Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I Have Never....

 Those were the words spoken by a thirteen year old young man at the skate park this past Monday night. We will call him Edgar. Edgar just moved with his family from a suburb of Los Angeles, CA a few weeks ago. He started by telling us he was not a people person. Like so often happens on Monday night, the standoffish reluctance gave away to the lure of the pizza. Soon Edgar opened up. 

We found out he has a little brother. He loves baseball. He is a pitcher. He had never had hamburger pizza before Monday night and commented, "This is amazing!" He rambled a lot. I felt like he is pretty lonely. He wanted our attention. His brother practiced baseball and his mother sat in her car while he skated on his scooter. Before moving to Weatherford, Edgar had not had in person learning at school in over a year. He said he needed in person learning. He struggled with distance learning. Maybe he is more of a people person than he let on at first. 

Most of the conversation revolved around small talk. Then he said something startling. It started with, "I have never...." When I first heard it, I could hardly believe my ears. It made me sit up and pay closer attention. I had to make sure I heard him correctly. Sure enough I did. Read the rest of his statement. Edgar commented, "I have never been to church!"

That was in response to Connie asking if his family had found a church home yet since moving to Weatherford. He has never been to church. Now before you legalistic theologians jump on me, I am fully aware the church, ecclesia, is the people of God. It is not the building. I get it. Don't miss the point. 

Edgar has NEVER been to a worship gathering. He has NEVER sat in a Sunday School or small group class. He has NEVER been to a Vacation Bible School. He has NEVER witnessed a live baptism. Most likely NEVER had communion. Maybe other than the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas, NEVER heard the real message of Christmas. Has Edgar ever heard the full story of the crucifixion and resurrection. This young man in our community has NEVER BEEN TO CHURCH? Does that move you? Does that disturb you out of apathy? Does that startle you out of spiritual slumber? How mmny more Edgars are out there. 

Edgar is not saved but is open to it. He wants to find a church. Next, he said words that cut deeply, "My mom will not take me. She had a bad traumatic experience with a church and will not attend or take us." Here it is again. Another person being wounded by the very organization that is supposed to represent Jesus on earth. Another person traumatized and turned off to our religious activity. 

O God, help us please quit hurting the very people You died to save. Please help us to love, extend grace, protect and embrace those who are drawing to yourself. Please help us minister to the myriads who have felt the sting of abuse, fraud, judgment, and hypocrisy from the church. 

Even without ever attending a worship service, Edgar believes in Jesus. He has formulated some opinions on Jesus and the way Jesus treats people. He even has some understanding of sin and forgiveness. He commented that nobody is perfect in reference to people making mistakes. I am not sure if he has ever heard the gospel message. I was just about to share it with him when his brother finished practice and he had to leave. We told him we would be there again next Monday night and to come hungry for pizza. I'd prefer he come hungry to learn more about Jesus and that somehow his mother could be healed from whatever bad experience she had with a local assembly. Please join us in praying for Edgar and the others we meet at the park. We are believing Jesus to save each of them and turn their lives around 180 degrees. 

We have frequented McGratton Park for five months now. We have met so many people. Last week it was two softball players. One who plays for Weatherford Junior College. Some weeks it is skaters. We met another young man who took some pretty nasty falls Monday night. He professed faith in Jesus. 

Edgar was a bright spot. I can't see I have met too many people who have never gone to any church for any occasion. When I relayed this experience to a friend of mine he chided, "This is the result of twenty years of the church not reaching people for Jesus. Now we have a generation who have never been to a church gathering." 

Instead of being discouraged, it makes me more resolved not to lead a church that does not reach out. We must get outside the walls of the church buildings to where the people are who have never heard the good news of salvation. In five months we have witnessed to many. NOBODY HAS BEEN SAVED. Seeds have been planted. A load of gospel seed has been planted in hearts. I believe the harvest is coming. One day I could see a 180 (the name of our outreach ministry)church formed right in the park. I believe the day will come when we start an outdoor Bible study with students from the streets doing a deep dive into Jesus. I believe the day will come when will baptize our first skater in a feed trough of water. I do not expect one of those will come to Spring Creek. Not that I would not welcome them. They may never feel comfortable at an established church. 

If Edgar has never been to church then we need to bring the church to him. We need to point the way to Jesus and salvation. This is not about packing a pew or getting some more money in the collection plates. This is about coming to seek and save those who are lost like Jesus did. This is about leaving the 99 found sheep to search for the one lost one. This is about finding those who are spiritually sick and introducing them to the Great Physician. This is about connecting non religious people to a relationship with Jesus. We do not lose heart. We do not give up. We keep showing up. We keep offering pizza, listening ears, loving hearts, and Jesus. Maybe Edgar will be the first to be saved. I pray it be so. 

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