Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I Wonder

 Brenda bought me a book for my birthday. The book was used. Today when I turned to open the front cover, I noticed some handwriting on the inside. Turns out the previous owner of this book was a lady named Madeline from Pennsylvania. That set my mind to wondering. She even included her address with the notation, "Return to..." She must have treasured this book enough to want it back if she let others borrow it. I wonder how it ended up in my hands. Did she sell it? Did she lend it to someone and they sell it? I don't know. I just know Brenda purchased it online and now the book is in my possession. I wonder how much enjoyment Madeline got from the book over the years. 

I assure this is not a book you will find on the top most popular books list. It is a heavy theology book written in 2002 by a college professor. I wondered what sort of woman would be interested in such a book. Is she a housewife so devoted to God she wants to learn more? What motivated Madeline to purchase this book? Is she a teacher in her local church and used the book for help in teaching truth? Is she a college professor herself and used the book in her teaching material? Perhaps a high school teacher at a Christian School. So much I do not know. Did Madeline have a family? Is she married and have children? How old is she? 

I wonder if she is even alive. Did some relative find this book and put it up for sale after she deceased having no use for it themselves. As they say, one person's junk is another person's treasure. There is evidence that Madeline did read the book for I have discovered yellow hi lighted selections. I wonder about her quest to discover truth and deepen her understanding of Bible doctrine. 

I wonder about Madeline's salvation. When did she meet Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior? How did God show Himself faithful to her after that salvation encounter? I wonder how many other people she introduced to Jesus along her life journey. I wonder if she grew up in wealth and privilege or in poverty. I wonder what her favorite subjects were in school? Did she graduate from high school? Did she go on to pursue studies in college and graduate school? 

I wonder what passions consume Madeline. If she is still alive, I wonder about her devotional habits. I wonder if her Bible is tattered and worn from use. I wonder if she is a devout prayer warrior. I wonder if she even still resides at the address on the inside cover of that book. I wonder if I will meet Madeline in heaven. Our only connection being a relationship with God and this book. I wonder. 

Whatever reason for Madeline parting with this book, I am thankful to her for making it available to me as a gift from my wife. Madeline must be quite a lady. I wish I knew more about her. Today, I can only wonder. 

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