Tuesday, May 8, 2018

You Don't Measure Up

Our society labels people. If you listen you will hear people talking a lot about inclusion and tolerance. If you watch closely you will see just the opposite attitude. Even in church. The unspoken message often is, "You don't measure up."

Somebody sets a standard by which people are deemed accepted or rejected. It happens in churches as well as the rest of society.  We are expected to be cookie cut resemblances of one another. Dress alike. Have similar hair styles. It is expected for people to wear the same kind of fashions. You will get labeled by what you wear. To talk in certain ways. To conform. To fit in. To go along with the herd. To accept the mob mentally.

The trouble is God did not create us that way. Each of you has unique strengths, passions, temperaments, giftings and personalities. Some are free spirits. Some are rebels. Some are leaders. Some are managers. Some are outspoken. Some are non-conformists. Some are activists. Some are bold. Some are mainstream. Some are followers. Some are workers. Some are quiet and reserved. Some are conformists. Some are passive. Some aggressive. Some are optimists. Some are pessimists. Some are timid. There is no one certain pattern to follow except the scriptures and the example of Jesus. Jesus broke all the molds.

There are people telling you all the time you are not good enough. You don't belong. You don't meet the criteria. You just don't measure up. Rejection often follows. I have seen it so often in the church. An outsider attends. They keep attending. They are tolerated but not always accepted. They are welcomed but held at arm's length. They are not able to get into the inner circle. They are treated like outsiders.

Churches judge. You may not measure up if you have piercings. If you have tattoos. If you color your hair. If you have a different color skin. If you have too much education or not enough education. If you made past mistakes or have a criminal record. You will not measure up if you or too short or too tall. You will be ostracized if you are fat or skinny. Your hair is too kinky, the wrong color or too thin to fit in. Your skin can be too dark or too light for other people's taste. You can be a rock the boat kind of thinker always thinking outside the box and coloring outside the lines to measure up.

I'm so glad Jesus has different standards. He called uneducated fisherman to lead His church and write parts of the New Testament. He accepted a terrorist and transformed Him into a fearless church planter and author of the majority of the New Testament. He had mercy on the woman caught in adultery and showered her with kindness. He befriended tax collectors and dined with sinners. He restored a big mouthed disciple who denied him publicly. He touched lepers and helped the demon possessed find freedom. He helped the hopeless. HE loved the unlovable.

He loved people. He accepted people. He delivered them from their sin, pain and pasts. He included common ordinary people. He did not cater to any one group over another. His harshest criticisms were to the religious leaders. The legalistic who concerned themselves with rules and who they detrained was clean who was considered unclean.

I know what it feels like to be on the outside looking in. To be told over and over again I do not measure up. To be rejected. To be passed over. To be excluded from the in crowd. To be labeled. To be continually on the outside looking in.

I am only 5'7''. Far shorter than the average man. Many told me I could not play college football because I was too short. God put that dream in my heart and made a way where people said there was no way. I played at a small college I weigh 265 pounds. A decade ago I blew up to an unhealthy 330 pounds. I got judged by churches when looking for ministry positions based on my weight. I came from a lower middle class family when I lived with my maternal grandparents. Before that my mother, brother, sister and I lived in poverty. Mama moved us around a lot trying to find jobs to meet our needs as a single mom. She loved us. I never knew we were poor until I got holder. I did not receive preferential treatment by teachers or coaches just because of who my parents were. Just the opposite. I got labeled. I grew up without a dad. The short season I had a step dad wounded me psychologically more than I can put into words because of his mistreatment. I grew up a fighter to earn respect and make my way. I come with a lot of baggage.

When Jesus gave me Brenda, Taylor, Tanner, Tucker and Turner I wanted to do it better than I received growing up. I wanted our marriage to last. 26 years and counting. I wanted to love and support my boys. I am their biggest cheerleader. I did not measure up by many standards to have been blessed with such a family. Jesus blessed me anyway.

Jesus accepted me anyway. He did not push me away. He drew me close. He lavished me with grace. [Eph 1:1-10] He wrapped me in His righteousness. [II Cor 5:21] He loved me and accepted me. [Rom 5:8] He made me new. [II For 5:17] He also chose to put me in service for Him no matter how others label me. He chose me to preach for Him. [Eph 2:10]

I write this for all the outcasts. For all of you who have been told you are not good enough. To each of you who have bene told you do not measure up. You were created by God. He fashioned you intelligently with intentional thought and design He created you with purpose. He did not mess up. He did not make a mistake. You were created to glorify Him. You were created to bear much fruit for Him to His glory. If He says you measure up don't dare listen to inferiors say you aren't good enough. His cross, His blood, His death and His resurrection declare you are loved and redeemed.

Psalm 139:13-18 (NKJV)
13  For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
14  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
15  My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16  Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.
17  How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
18  If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.

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