Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lesson From A Blue Ball

On an errand into town recently, I saw and unusual sight. When I pulled up to the signal light to stop, I noticed a blue ball rolling down hill on the road I would soon turn onto. I watched that ball pick up steam rolling down hill hugging the curb, and then the ball hit a break in the curb and bounced out into one lane, then the next, and eventually into the turn lane and underneath a car. It might have made it between two cars. I could not tell for sure because I lot sight of it.

It made me wonder where the ball started it's unusual journey. Did it start in some back yard with a kid kicking the ball over the fence? Did it start at a daycare with an overzealous child's throw that cleared the confines of a fence? Did it roll out of a car or the back of a truck? I will never know. It did set me to thinking.

Just like the blue ball rolling down the hill, so is the movement of God through His Spirit picking up momentum. He is moving right into our paths. He works in unusual and mysterious ways. Sometimes you may miss Him if you are not looking for Him. He doesn't always come in a blaze of glory. Sometimes He comes in a still small voice. How He comes is not nearly as important as is recognizing that He does come and when He comes.

In the fast pace of life in Parker County, that simple blue ball seemed way out of place. I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like a blue dodge ball. Such a simple little ball. Rolling and bounding down a five lane busy thoroughfare. It rolled where it pleased. For all I know, it may still be rolling. I didn't see it on my return trip.

The movement of God is often simple. So simple people can overlook it. It may start with an impression, a burden, a single verse, an inner prompting, or a random act of kindness. God's movements often swing on little hinges of obedience. A prayer. A step of faith. A text. A phone call. A visit. A word of witness. An act of service. A step out of the safe and secure boat.

His movements build momentum. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. I'm sure the initial roll of that ball was much slower than when I saw it coming down the hill. You may be rolling slow in your ministry and service to God. It may not appear you are making much progress or difference. Don't despise the day of small beginnings. Don't just look at the way things are now. Look through the eyes of faith and what God intends to be. Believe Him for it. Trust Him to get the ball of His movement rolling and then trust Him to pick up the momentum.

If a blue ball can roll down a busy five lane road without anyone guiding it, God can do whatever needs to be done in your situation. Give Him time to work. Trust Him to move mountains and build momentum as He's building His kingdom right where you are planted. Roll God roll.

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