Friday, May 4, 2018

What Do You Glory In?

What do you glory in? To phrase that another way, what do you treasure, value and honor? We have our lists. We can glory in our family, our accomplishments, successes, financial security, our education and so forth.

Let me weigh in on just a few. What about wisdom and education. We put a premium on education in society. Those educations do not come cheap. I have three college students right now. Those educations are supposed to open doors for employment later down the road. People are proud of their educations. Diplomas are proudly displayed in offices. It is said, "Knowledge is power."

Some boast in their might. That could be their physical fitness and youthfulness. You see people scantily dressed to show off muscles and curves. You see people strut around glorying in their physical strength. Just go to a powerlifting meet and you will see this on full display. Might could be the power wielded on jobs influencing many others. That could also be a nation glorying in their military prowess.

Some glory in their riches. They have an abundance and do not mind flaunting it. It can be seen in the houses they build, the cars they drive, the clothes they wear and the lifestyle they lead. Money is no obstacle for such people. They never have to worry about balancing a check book to make sure their enough funds for groceries or other necessities. They are well supplied with abundance.

When I think about it everyone of those things can be taken from us. People lose their mental faculties to disease. They lose the knowledge they worked so hard to gain. Even in old age to mid slips and things are forgotten. People lose their might. People age and so do their bodies. No matter how many surgeries or supplements bodies age and muscles diminish over time. Military might comes and goes. One nation conquers another nation and on and on it goes. Wealth can be earned and lost through embezzlement, down turns in the economy and bankruptcy. These are not things to glory in .

I read a passage this morning that dealt with this specific issue. What do we glory in? What do we boast about and value? Where do we put our treasure and honor? Read the passage with me.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NKJV) 
23  Thus says the LORD"Let not the wise manglory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty manglory in his might, Nor let the rich manglory in his riches;
24  But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me,That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD.

According to this we are to glory in two things. Really boiled down to just one if you combine the two. Understanding and knowing God. I am confident most people do not glory in that. There are many who do but I would not say most.

What does it mean to understand God? It means to be attentive with the intent to obey. I don't know how many worshipers sit in religious gatherings each weekend. They will sing. They will listen. Are they attentive intent on obeying the truth they hear? Only God knows for sure for only He can see into the motives in a person's heart. What do you think? Do the masses glory in understanding Yahweh? Do they gather attentively and desiring obedience to the truth they learn?

While that question many not be so easily answered without casting judgment let me rephrase the question. Do YOU glory in understanding God? Is it your desire to pay attention to Him and to diligently obey Him? Is that what you value and treasure?

Do you glory in knowing Him? What I mean is do you take the time to cultivate a real relationship with God? Are you growing closer to Him? Are you acquainted with His character and His ways? Do you spend time alone with Him regularly? Do you wake each day and follow hard on His trail to know Him.

One of the things I ask my boys as they get older is, "Are you having quiet times?" It saddens me to say many times they admit they don't. I have pressed the importance of this repeatedly. I try to model it for them. I have taught them how to do it. It really now is up to them to pursue knowing Jesus for themselves.

I write this all the time. Far too many people are content to know about Him. They are satisfied to feed on the crumbs of what He did in the past. They could feast on His presence daily. Far too few press in to really know Him. There is so much to know. New truth to discover. New depths to plunge and new heights to climb in Him.

The pursuit of knowing Yahweh is the most glorious of all pursuits. The knowledge of Him is the beginning of wisdom. Knowing Him is what we should glory in. Knowing Him is our greatest treasure. Knowing Him is invaluable. Knowing Him is worth more than all this world has to offer. Knowing Him is our greatest honor. Knowing Him is our greatest glory.

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