Saturday, June 15, 2019

Second Guessing

Sometimes I sit at this computer knowing just what to write. I have a topic, message and scripture burning in me and off I go. Other times I start writing with no clear objective and surprised where I end. My imagination and, prayerfully inspiration, take me to places I never imagined.

Today I am thinking about the topic of second guessing. We've all done it. Made decisions we regretted. Passed up on opportunities we wish we could go back and take advantage of now. Acted impulsively on matters we should have mulled over longer. Turned left when we should have turned right. Hurried ahead when we should have waited for God's clear leadership.

We can second guess a lot of things. Wavering back and forth in our mind. Weighing pros and cons. Praying. Wondering what if. Could it be that Satan at times causes us to second guess. He loves to sow confusion in the mind. God is not the author of confusion. A confused person will second guess everything. They become incapable and incompetent to make wise choices. This is just what Satan wants. Satan also uses confusion and second guessing to sow discontent. Discontent people entertain divorce thinking their are better options out there. Discontent people are always looking at the greener grass on the other side. Discontent people are seldom satisfied.

On the other hand, does God cause second guessing under conviction of the Holy Spirit when we disobey intentionally or unintentionally. When reoccurring thoughts come does God plant them there. When certain scriptures seem to point in a different direction than we are going. When we lack inner peace about decisions and directions we are choosing. When we feel convicted convincing us we are headed the wrong way like Jonah.

Even writing this I can second guess where the source of second guessing originates.

And then.............. I go back to the scripture. Today I offer a scripture to help in times of second guessing.

James 1:5-8 (NKJV)
5  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
6  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
7  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
8  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

We need God's wisdom in making the best choices. Every good idea is not necessarily a God idea. Let me say that again. Every good idea is not necessarily a God idea. Every opportunity is not ordained of God. So let us ask God for wisdom. Let us learn to wait on His leadership and guidance before we press ahead. Let us ask for wisdom in faith and not doubt. That doubt makes us unstable. Doubt causes second guessing and double mindedness.

God knows all. Therefore, if we seek His wisdom on matters and wait for Him to clearly show us what to do we can avoid the pitfall of second guessing. Then we can precede ahead in full confidence we are where and doing what God intended. We are in the center of His will. That is a path of peace. Choose wisely people.

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