Friday, April 16, 2021

Disappointed By God Part 2

 I wrote a very painful post yesterday. Though disappointed by God, I wrote I was not disappointed with God. I thought I would write a follow up today. Especially relating to the four experiences I shared. 

I still plan to attend the funeral of the young wife and mother of three sons tomorrow morning. It will be tough watching that grieving family and seeing so many who prayed so hard and are disappointed. I grieve for the family. I rejoice with and for this wife and mother. She is experiencing Jesus in ways we can only do by faith. All of the confusion is cleared away as she settles into eternity. Her disease infested body has been freed. She worships by sight what we can only worship by faith. 

Paul wrote, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." [Phil 1:21] That is my all time favorite verse in the Bible. The one I have requested Brenda to have preached at my funeral. That young mother has gained from her death. The word gain means advantageous or profitable. The day this young wife and mother died was her promotion day. Her graduation day. The best and most profitable day of an all too young life. 

Yes, I grieve for her family and friends left behind to cope with her loss. Only she is not lost if you know where you can find her again. The moment I read the note six days ago standing in front of our congregation that she died I thought of a verse. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." [Ps 116:15] How can we not  rejoice for those who are saved and inheriting everlasting life. That is ultimate end for all of God's people. 

I may not understand her premature death. I may have questions about prayer. I may feel disappointed. Where that young lady is right now is where I long and aim to be one day. I don't know if God will grant me long life or a short one. I know as long as I live I want to live for Him. When I die, all the disappointments of this life will fade away. 

For the man I wrote about in the hospital yesterday I have good news. His condition is treatable. In fact the patient told me and I quote, "The doctor said he is 100% positive this condition can be turned around and treated." What a praise. What a relief. What rejoicing. In the span of twenty-four hours our emotions got jerked from the depths of despair to the heights of gratitude. God is faithful. [I Thess 5:24] He told me in tears how much he has to be thankful for. He loves his family and church family. Thank you Jesus. 

I again turn to a passage of scripture I prayed for this man and his wife. It is a passage I have prayed over many people and applied to my own life. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." [Phil 4:6-7] There was really nothing to worry about in this situation. We all assumed the worst. God never lost control. If we could only see things from His perspective, we would worry less and trust more. 

As for my son who did not advance in track. His coach spent nearly an hour with him after they returned to the school building him up in the faith. His coach is a strong believer. He asked him to be an alternate on a relay team that did advance. That does not guarantee that he will get to run. It does mean that his track season is not over just yet. He still gets to work out with the team. Last night at the dinner table, Turner no longer seemed devastated. He had hope, joy, and faith again. It did a world of good for Brenda and I. In about a week our third son, Tucker, will be home from college for the summer. Turner called him his best friend. That will help relieve a good deal of disappointment. 

As for the student worker who will soon be moving. I think of one verse. "Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, 'Who shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" [Is 6:8] God has a purpose and plan for this servant of the Lord. Far be it from me to try to hold her back from following His call on her life. His will and His purposes need to be accomplished in her life. Sometimes you have to let go and release some of God's greatest blessings for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Didn't Jesus say, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." [Matt 6:33] Even when it is disappointing to lose a great worker, peace comes from knowing wherever this one is planted the kingdom of God will grow. I desire to see the Kingdom of God grow. Not my own personal kingdom. His will be done. 

Even though there are disappointments in life, God is still faithful. He is still good. He still loves us. His mercies are still new every morning and great is His lovingkindness. I have staked my whole life on those things, even when I am disappointed when He does not answer my prayers in the way I want Him to do from time to time. His way is best. He knows what He is doing. It is and always will be my responsibility to trust Him through it all. To keep praising Him when it is midnight in my circumstances and I hurt beyond ability to express in words like Paul and Silas in prison. [Acts 16:25] 

Take hope brothers and sisters. God does not abandon us during disappointing times. We press on. We keep believing. We keep loving. We keep praising. We keep following. We keep pursuing. We keep loving. We keep singing. We keep serving. One day, one day we will see in full what we have only been able to see in part down here. Disappointments will fade forever in that day. 

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