Sunday, April 18, 2021

I Must Get On My Knees Before Jesus

 I have written several things about Devon, who died of cancer a week ago today. We celebrated her home going yesterday. I heard so much about her strong faith and love for Jesus. One story shared yesterday moved me deeply. 

The doctors tried some experimental drug treatments in a last ditch attempt to save Devon's life. Within a few short days they knew the treatments were not going to work. They sent Devon home on hospice care. 

With less than a week to live out her remaining days on planet earth with her husband and three sons, her body weakened. Her world got smaller until she was no longer able to get out of bed under her own power. Her and Josh often prayed together. One day Devon told Josh they needed to pray together again. He was about to get in bed beside her when she asked him for his help to get her out of bed so she could kneel in prayer. She said, "I must get on my knees before Jesus." Wow. 

I know perfectly healthy people who never feel the need to get on their knees before Jesus. They could. They should. They do not. Have you? Have I? 

Jesus is a great King. He is a loyal and faithful Master. He is the greatest Teacher. He is a wonderful Savior. He is a mountain mover, a chain breaker, a grave robber, a water walker, a disease healer, a sin forgiver, a never failing redeemer, a mission giver and so much more. He deserve our humble adoration. He deserves our reverence and awe. He is worthy of our respect. 

Would you kneel with a diseased rack body battling your last days on planet earth? Would I? Or would we waste our days pining away in bitter fury at not being healed after praying so hard for it. At least not healed on planet earth. 

One day all of us will bow the knee before Jesus and confess He is Lord of lords and King of kings. We will have no choice on that day. Nor will the atheist, the agnostic, the skeptic, the Muslim, Jew, or any other religion. Presidents will bow. Some in worship and some in fear of the coming judgment. Kings will cast their crowns down before the only one worthy to wear a crown and his was laden with thorns. We will all be forced to bow then. How much better if we volunteer to bow now in reverence and in worship? Don't you know Devon's devotion moved Jesus deeply. What about our devotion?

It is time to bend the knee. It is past time to bow the heart, the mind and the will before Messiah Jesus. It is time to go practice what I am preaching or at least writing. Devon set a great example. So I ask in closing, will we get on our knees before Jesus in both petition and praise? I am closing this and heading straight to the prayer room where like Devon, I must get on my knees before Jesus. 

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