Thursday, May 17, 2018

Following In His Footsteps - Part 2

Luke 9:23 (Phillips NT)
23  Then he spoke to them all. "If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, carry his cross every day and keep close behind me.

The second part in this four part series is that we have to give up all rights to ourselves. Other translations will read, "let him deny himself."

We live in a selfish society. Some think the world revolves around them. I do not understand the fascination with social media. I exited the stage for a long time. I only care to use it for one thing. To get His word out to as many as possible. More people read these blogs when I post them than when I don't. So I use it for that purpose.

I do not understand the fascination with displaying life like an actor on a stage for the watching world to view. I do not understand the addiction of constantly posting where you eat and the constant taking of pictures. Especially selfies. All the purpose of getting "likes" or to generate comments. We are so self absorbed. The truth is much of what people post is a facade. It is not real life. It is an image to be portrayed. It is not real. Real life is hard. Real life is painful. Real life is filled with trials. Real followers of Jesus are more absorbed with Him than self.

Selfishness shows up in the way people spend their time and their money. Life is lived to pleased self for many more than to please Jesus. Selfishness trumps service. Selfishness exists in the church. Does it ever exist in the church. Power grabs. Manipulation to get an agenda passed. Constant battles for control. Selfishness.

A true follower of Jesus has to learn a hard truth. It is not about them. It is all about Jesus. A true follower must give up all rights to themselves. ALL RIGHTS. What does that mean? We become bondservants to Jesus. We are shackled to His will. We are in His service to do as He pleases. This is not typical of the American church goer.

We go to school where we want to go. We choose whatever profession suits us. We marry who we want to marry. We spend our money on what we want stockpiling more and more. We use our time how we want to use it. Self reigns supreme. The will of Jesus is not always sought. The call of Jesus to sacrifice is often avoided. His example to serve and not be served is rejected by the masses sitting in the pew. A friend recently told me out of the large church he serves only 37% serve in any capacity. Not even half.

Jesus demands to sit on the throne of our lives NOT SELF. He is Lord and King. We act like He exists to please and serve us. WRONG. We exist to please and serve Him! He gets to determine the course of our lives. He gets to pick where we live. He has earned the right to choose our profession. He has authority to set our path and ask us to conform. He calls the shots. He captains our ship. He pilots our plans.

We lose our rights to ourselves. I can feel some balking at such a hard stance. This is not on the menu in the sermon or "talk" from the pastor in a great many churches. Cake and cookie doctrine of how "Jesus can enhance your life," and "Steps to your best life" substitute for the call to denounce self.

Jesus demands all. All of us. He requires our entire life. He requires the denouncing of self. What we want is not important in comparison to what He wants. Now you may read this and reject all of it because it sounds barbaric. It sounds like slavery.

Don't forget one thing. A slave received very little from the master. We may be bondservants to Jesus but we benefit. We are forgiven, redeemed, rescued, adopted, loved and bought with the blood of Jesus. He does not treat us like a slave owner. He loves us. He created us. He designed us with purpose. If we ever grasp that truth we will have no problem giving up all rights to our lives. It might look like we are losing. The truth is we are gaining. In losing ourselves we are winning the battle over self. We find a higher more nobler purpose for living. To please Jesus. To serve others. I like the way John stated it.

He must increase and I must decrease. John 3:30 NASU

Let's get real for a moment. Self does not die easily. Self will fight and struggle to the very end. Self will not go quietly into the good night. To truly follow Jesus self has to die. Self has to be renounced. Self has to be given a fatal blow from Jesus mighty hand. It requires surrender. It requires laying life down on the altar of God as a sacrifice.

Are we still wanting to follow in Jesus footsteps. Let us deal with self and give up our rights before we press on to part 3.

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