Tuesday, June 18, 2019

What Kind Of Kid Were You?

One of the camp counselors asked today,, "So what kind of kid were you?" I responded, "That is a broad question."

How would you answer that question? Were you quiet, shy and introverted. Were you loud, friendly and extroverted? Were you into math? Did you like to read? Were you compliant or rebellious? Were you hard working or lazy? Were you creative or competitive?

I finally answered, "Quiet, insecure, introverted, alone, competitive and angry."

The sponsor next asked, "When did all that change?"

"When I met Jesus," I replied. I went on to explain that some of it has not changed completely. When I am in a room of people I do not know I often drift to the background and sit alone. I have been criticized for it over the years. At times I force myself to meet new people and be extroverted. It does not come natural. It is something I make myself do.

Yet, Jesus has changed many things in me. As a child I could have never imagined I would stand before crowds of people and preach. I could not even make eye contact with the class when giving an oral book report. I seriously questioned and doubted when I sensed God calling me to preach. I did not think I could ever do it and now I can't imagine doing anything else. Jesus made all the difference.

Jesus took an insecure boy from a dysfunctional family and He rescued me. He rescued from generational curses that have plagued my family for years even to this day. He rescued from a life of mistakes and misery. He rescued from vices that could have destroyed me. He rescued me from a life without purpose.

While always driven, that drive would have taken me in the wrong direction. I never would have met my wife. Not enjoyed my four sons. I also would have missed out on the great adventure my life has been since I started following Him. How could I have imagined as a child that I would have the blessing of preaching to teenagers in Panama City, FL.

Jesus has made all the difference. He has connected me with deep relationships. He continually opens doors for ministry. He gave me a front row seat to watch Him move in power. How can I ever say thank you enough to my Savior who has blessed me beyond words.

There have been challenging days. Many of them. We've endured more financial crisis than I care to remember except for the fact that when He came, and still comes, through I have a platform to brag on Him. I am not deserving. One of my heroes is George Mueller. Little did I know how similar our lives and ministries would be except, I have not been called to care for orphans. I'm called to a life of faith walking just like he was.

Jesus took my childhood passion for writing and carefully crafted it into a ministry for Him. I thought my writing days were over after I surrendered to preach. Now I realize writing is just preaching in a different form. As a child how could I ever imagine that one day people would read what I wrote from Russia, India, Canada, Spain, and Indonesia. In just the past 24 hours readers have clicked on this site from Hong Kong, Denmark, France, Portugal and the United States. Jesus took a childhood passion and turned it into a ministry for Him that reaches around the world.

Before I was born God had a purpose for me. As a child God shaped and molded me. Others could not see His divine design. Hard headed. Stubborn. Persistent. Determined. Passionate. All of those childhood qualities now redeemed by the blood of Jesus all help fuel my purpose. To God be the glory.

Jeremiah 1:5 (NKJV)
5  "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

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