Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Next Step

Life is a journey. Each day a mini adventure and on some days larger adventures. Each day we take steps toward the race set before us. [Heb 12:1] We can choose to stay in the race God set before us or we can venture out on our own taking us further off course and the intended finish line set before us. 

I regret those times when I ventured out on my own. O, I justified those decisions often using scripture. I talked a good game and even convinced many doubters to win support. God revealed the truth through conviction and harsh consequences. 

Israel did the same thing on numerous occasions. Just one example would be voting not to go into the promise land. They paid for getting off the course God set before them. They paid dearly for forty years and with their lives. It started with one step, or should I say, one misstep. 

Think about the number of steps we take in a day. I am not so much thinking about the physical steps we take as much as I am thinking about the decisions to obey God, to trust Jehovah, and to follow Yahweh's leadership. It all begins with a step. Then it is just one step after another heading in the direction revealed to us. 

O but one misstep followed by other missteps can lead us down very painful and challenging roads. What stories could be told by those who walked out of the will of God starting with one step. 

Our steps are important. Each day is important. It is important to sit at His feet, receive His instruction and to walk in direction revealed to us. Day in and day out. 

What if we take a misstep? Do we keep going in the same direction? The wrong direction? No. We repent. We chart our course as much as possible back to God's course as quickly as possible. Granted some decisions cannot be so easily undone. Some consequences are longer lasting than others. There are consequences when we go astray. Some more severe than others. The important thing is to repent and get in tune with God's steps as much as possible. 

As I write this I am contemplating such consequences in my own life. One misstep led to others. I can even go back to the day, the place, and hour when I made that first misstep. Even though repentance followed there have been consequences. Dire sorrowful consequences. Those consequences have not just affected me. They have impacted family and friends close to me. 

I sit here tonight thinking about the next steps. I have repented of past missteps. I cannot undo the past. What I can do is forget the past missteps and press on toward the high call of God in Christ Jesus. [Phil 3:12-14] For one, I will step into the word of God again as I did earlier this morning. I will step into prayer again asking for wisdom and guidance. One day at a time, one decision and, one step at a time we press forward to the finish line. Let us run or step out in this race with endurance one step at a time refusing to be distracted or to get tripped. With Jehovah's strength we will reach the finish line. 

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