Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Martin Luther Jr. stood at the mall in Washington, D.C. and proclaimed his famous "I Have A Dream," speech. He worked toward racial equality. He wanted people to experience freedom. Liberty. Deliverance from racism and segregation. He worked tirelessly for it. 

Can people live in a land of freedom and not be free? You could be a citizen of the United States and yet be incarcerated. In that case, such people would not live in freedom. There are others who live in bondage day in and day out. Bondage to all sorts of things like fear, anxiety, addiction, and the opinions of others people. These people live in a land of freedom but are not free themselves. 

There are many Christians who do not live in freedom. Even though Jesus offers freedom. 

John 8:32–36 (NASB95)

32and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” 

33They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, ‘You will become free’?” 

34Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. 

35“The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. 

36“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.

Such live in bondage. They are enslaved. They wear invisible chains shackling them to some emotion, sin, or thought that enslaves them like a prisoner. Christians under bondage work feverishly to keep their bondage a secret for fear of being judged. Satan loves to hold people hostage by their secret sins. 

It saddens me how many live in bondage to something. It is pornography for many men. It is a poor self image for many women. It is bondage to the opinions of people for some. Others battle the bondage of the will to continue doing things that displease God. Multitudes are in bondage to depression. Many are in bondage to addiction. A slavery they cannot seem to escape. 

Can such people be liberated? Jesus said they could. He said He could make people free. To deliver them from bondage. To break the chains. To set at liberty those held captive. [Luke 4:18-19]. Is this really true? Can we really expect people who are enslaved to sin to be set free? I certainly think it is. I know Jesus has the power to do what He says. Do we believe Him and take Him at His word? We need to see this again.  People delivered from demonic bondage. 

The fact is most people who are in bondage do not trust anyone enough to cry out for help. I get it. Christians can be gossiping judgmental immature husks of Jesus followers. It is understandable why those in bondage do not trust those in the church. Therefore, the cycle of bondage continues from one generation  to the next. Generational curses continue passed down for decades and even centuries. It appears freedom is out of reach when the truth is it is there for the taking by faith. When Jesus sets a person free, they will actually be free. This is good news. No, it is great news. May we walk in the freedom Jesus purchased for us. 

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