet with them, to console, strengthen and to renew hope.

Jesus, I ask You to be their refuge. When they have nowhere else to go for peace and help may they find both of those tings in You. When they are underneath heavy loads they cannot bear, I ask You to do the heavy lifting and smooth their paths.

For those who cannot see light at the end of the tunnel, I ask You to send a timely word, a reprieve, miraculous provision, some good news and show Yourself faithful to them. That is who You are. You have always been, still are, and will forever be faithful. I ask You to remind Your overwhelmed ones of this truth.

For those who feel like giving up, I ask You renew their resolve to plod forward. For those who grieve with the deepest of sorrows, I ask You hold them closely until the tears dry. I ask You to send the Holy Spirit to comfort and remind of helpful truth.

I lift up the ones under tremendous financial stress. The ones who cannot possibly see a way out of the pit of debt they are in. I ask You to reach down with help in one hand and provision in the other. No financial need is beyond Your ability to meet. You know the needs and the addresses where to send the help. I ask You to connect Your provision with those who need it most.

I lift up those overwhelmed by life and the constant barrage of trials. I ask You to remind them, that while weeping may last for a night, joy comes in the morning. Please help them through the difficult nights of weeping. Please let them see a shimmer of hope. Please show up in their lives and do not be silent to those who desperately need You most.

I ask You to raise those who once also felt overwhelmed, but You brought them through. Please use them to testify, to encourage and to pray for overwhelmed brothers and sisters.

Lastly, I lift those who grieve the death of a loved one. Those whose hearts are ripped to pieces. Those who ache to the core of their being. What could I possibly pray that would help them. I don't have fancy prayers filled with meaningless clichés. I only have a faith filled plea for You to help. You know what they need far better than me. You feel the weight of their grief. You have sustained millions of people through grief throughout history. Some in tragedies. Some in old age. Some seemingly prematurely. Others lingering past their mental and physical health. You say You are near to those who are brokenhearted and contrite in spirit. I trust You are near at this very moment with those overwhelmed by grief.

I ask all this in Your name Jesus, amen.

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