Sunday, May 6, 2018

Throw It In The Fire

Jeremiah had God's call on his life to be a prophet. That was his purpose. [Jer 1:5] God did not give him an easy ministry. He had a very difficult one. One which we do not know of one single person listening or repenting. Not one.

The words God gave Jeremiah were hard words. Dire words of warning. Jeremiah pointed to the nation of Babylon that would bring judgment on Israel. How did they respond. They rejected him. They eventually imprisoned him. At one point they threw in a dungeon well where he was lowered into a pit of mud. Eventually he was rescued and thrown into another prison.

While in prison he received another prophetic revelation. He had one of his servants come and dictated the message to his servant to be read to the king. How did the king respond? He had the whole scroll thrown into the fire and burned. Total disdain. Lack of respect. Absolute defiance.

People still disdain the Bible and the God who authored it through inspired men. One wonders how people could be so hard hearted they would throw the revelation of God in the fire to be burned. How could anyone be so cold as not to at least listen? Truth is carnal minds and hearts have no regard for the sacred scriptures or God. NONE. They ridicule the truth. The wise make themselves fools trying to explain it away.

I write this as a warning. Those that disdain the Bible so ferociously fail to recall one day they will stand before Righteous God. He will be a holy righteous judge. In that day it will be too late for mercy and compassion. When that day comes it will be hell fire or Judgment Seat of Christ fire before eternity.

My heart pangs to think about people I know and care for who will not trust Jesus for salvation. They think they can invent their own rules. In essence they toss the words of God away. Those same people will have to give an accounting before God. Every gospel witness unheeded will be of no avail. It will only serve to condemn.

Hell fire awaits the unbelievers. How can anyone this side of eternity ever truly paint a realistic picture of hell. Agony. Torment. Suffering. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Misery. Burning. For time without end. This message has been preached and taught from our day all the way back to Jeremiah's day. Words of warning. Words of salvation.

Jeremiah remained faithful. Israel never listened or repented. He is often referred to as the weeping prophet. He fulfilled his prophetic calling. I am sure he wept even more when Babylon tore through Jerusalem and conquered Israel. What a sad and tragic day. If they had only listened. If the lost today would only listen and trust Jesus for salvation. Otherwise they will be thrust into eternal damnation fire. May the Lord awaken unbelievers and open their eyes to the truth before it is too late.

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