Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Full Of God

I just got off the phone with a friend. We have not talked in awhile. He is man's kind of man. A rancher. A guy God brought into my life early in my ministry days working with students. That was close to 28 years ago. We are close. We live hours apart but stay in contact with one another.

Early in our conversation he told me about what God is teaching him. Then the phone went silent for several seconds. At first I thought we lost our connection. A sniffle on the other end and I knew my friend cried. He tried to get the words out several times but could not. Finally he managed his testimony.

God called him to give up something recently. A sacrifice. Something most people have no issue with whatsoever. God required my friend lay it down. He obeyed. God blessed. Through tears he said, "I am so full of God I don't know if I can take anymore." He went on to testify about hearing God more clearly than he ever has. He talked about new doors God is opening for him in the agriculture field to minister and speak truth. He told me about waking up in the middle of the night in communion with Yahweh. During his work he testified about communion with Him. He spoke of eating his breakfast listening to worship music and melting into tears at the table alone.

I could sense the tender heart God has given Him. He testified of giving God his "yes." He testified of a willingness to follow Jesus. NO matter where that leads. This fires me up so much. It fuels renewed passion for me to go harder after Yahweh than ever.

His testimony inspires me. It makes me want to follow harder. To press into Him closer, Him meaning Yahweh. It makes me more determined to push away the distractions. It makes me yearn to be full of God.

What about you? Are you satisfied? Are you contented to segment your life between God and other responsibilities? Is it attractive to have a relationship with Yahweh so deep and intimate that you fellowship with Him all day each day? Is there any desire to be full of Him instead of full of the things of this world.

I think of the chorus to the old hymn Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in light of His glory and grace." My friend is experiencing that right now.

Does that allure? Does it appeal? To give focus and desire directed to Jesus. To want to be nearer to Him. To gaze with the eyes of your heart through the pages of scripture to know Him. To get better acquainted. To continually learn more and experience omore of HIM? To grow in the knowledge of Him. To want Him more than anything on this earth. Is there a desire to be full of Jesus. Full of Yahweh. If not why not? What are you giving yourself to? What are you full of?

If we would look closer beholding Him we would find the distractions of this earth start losing their attractiveness. We would say no to the lesser and yes to the greater. O God, please remove the distractions. Empty the clutter inside and fill us with more of You. More and more of You. In Jesus name, amen.

Psalm 63:8 (NKJV)
8  My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.

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