Tuesday, June 18, 2019

God Came Through Again

I did not feel like preaching Sunday. It really had nothing to do with not feeling well physically. My symptoms were emotions in the heart. After weeks of bad fortune, adversity, setbacks, trials, bad news on top of bad news we received another blow Saturday night. A devastating blow. My emotional reserves were exhausted. I felt I had nothing else to give. No prayers left to pray. Brenda and I just hurt.

We showed up. When it came time to preach I did so dutifully and with as much passion as I could muster leaning on Jesus the whole time. I can't say how God used it in others. I preached to myself.

I stook in the back and talked to each one as they exited. Some I hugged. Some I listened to their questions. I teased the little children lovingly. Deep inside Brenda and were weeping silent tears.

As I secured the building our treasurer approached told me he needed to talk to me in my office. After talking to a few other people I eventually made it to my office. He and another man met me there. They told me they knew how tough things had been lately for Brenda and I. They knew we were in a big bind. They handed me a folded check saying, "We hope this helps." I stood their silently. The words would not come but the tears did. I barely muttered, "I've been praying and begging God for help." We circled and I thanked God for His help and for those two men and lifted their burdens before the Lord. We hugged. We each told the others we loved one another.

When they left I opened that check. A $1,000 love gift. I stood there for a moment and thanked God. You see, I had a car wreck in the miracle blessing car given to us just about a month ago. The person who gave us the car said the insurance was paid on the car through the end of May. We planned to have our coverage start June 1. I had my accident, totally my fault, just before the insurance was to change over. It did about $2,500-3,000 damage on the truck I clipped and about $700 on ours. I could not turn it on insurance because it was not in our name yet and opted to pay it outright. A decision we made on faith because we did not have the extra money to do so. When the man told me damages to his truck were what they were my heart sunk. Like a little child I fell at God's feet and wrapped my arms around his throne pleading for help. All the money I get from this camp this week is going toward those vehicle repairs and I still needed more. I saw no way out. God heard. God moved. God provided. I trust He will make up what is lacking and once again show Himself faithful for my family. God did it again and once again I brag on Him and testify about the great things He has done.

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