Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Rejoicing In The Rain

I admit sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. That is never more true than when it comes to working out. Over the years I've done some pretty stupid things. Like riding my bike from Paradise, TX to Hurst, TX. About a 50 mile jaunt through major city traffic.

A few years ago Brenda bought me a fit bit. I got addicted to trying to beat all sorts of goals or milestones I achieved previously. Like the day I did 100 bleachers so I could break my all time high of the  steps and floors I climbed in a single day. Like the day I went for 15,000 steps. Then that was not enough. I worked my way to 20,000, 25,000 and one time 30,000 but,  broke it up into two different sessions in the day.

Some of the weight lifting routines I draw up are ridiculous. Especially for a man my age. Still I love the challenge. It's a good day when the sons groan about the intensity of the work out. It fuels me to keep pressing harder.

A year ago my fit bit broke. It just quick working all together. My boys joked that I wore it out. I really think that I sweat so much wearing it that the salt from the sweat corrupted the performance. Needless to say, without that challenge of beating goals,  walking did not take on the same fun.

Then.... Brenda got me another one for Father's Day. I've spent this week breaking it in. Yesterday I hit my first goal. I decided on an early morning start after reading my Bible today. I set an ambitious goal. As soon as I walked out the door two things became apparent. I heard thunder. I felt more humidity than normal. The thought crossed my mind I ought to stay close to camp just in case it rained. I had the challenge in my head though. A goal to achieve. A challenge to overcome.  I did not listen to common sense. Off I went.

I admit the destination was further than I thought. A lot further. Undeterred I kept pounding the pavement. Finally, after working up a good sweat, I reached the destination and made my turn to head back. This is where the real adventure started. With a long way to go I felt the first raindrop. I thought it was nothing and would pass. Then I felt another. Then I noticed several wet spots on the pavement where the raindrops fell.

I prayed. "Lord, please hold the rain off until I get back to camp. Just a few more minutes." The rain stopped. I felt confident and thankful. Then the drops returned only harder. People with any sense had long ago cleared the walking, jogging and biking path. Except me and one other man up in front of me. I forgot about the rain and my competitive juices kicked in. I wanted to catch and pass that guy. I found another gear though my feet ached by this time.

Then it happened. Sprinkling turned into a full pledge shower and then into a driving rain. You have heard the phrase "blinding rain." I found out first hand what it meant. It rained so hard it stung as it pelted my skin. I could not keep my head up. To push forward I had to keep my head down periodically using my fingers as windshield wipes on the windshield of my eyes.

With each step I drew nearer my opponent. He was older than me. He wore a beach hat which he strategically pulled over his eyes shielding them from the rain. A good move and jealously I wished I had such a hat to help me as victoriously I surged past him.

It rained so hard my clothes stuck to my skin soaked. My new shoes were soaked as well as my socks causing a small blister to form. I still had about a mile left to get back. Then I saw lightening flashes and heard thunder. Suddenly this was not just a challenge anymore. It was a matter of life and death. I prayed earnestly for God's protection to help me get back.

Soaked to the bone, blinded by the rain, wearied from the journey it dawned on me that little morning walk is a metaphor for life. The walk itself is the journey of life. My destination to get back to the cabin for refuge is Heaven Jesus followers are pressing toward. The man I passed was like a fellow pilgrim on his own journey at his own pace. Then I began rejoice in the rain. I am not kidding.

With a long way to go, aching back, sore feet and wet from head to toe I rejoiced in the rain. I praised, thanked, celebrated and rejoiced in God in the middle of a storm. I thanked God for having this subject matter to blog about. Then I put my head down and pressed forward thanking God for different things along the way.

I walked for awhile in this fashion when the rain let up and the skies began to clear a little. Just like that the storm ended. It is the same way in life. Our storms do not last forever. They blow in doing damage but they also move on.

Life is not easy. There are challenging days. Storms pop up when we are most vulnerable. Though the winds may howl and the rain may pelt we must keep enduing. Keep pressing ahead. Keep pushing toward the finish line. Even when we can barely see what is in front of us. These storms do not last forever. We must finish this race of life well.

As I put the finishing touches on this the sun is out. I've showered and had breakfast. I exchanged my wet clothes for dry ones. Looking back I recall being in the middle of that storm was not enjoyable. In some ways it was miserable. Now on the other side I rejoice. I rejoice for the lessons learned along the way. I rejoice that God protected me. I rejoice that I made it back. I rejoice He gave me something else to write about. I ALSO REJOICE I REACHED MY WALKING GOAL FOR THE DAY BEFORE 8:30 a.m.

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NKJV)
1  Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2  looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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