Monday, October 7, 2024

Woefully Inadequate

 I want to state right from the start that my vocabulary is woefully inadequate to write this post. I will do the best I can, but the English language will fail me. I will trust God and give my best. 

 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. [II Cor 5:21]

This is one of the simplest expressions of what salvation is. It is also a profound statement of what God did through Jesus to save us. It all started with God the Father. He sent Jesus from Heaven inside the womb of a frightened young girl. Mary gave birth to God's Son and Jesus began His earthly journey. Why would God that. Simple. He loved us. See John 3:16 and Romans 5:8. 

Jesus never sinned. Not in attitude, not a careless word spoken, not an act of rebellion against the laws of God, nor any act of rebellion. Nothing. Jesus lived perfectly. If Jesus had not lived sinlessly, His death on the cross would have been meaningless. His perfection enabled Him to satisfy the wrath of God through His sufferings. Jesus is the only one who could have been the substitute to make atonement for our sins. 

On the cross Jesus took on the sin of humanity. Perfection suffering for imperfect people. He became bearer of our sins. He did not deserve to suffer so much. He did it to pay our debt we could never pay. In exchange for our sin, Jesus offers His righteousness. His purity. His right standing with God. Apart from Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross nobody would ever be declared righteous. In Jesus, we are righteous. Not a righteousness of our own. A transferred righteousness. 

I am woefully inadequate to write about this. Woefully inadequate to express my gratitude to God. Woefully inadequate to fully grasp the consequences of what Jesus did for us. Woefully inadequate to spend the rest of my days in service as an act of continuous worship. 

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