Friday, October 11, 2024

Nothing Will Be Impossible

 For nothing will be impossible for God. [Luke 1:37] NASU 1995

The context of this verse is when Gabriel appeared to Mary and informed her that she would conceive the miracle incarnate Messiah by the Holy Spirit. How could a teenage girl even contemplate this in her wildest imaginations. It seemed far fetched. That is when God spoke through Gabriel and informed her that nothing is impossible with God. 

Just a few verses earlier we learn that Mary's cousin Elizabeth was barren and in her old age. It seemed all hope was lost that she would ever have a child of her own. That is until Gabriel met her husband in the temple and revealed that Elizabeth would conceive and they would have a son named John who would turn people to the Messiah. We know that son as John the Baptist. 

Nothing is impossible with God. Do we believe it? Do we pray like we are convinced this is true? I read Luke 1:37 seated alone in a favorite breakfast spot this morning. That word impossible means unable, powerless, cannot do. What is God unable to do? Name the things He is powerless to perform. List the things He cannot do. He can do all of it. Anything He wants. He is not limited in power, resources, or wisdom. 

Nothing is impossible with God. When I read that this morning, I jotted some things in my journal. Some things that would appear pretty impossible to mortal man. I am not leaning on mortal man. I am leaning on eternal God. The God who created the universe with spoken words. The God who parted the Red Sea for Moses and Israel. The God who helped a shepherd boy defeat a giant warrior champion. The God who sent fire out of heaven for Elijah to consumed the sacrifices. The God who sent the Messiah to be born in a manger. The God who became flesh and dwelt among men in Jesus. The God who healed diseases and raised the dead. The God who resurrected Jesus from the dead. 

We either believe this or we don't. If we believe we will pray some bold prayers and take some bold steps of faith. We will witness God do great things. We will continually testify of these great things He does. Marriages will be healed. Diseases cured. Lives transformed. A nation bowed in repentance. Churches will be planted. The gospel will be proclaimed in foreign lands. His provision will fund kingdom causes. We have only scratched the surface of some of the things God can do. 

What do you need Him to do for you? Restore a broken relationship. Provide a financial need. Open a closed door. Make a way where it looks impossible to travel. Move a mountain. Go ahead and take God at His word. I did. I am praying like nothing is impossible with God. I hope you will do the same. 

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