Thursday, October 10, 2024

World Gone Crazy

 Everywhere I look the world is going crazy. I cannot think of one specter of society where turmoil is the rule of the day. I cannot even stomach to watch the main news outlets anymore. I am fast losing interest at keeping up to date with alternative news sources I have used for years to keep informed about current affairs. It is all so disheartening. 

Let me start with politics. I am so disgusted and ashamed by politicians in BOTH parties. They no longer represent the best interests of the United States. Key players in both parties legislate laws that are not designed to help our citizens. I cannot for the life of me understand why our government would give hundreds of millions of dollars to people around the world or who have entered our country illegally but not help those devastated by the recent hurricanes. It does not make sense. I have heard multiple reports about supplies that are donated to hurricane victims being confiscated and given to sanctuary cities. Does that make any sense? 

What sense does it make to give illegals housing and money to live on while our own citizens face needs. In what world does it make sense to allow illegal aliens to vote in elections. That very thing is planned right here and now. What sense does it make to let terrorists come across our borders and to allow children to be sex trafficked while little is done to stop it. It is a world gone crazy. 

I have said this numerous times, and I will say it again today. The government has turned against us in many areas. Key globalists leaders are bent on one thing. The destructive killing of hundreds of millions of people through vaccines, pandemics, wars, and other ways. Few listen. They remain glued to ABC, NBC, CBS, and even FOX for their news narratives. It has been proven over and over again these news outlets lie and misinform the people. They insist the 2020 presidential election was the safest in history. Multiple facts that are suppressed by the news outlets hide the truth. It is a world gone crazy. 

The justice system has been used as a weapon to stop political opponents. There is no longer justice for all. There is justice for the side who can stack the deck of judges, jurors, and attorneys. Organizations like the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service have demonstrated they cannot always be trusted. Few want to believe this. It is a world gone crazy. 

Move onto education. Right before our eyes history is revised and rewritten as false facts are taught to students. Liberal ideologies are introduced at young ages in the classroom to reshape the way students view the world. The homosexual and transgender way of life is taught as normal. It is also pushed on students to identify with this lifestyle. If concerned parents voice their concerns to the local school boards, the Attorney General of the United States labeled such parents as domestic terrorists. It is a world gone crazy. Many students tell me that their schools are more and more pagan. The darkness is deepening, and many Christians are hiding the light of Jesus inside out of fear. Schools are no longer safe places. Students are treated like lab test animals to experiment with teaching different philosophies. It is going south. Even in private Christian schools the hypocrisy among faculty and students is noticeable. The salt has lost it flavor and the light is fading. It is a world going crazy. 

Look at the agriculture industry and the Food and Drug Administration. Certain poisons are allowed on our foods through pesticides, chemtrails from airplanes, and genetic modifying of foods. Scientists have disrupted the natural order God created and people are paying the consequences. Look at some of the drugs prescribed. Take a study about the harmful effects of many vaccines. The data proves the world has gone crazy. The people who are supposed to protect us, treat us, heal us, and protect our food sources do not always have our best interest at heart. It is world gone crazy. 

While I could go on, let me just focus on one more aspect of society. This hits close. The church is not immune from criticism. While people paste plastic smiles on their faces in local churches let me be truthful what often happens behind the scenes. There are blatant powerplays. Manipulation to be in charge. Evil practices employed to be in influential leadership positions by both preachers and parishioners. Some pastors are dictators acting like the Chief Executive Officer rather than the shepherd of the flock. Other parishioners oppose pastoral leadership and handcuff them with their policies and procedures. Hypocrisy is running rampant in the pew and behind the pulpit. I am grieved to hear about upstanding respected church members committing adultery. The same is true of pastors who cannot keep their penis in their pants and bring shame on the name of Christ. Churches operate like businesses for profits instead of serving the least of these. Many congregations are made up with lukewarm apathetic members who sicken the stomach of Jesus. Preachers are cowards in the pulpit reluctant to offend Mr. Big Bucks and Mrs. Gossip Leader with hard hitting Bible truth. Many churches have little to no influence on the communities they are called to minister in. The good news of the gospel is often a well-kept secret among many Christians instead of shared in the highways and byways among those who need to hear it most. It is a world gone crazy. God help us. 

This is not the first time in history a society has strayed from the Savior. God has chastised such nations in the past and I fear we are headed for some dire times ahead. We can still repent. We can still turn to God and plead for mercy. We do not deserve it, but who knows. Maybe God will have compassion. Maybe He will turn this world gone crazy upright again and bring people back to Him. Maybe God will give us a little more time before the Great Tribulation sets in and the rapture comes. If not, we have not seen just crazy this world can get. 

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