Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Rooster Crow

 Brenda and I are in Seminole for a funeral. We are staying on a 20,000-acre ranch. This is sacred soil as the last time I stayed here I had a profound encounter with God. That was my aim when I got up this morning. At exactly 5:20 a.m. I heard the rooster crow outside. He proudly gave his cock-a-doodle-doo for at least 30 minutes. 

It has been decades since I have heard the crow of a rooster in the morning. I was awake and seeking the Lord for nearly an hour and a half before he started strutting his stuff. I read Mark 1:35 about Jesus getting up before daylight and departing to an isolated place to pray. That is what this place is. An isolated place to seek God. To listen for His still small voice. To sit still in His presence without feeling rushed to get onto the next event. It has just been the two of us while Brenda rests from the long road trip. 

There is something about those early morning encounters with God. When the world still sleeps and there are no distractions. God meets us in the secret place in those early morning private meetings. He opens His word and speaks living truth into our dry and weary souls. He waits for us there. He longs to give us His fresh revelation of Himself and His ways. 

When you live in the country, you grow accustomed to the rooster's crow. Much like a person who lives near train tracks, you eventually get to the point when you don't hear them anymore. They become white noise. The rooster reminds me this morning that seeking God early is worth it. I confess it hurt a little more than normal to climb out of bed. I am not usually this tired except after a full day of preaching and teaching on Sundays. Brenda and I drove five hours to get here once she got off work. We pulled into the gate at 9:25 last night. We visited with our hosts until after 11:00. That is WAY LATER than I normally go to bed. 

It is worth it. Worth it to sacrifice a little sleep to meet with the Master. If the rooster can get up early to crow, then I should get up early to seek God. It is the best part of my day. What a privilege to get to draw near to Him. What a delight to hear Him speak through the pages of His word. O how He spoke.

We were privileged to spend the night here. I wish we had several nights to slow down and spend some great time with God. I have taken numerous prayer retreats over the years. It has been a year and a half since I took my last one. My schedule just has not allowed me time to get away. That does not mean that I do not get up early to seek the Lord wherever I am. In the living room. Most frequently in my office. Sometimes the prayer room. While the world sleeps and the rooster still rest, I want to be up seeking my God. 

The late Rich Mullins wrote a song called Step by Step. A line in that song captures my attention right now. He wrote, "I will seek You in the morning and learn to walk in your ways. Step by step You'll lead me, and I will follow You all of my days." That is my desire long before the rooster crows. 

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