Friday, June 7, 2019

True Greatness

It's not often you get to truly be in the presence of greatness. It is not often that you get to stand next to someone who inspires you to be a better follower of Jesus. I had that opportunity today. The person I spent time with is a true servant through and through. Not just when people are looking. This person prefers no-one ever know good deeds done except God.

I see people all the time do some kind of good and immediately want everyone to know about it. They want to blow their own horn, pat themselves on the back and get the applause of men. That is not true of my friend. People do not know half the good deeds this person does.  This one serves  family, friends, through the local church and serves those in need.

This one spent the whole day serving and then just called me right in the middle of another act of service. Like I said, such a person inspires me to be better. Age and health are not limiting factors. My friend has battled both.

True greatness is not being first but choosing to be last. True greatness is putting others before self. That is exactly what Jesus did. That is what we are called to do. Many will serve on a missions trip when they get notoriety. It is another thing to serve your family when nobody is looking. Like doing something for your family without expecting any reward or payment in return.

Not every act of service is glamorous. Many are no fun at all. True greatness is meeting needs around you. It is humbling yourself beneath others help. Many service projects are difficult. People may start out gang ho in the beginning but that enthusiasm can wear off when you're elbow deep in grime, sweat and backbreaking service. Truly great people remind themselves they are doing service for Jesus and that is all the reward they expect or need.

Truly great people serve. They willingly and joyfully sacrifice. They deny themselves what is the comfortable easy road to follow Jesus' leadership. Jesus said it right when He said the last shall be first. If you are looking for true greatness don't look at the front of the line. You just might find true greatness in the very back.

Matthew 19:29-30 (NKJV)
29  And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
30  But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

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