Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I Have Never....

 Those were the words spoken by a thirteen year old young man at the skate park this past Monday night. We will call him Edgar. Edgar just moved with his family from a suburb of Los Angeles, CA a few weeks ago. He started by telling us he was not a people person. Like so often happens on Monday night, the standoffish reluctance gave away to the lure of the pizza. Soon Edgar opened up. 

We found out he has a little brother. He loves baseball. He is a pitcher. He had never had hamburger pizza before Monday night and commented, "This is amazing!" He rambled a lot. I felt like he is pretty lonely. He wanted our attention. His brother practiced baseball and his mother sat in her car while he skated on his scooter. Before moving to Weatherford, Edgar had not had in person learning at school in over a year. He said he needed in person learning. He struggled with distance learning. Maybe he is more of a people person than he let on at first. 

Most of the conversation revolved around small talk. Then he said something startling. It started with, "I have never...." When I first heard it, I could hardly believe my ears. It made me sit up and pay closer attention. I had to make sure I heard him correctly. Sure enough I did. Read the rest of his statement. Edgar commented, "I have never been to church!"

That was in response to Connie asking if his family had found a church home yet since moving to Weatherford. He has never been to church. Now before you legalistic theologians jump on me, I am fully aware the church, ecclesia, is the people of God. It is not the building. I get it. Don't miss the point. 

Edgar has NEVER been to a worship gathering. He has NEVER sat in a Sunday School or small group class. He has NEVER been to a Vacation Bible School. He has NEVER witnessed a live baptism. Most likely NEVER had communion. Maybe other than the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas, NEVER heard the real message of Christmas. Has Edgar ever heard the full story of the crucifixion and resurrection. This young man in our community has NEVER BEEN TO CHURCH? Does that move you? Does that disturb you out of apathy? Does that startle you out of spiritual slumber? How mmny more Edgars are out there. 

Edgar is not saved but is open to it. He wants to find a church. Next, he said words that cut deeply, "My mom will not take me. She had a bad traumatic experience with a church and will not attend or take us." Here it is again. Another person being wounded by the very organization that is supposed to represent Jesus on earth. Another person traumatized and turned off to our religious activity. 

O God, help us please quit hurting the very people You died to save. Please help us to love, extend grace, protect and embrace those who are drawing to yourself. Please help us minister to the myriads who have felt the sting of abuse, fraud, judgment, and hypocrisy from the church. 

Even without ever attending a worship service, Edgar believes in Jesus. He has formulated some opinions on Jesus and the way Jesus treats people. He even has some understanding of sin and forgiveness. He commented that nobody is perfect in reference to people making mistakes. I am not sure if he has ever heard the gospel message. I was just about to share it with him when his brother finished practice and he had to leave. We told him we would be there again next Monday night and to come hungry for pizza. I'd prefer he come hungry to learn more about Jesus and that somehow his mother could be healed from whatever bad experience she had with a local assembly. Please join us in praying for Edgar and the others we meet at the park. We are believing Jesus to save each of them and turn their lives around 180 degrees. 

We have frequented McGratton Park for five months now. We have met so many people. Last week it was two softball players. One who plays for Weatherford Junior College. Some weeks it is skaters. We met another young man who took some pretty nasty falls Monday night. He professed faith in Jesus. 

Edgar was a bright spot. I can't see I have met too many people who have never gone to any church for any occasion. When I relayed this experience to a friend of mine he chided, "This is the result of twenty years of the church not reaching people for Jesus. Now we have a generation who have never been to a church gathering." 

Instead of being discouraged, it makes me more resolved not to lead a church that does not reach out. We must get outside the walls of the church buildings to where the people are who have never heard the good news of salvation. In five months we have witnessed to many. NOBODY HAS BEEN SAVED. Seeds have been planted. A load of gospel seed has been planted in hearts. I believe the harvest is coming. One day I could see a 180 (the name of our outreach ministry)church formed right in the park. I believe the day will come when we start an outdoor Bible study with students from the streets doing a deep dive into Jesus. I believe the day will come when will baptize our first skater in a feed trough of water. I do not expect one of those will come to Spring Creek. Not that I would not welcome them. They may never feel comfortable at an established church. 

If Edgar has never been to church then we need to bring the church to him. We need to point the way to Jesus and salvation. This is not about packing a pew or getting some more money in the collection plates. This is about coming to seek and save those who are lost like Jesus did. This is about leaving the 99 found sheep to search for the one lost one. This is about finding those who are spiritually sick and introducing them to the Great Physician. This is about connecting non religious people to a relationship with Jesus. We do not lose heart. We do not give up. We keep showing up. We keep offering pizza, listening ears, loving hearts, and Jesus. Maybe Edgar will be the first to be saved. I pray it be so. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

I Must Get On My Knees Before Jesus

 I have written several things about Devon, who died of cancer a week ago today. We celebrated her home going yesterday. I heard so much about her strong faith and love for Jesus. One story shared yesterday moved me deeply. 

The doctors tried some experimental drug treatments in a last ditch attempt to save Devon's life. Within a few short days they knew the treatments were not going to work. They sent Devon home on hospice care. 

With less than a week to live out her remaining days on planet earth with her husband and three sons, her body weakened. Her world got smaller until she was no longer able to get out of bed under her own power. Her and Josh often prayed together. One day Devon told Josh they needed to pray together again. He was about to get in bed beside her when she asked him for his help to get her out of bed so she could kneel in prayer. She said, "I must get on my knees before Jesus." Wow. 

I know perfectly healthy people who never feel the need to get on their knees before Jesus. They could. They should. They do not. Have you? Have I? 

Jesus is a great King. He is a loyal and faithful Master. He is the greatest Teacher. He is a wonderful Savior. He is a mountain mover, a chain breaker, a grave robber, a water walker, a disease healer, a sin forgiver, a never failing redeemer, a mission giver and so much more. He deserve our humble adoration. He deserves our reverence and awe. He is worthy of our respect. 

Would you kneel with a diseased rack body battling your last days on planet earth? Would I? Or would we waste our days pining away in bitter fury at not being healed after praying so hard for it. At least not healed on planet earth. 

One day all of us will bow the knee before Jesus and confess He is Lord of lords and King of kings. We will have no choice on that day. Nor will the atheist, the agnostic, the skeptic, the Muslim, Jew, or any other religion. Presidents will bow. Some in worship and some in fear of the coming judgment. Kings will cast their crowns down before the only one worthy to wear a crown and his was laden with thorns. We will all be forced to bow then. How much better if we volunteer to bow now in reverence and in worship? Don't you know Devon's devotion moved Jesus deeply. What about our devotion?

It is time to bend the knee. It is past time to bow the heart, the mind and the will before Messiah Jesus. It is time to go practice what I am preaching or at least writing. Devon set a great example. So I ask in closing, will we get on our knees before Jesus in both petition and praise? I am closing this and heading straight to the prayer room where like Devon, I must get on my knees before Jesus. 

Surprised By Worship

 Brenda and I arrived early for Devon's funeral in a spacious auditorium seating around 1,200 people yesterday morning. I was surprised to learn that one of my preaching pals would be preaching part of the service. People poured in. Mostly young people. Devon and her husband have impacted many young couples. I saw very few empty seats on the main floor once the service started. 

We watched a short video that showed part of Devon's personality with her and her husband dancing at what they called Nerd Night. Afterward, my friend got up and preached about her faithful witness and love for Jesus. Then they played a song I had never heard. We sat near the back, but up front I could clearly see Devon's husband standing alone. Nobody else stood. I watched him closely and listened to the words of the song even more closely. What I saw next absolutely blew me away. 

Josh lifted his hands in worship with his wife's dead body lying in the casket just a feet away. It stirred me deeply. It also stirred others. Eventually a few others started standing around the room lifting their hands and singing in worship. Before long it caught others up on their feet and people began to sing. Incredible is not the right word, but I cannot think of another. I saw pure, spontaneous worship sparked by a grieving husband knowing his wife is not really dead but more alive now than she has ever been. 

It moved the second pastor as well. He openly wept as he came to preach. The service ended with the song, Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold This Body Down. I love that song. I got caught up in worship as I stood with the rest and sang a song triumph along with most everyone else in the room. I have never seen that at a funeral. NOT EVER. Devon is not dead. She is alive and well in the presence of Jesus. Her body will one day rise again and resurrect to her in a glorified state. HALLELUJAH. 

I am still deeply moved by Josh's faith. I have never met him. I only met Devon once. Josh's love for Jesus, his unwavering faith, and his resolve to worship even in his pain inspires me greatly. The picture is etched in my mind of him standing alone in a crowded auditorium completely surrendered to the will of God and worshipping in the most horrific of circumstances. Would you and I do the same?

In those moments, I kept thinking to myself, "Cancer did not win! Jesus won. Devon and Josh's faith in God won." The kingdom of God won as I know some trusted Jesus as Savior in that service. Devon requested that a gospel invitation be given in the funeral service.

I left that service uplifted. My preacher friend made his first remarks saying, "This is a celebration of life." I may not have felt like celebrating when I arrived, but I sure did before we left. I admit it. I was surprised by worship. Surprised by the faith and resolve of a grieving husband to lift his shattered heart to the King of the Ages in praise much like Job gave in Job 1:20-21 when he heard about the death of his ten children. Job fell down and worshipped. Josh stood alone and worshipped. Both examples inspire me to worship in the hardest times. Thank you Josh and God for surprising me with worship. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Disappointed By God Part 2

 I wrote a very painful post yesterday. Though disappointed by God, I wrote I was not disappointed with God. I thought I would write a follow up today. Especially relating to the four experiences I shared. 

I still plan to attend the funeral of the young wife and mother of three sons tomorrow morning. It will be tough watching that grieving family and seeing so many who prayed so hard and are disappointed. I grieve for the family. I rejoice with and for this wife and mother. She is experiencing Jesus in ways we can only do by faith. All of the confusion is cleared away as she settles into eternity. Her disease infested body has been freed. She worships by sight what we can only worship by faith. 

Paul wrote, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." [Phil 1:21] That is my all time favorite verse in the Bible. The one I have requested Brenda to have preached at my funeral. That young mother has gained from her death. The word gain means advantageous or profitable. The day this young wife and mother died was her promotion day. Her graduation day. The best and most profitable day of an all too young life. 

Yes, I grieve for her family and friends left behind to cope with her loss. Only she is not lost if you know where you can find her again. The moment I read the note six days ago standing in front of our congregation that she died I thought of a verse. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones." [Ps 116:15] How can we not  rejoice for those who are saved and inheriting everlasting life. That is ultimate end for all of God's people. 

I may not understand her premature death. I may have questions about prayer. I may feel disappointed. Where that young lady is right now is where I long and aim to be one day. I don't know if God will grant me long life or a short one. I know as long as I live I want to live for Him. When I die, all the disappointments of this life will fade away. 

For the man I wrote about in the hospital yesterday I have good news. His condition is treatable. In fact the patient told me and I quote, "The doctor said he is 100% positive this condition can be turned around and treated." What a praise. What a relief. What rejoicing. In the span of twenty-four hours our emotions got jerked from the depths of despair to the heights of gratitude. God is faithful. [I Thess 5:24] He told me in tears how much he has to be thankful for. He loves his family and church family. Thank you Jesus. 

I again turn to a passage of scripture I prayed for this man and his wife. It is a passage I have prayed over many people and applied to my own life. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." [Phil 4:6-7] There was really nothing to worry about in this situation. We all assumed the worst. God never lost control. If we could only see things from His perspective, we would worry less and trust more. 

As for my son who did not advance in track. His coach spent nearly an hour with him after they returned to the school building him up in the faith. His coach is a strong believer. He asked him to be an alternate on a relay team that did advance. That does not guarantee that he will get to run. It does mean that his track season is not over just yet. He still gets to work out with the team. Last night at the dinner table, Turner no longer seemed devastated. He had hope, joy, and faith again. It did a world of good for Brenda and I. In about a week our third son, Tucker, will be home from college for the summer. Turner called him his best friend. That will help relieve a good deal of disappointment. 

As for the student worker who will soon be moving. I think of one verse. "Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, 'Who shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" [Is 6:8] God has a purpose and plan for this servant of the Lord. Far be it from me to try to hold her back from following His call on her life. His will and His purposes need to be accomplished in her life. Sometimes you have to let go and release some of God's greatest blessings for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Didn't Jesus say, "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." [Matt 6:33] Even when it is disappointing to lose a great worker, peace comes from knowing wherever this one is planted the kingdom of God will grow. I desire to see the Kingdom of God grow. Not my own personal kingdom. His will be done. 

Even though there are disappointments in life, God is still faithful. He is still good. He still loves us. His mercies are still new every morning and great is His lovingkindness. I have staked my whole life on those things, even when I am disappointed when He does not answer my prayers in the way I want Him to do from time to time. His way is best. He knows what He is doing. It is and always will be my responsibility to trust Him through it all. To keep praising Him when it is midnight in my circumstances and I hurt beyond ability to express in words like Paul and Silas in prison. [Acts 16:25] 

Take hope brothers and sisters. God does not abandon us during disappointing times. We press on. We keep believing. We keep loving. We keep praising. We keep following. We keep pursuing. We keep loving. We keep singing. We keep serving. One day, one day we will see in full what we have only been able to see in part down here. Disappointments will fade forever in that day. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Disappointed By God

 I have written for many years. I often write out of my own life experiences. This has brought a mixture of triumphant writings as well as some painful ones difficult to pen and read. Life is a mixture of both experiences. I put little stock in those who never face difficult days. Who do not struggle with their faith against the friction of trials and sufferings. I do not believe their fake plastic smiles and platitudes. Give me real people who grit through the grind of real life and real pain, tenaciously clinging to faith in Creator God. 

I live in the real world. I pastor real people who face real problems. I therefore, write real blogs. Yesterday was a difficult day. It has been a difficult week. A lady I prayed to be healed died on Sunday. I received the news yesterday that a man I have prayed for and shepherded got a serious negative medical report. He and his wife have been through so much in the past several months. When I talked with him and his wife, I could feel their and hear their exasperation mixed with tears. Even writing this disturbs me to recount in my mind. Our youngest son who prayed, quoted scripture, took faith steps and for whom Brenda and I prayed and fasted did not advance to the regional meet in track. Turner walked up to me and just buried his head on my shoulder. He has done that two others times, after the pain of tearing his ACL in his knee. I am choking back the tears reliving that moment as I write this. He was devastated. Brenda and I hurt for him but could not take the pain away. Then to top it all off, one of our best youth workers informed us she would be moving in a couple of months. 

A week and a day of one disappointment after another. Few would be willing to tackle this topic. I will. Even if I am misunderstood. I am not ashamed to say many times I am confused. After two decades of devoting myself to prayer, writing books and blogs on the topic, preaching numerous sermons, and praying hundreds of thousands of hours, I feel I know less about how prayer works than I ever have. With this one exception. I know we have to pray in the will of God. [I John 5:14-15] Disappointedly I am learning that much, if not most, of what I pray is not in His will. 

Saturday I will attend a funeral I do not understand why God disappointed by not physically healing. Later today I will be in contact with the man in the hospital. I'll try to minister to him even though I am shaken by his new diagnosis as he and his wife are. When I asked Turner how he was doing this morning he replied, "Disappointed." When we arrived at the track yesterday he walked up to me and handed me a rock saying, "God is going to slay this giant." Earlier in the day he texted me, "My God is bigger than any other runner here and I'm going to advance and run my fastest time of the year. I know my faith is bigger than a mustard seed." He did run his fastest time. He did not run fast enough to advance. Soon we will have to say goodbye to a beloved servant of the Lord who has done so much for our student ministry in such a short time. 

Yes, I admit it. I am disappointed BY God. That does not mean I am disappointed WITH God. It is does not mean that I do not love Him. It does not mean that I have quit trusting Him. It does not mean that I will not praise Him or quit serving Him. It does not mean I will quit praying. It does not mean I have lost heart and given up. 

What does it mean? It means I hurt. It means I am confused. It means I am disappointed God chose not to intervene in each of the above situations like I prayed He would. It means my finite mind cannot comprehend what He is doing or what He purposes. It means that I misunderstood the will of God in these situations. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NLT2)
8  “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
9  For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

God thinks in ways we do not think. His ways and purposes are beyond our imagination. He weaves all human history into His tapestry. I just see in part for my little life. I cannot see the full picture. I cannot comprehend the full scope of what He is doing. He has a plan that is beyond my reasoning. I do not have to understand. He knows what He is doing without my input. I TRUST HIM!

He is higher than me. His thoughts are higher than mine. They are elevated on a plain I cannot grasp unless He chooses to give revelation. His ways and purposes are more advanced than my introductory course understanding of His will. I TRUST HIM EVEN WHEN I AM DISAPPOINTED!

Though I am disappointed I keep trusting. I keep singing. I keep serving. I keep writing. Writing is God's therapeutic gift for me to work my way through difficult times much like the Psalmist did. Yes, I am disappointed by God. I trust that it is all working for good because I love Him and called according to His purpose. [Rom 8:28]. I will live and believe rejoice this day in the land of the living. [Ps 27:13-14] I will again find hope in Him and His word. [Ps 71:5] I will live to fight the fight of faith another day, even when a little disappointed by God. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Secret Place

 There is a place. A very special place. One unmolested by the masses. Hidden. Isolated. Tucked away from high traffic areas. Many walk right by it not even noticing it is there. A beautiful place. An exciting place, but one not frequented as often as entertainment spots. It is often overlooked in favor of Six Flags, Disney World, and destination vacations. The scenery is every bit as comparable to a mountain view, an oceanic panorama, a lakeside lounge chair, or a trip to the Botanical Gardens. 

This special secret place is free to all. No admission. You do not even have to have a reservation. No waiting lists or lines. Free access to all at anytime night or day. 

I just visited that place. In fact, I went twice this morning. Here is the other interesting detail. There are multiple locations around the world. You can find this special spot in every country around the world. There are multiple in every state. They are not hard to find if you are looking for them. 

But when you pray, go into your inner room and close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. [Matt 6:6]

Some call the secret place the prayer closet. In our passage it is referred to as the inner room. Some translations use the secret place wording. 

I say is an exciting place because God encounters happen there. What is more exciting than meeting and experiencing God in life transforming ways. Nothing can compare to that. 

I say more beautiful than destination vacations because in the secret place God reveals Himself. Like Moses, we may find ourselves asking God to show us more of Himself and His glory. You can read about that encounter with Moses in [Exodus 33:18]. You can also read about the glory of God filling the Temple in [II Chronicles 7:1-3]. There is nothing more breathtaking than the glory of God. Nothing more thrilling and awe-inspiring than visions from Him and of Him. 

I say it is a place with multiple locations because in my private life, I have a secret place back in my home office in Runaway Bay, I have a secret place in the parsonage next to the church, I have my office at the church, and the prayer room located just off the sanctuary. You have your own prayer closets I am sure. 

Sadly, prayer closet secret places get overlooked and abandoned. People are so busy. There are many occasions when distractions come when I am praying at the church, especially in the middle of the day. A text comes, an email arrives, the phone rings and on occasion somebody stops by to visit. A true prayer closet is a place where you can get away from all those things for the purpose of seeking God. I just did not long ago. I sought Him about some new direction in ministry and the ever recurring burden for revival in America and at Spring Creek. My how the time passed when it was just the two of us in communion. 

In this busy society, it is imperative we slow down and enter the secret place consistently. We need to be still and know that He is God. [Ps 46:10] We must develop the discipline of going to the prayer closet to refuel and get revived. Removing all other distractions of company, television, phones, and tablets to learn more of Him and to petition for His help. 

There is no place in the world that can compare to the secret place. Wherever yours is, I hope you frequent there often. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Take the Stairs

I determined that I would take the stairs on the way out entering the parking garage. The first level was reserved. The second level was full and the third and the fourth... I did not realize it at the time, but I finally found a parking space on the sixth level. 

I took the elevator down and contemplated the journey up six flights of stairs would not be near as easy as the ride down to the ground floor. I made my visit and then purposely walked back past the elevators to the parking garage to the stairs. I put my head down resolutely and started stepping up. 

By the third floor, I could feel the burning in my thighs. By the fourth level I was winded. Breathing became heavier and faster on flights five and eventually six. It took me all the way to the car before I began breathing somewhat normal again. Why take the stairs when the elevator is so much easier. 

I have been taking the stairs for years. It a reminder of two things. One, that I'm young enough in my mind to keep doing it. I feel it more now in my knees than I used to. My body is still able to do it, so I choose to push it. One time I had to park on the tenth level. I didn't think I would ever catch my breath that day. I guess I need to put in some cardio work. I am headed that way when I finish writing this. 

The second reason I take the stairs and the main reason, is to remind me everything in life is not easy. All things do not come easily. We have a whole generation of people who do not understand this. They want the degree but not the discipline of academic study to earn the degree. They want the promotion but not the extra work that comes with extra compensation and responsibility. They want the championship without putting in the grinding work in the weight room and practice fields. They want the big church without cutting their teeth in the small country churches. 

Younger generations want to buy their caps and jeans already wore out. Older generations got that worn look by working in their caps and jeans. By the sweat of their brow they wore out caps leaving sweat stains. They wore holes in their breeches by countless hours of hard labor. Younger generations like the look but want to avoid the hard stuff. 

Newsflash. Serving Jesus is hard! It requires faith steps. II Cor 5:7 He calls people to sacrifice. II For 9:6-7 He leads people out of their comfort zones. Gen 12:1-2 He teaches His followers to deny themselves and take up their cross. Matt 16:24 He asks us to share with those in need. Acts 2:42-47 He calls us to stand in the gap for people. Ez 22:30 He demands we give ourselves to serous and diligent study of His word. Acts 2L42 He tells us to go into all the world to make disciples. Mattt 28:19-20 Acts 1:8 None of these things are easy. It is not easy to join a church and be asked to serve in some capacity instead of just sitting and soaking like a pickle in pickle jar. 

So I take the stairs. I accept the challenge. I remind myself that life is not easy and everything Jesus demands is not easy. If you are able, I recommend you too take the stairs. 

Surprise Visitor

 I sat deeply engrossed in work in the office when I heard a knock on the front doors. We keep them locked during the day for security reasons. The knocks got louder and more frequent. I could not believe my eyes when I saw my surprise visitor standing at the door. It was Bob Harper and a lady I did not know. 

For many of you Brother Bob needs no introduction. For those who do not know him let me introduce you. Bob Harper served as the pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church for 14 years. Hundreds of people were saved. Under his leadership the church outgrew their facilities built our present sanctuary and Family Life Center. I got to serve as a youth pastor under him 30 years ago. We connected over our love for reading and love for revival. Brother Bob had a library of nearly 15,000 books! He gave me many of those books over the years. I used to sneak into this office and read some of his books when he was not there. I never took them from the office but got lost hour after hour in glorious reading and study. I still refer to this office as Brother Bob's office. 

He has been in a retirement home for some time. His wife Patsy died several years ago. I could not believe he was out visiting his wife's grave and the church he pastored so faithfully. Due to the pandemic he had not been out of that care facility in over a year. He walked into his old office mesmerized by all the books in here. We went into the sanctuary and he told story after story. I could see his mind whirling with all the good times. He walked a little shaky with a walker. The lady was a former parishioner from the second church Brother Bob pastored about as long as he served Spring Creek. 

It was a beautiful walk down memory lane. I showed him several places where we have updated the facilities. I told him he could have any book in my library. He forgot and did not take one. Periodically I take him reading material. He is still raving over the past selections I took him about Martin Luther and Charles Finney. 

Just before they left Brother Bob said something sobering. He told me he had given a copy of his obituary to another lady with a copy to give to me. Some years ago he told me he wanted me to preach his funeral. Then he commented he thought the Lord would take him soon. The statement shocked me. 

I walked outside with them both and watched him slowly meander to the car parked near the cemetery. I had work to do but I chose to stand outside until they drove away. He parted with his customary words, "If I don't see you again down here I will see you up there." I replied, "Absolutely." 

It saddened me to see him walk away. The next time he gets to come inside this sanctuary could very well be in a casket. It saddens me to even to write that. He has impacted so many lives. He is a people person. He didn't go to Bible college but is as learned as any of those in academia. He is still an avid reader. He and I can get lost in talking about revival for hours. 

I hope his prophetic prediction that the Lord might take him soon is not true. Selfishly I want to glean some more from him. I want to honor him. I want the chance to continue to shepherd him like he did for so many over the years. I praise God for such a man. I thank God for his surprise visit today. What a blessing for us both. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

A Night of Affirmation

 We enjoyed a special evening at Spring Creek last night. A year ago I warned the people such a night would come. After much prayer, I sensed very strongly that last night was the night. A night to encourage, to build up, to affirm our love and appreciation for people in our flock. 

The concept was very simple. After worship, I got up to preach like normal. I knew there was nothing normal about this night. I asked God to have His way through the Spirit. I shared briefly from the Bible. Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. [I Thess 5:11]. After a few brief comments I spelled out the purpose of the evening. 

I told the congregation that we were going to spend the evening encouraging and building one another up. The guidelines included moving a chair to the center near the communion table. People would be nominated to sit in the chair. The church would shower them with words of love and affirmation by saying, "I love you because...." The only thing the person could say in response sitting in the chair was, "Thank you." 

Then the night of affirmation began. I did well nodding in approval at what people said to one another. I had purposed not to say anything. I did not want to fall into the trap of saying something for one and not another and someone getting their feelings hurt. That all fell by the wayside when somebody nominated Brenda to sit in that chair. She walked up reluctantly never wanting to be in the spotlight. 

Others spoke to my bride and as they did the tears started forming in my eyes. Soon those tears trickled down my cheeks. I knew I had to say something, but each time I was about to I would either get choked up or someone else would talk. Sitting their looking at my wife of nearly 30 years brought a flood of thoughts, more tears and emotions. In that moment I knew I loved her more than I ever had before. 

Finally, I choked the broken words to her. Love for loving a so rough around the edges person and want to be preacher back in college. I thanked her for believing in me when I did not believe in myself. I thanked her for following all my dreams, many of which failed miserably. I thanked her for the many times she has prayed for me during tormented Saturday nights when I had no direction of what to preach after a week of searching. Before I was through, we were both in tears. 

I had barely gotten myself together when she nominated our youngest son Turner to sit in that chair. He was much more stoic than me. The church showered him with love and he accepted it without much show of emotion. I knew I had to say something. When I started talking, the tears started flowing. I spoke deep things to Turner I wish I had heard a father say to me but never received. I grew up without a father and have felt the sting of that pain until I met God has my Father. I hope those words sunk deep into his heart. In essence I told him how proud of him for the great attitude he has had with several knee injuries. I also told him how proud I am of his stand for Jesus than any athletic accomplishment. 

In retaliation for having such a night, Turner nominated me to sit in that chair. A church I love heaped love and praise on me. Much of it undeserved. They talked about my preaching. Inside I voiced prayers deflecting all the praise to God for I know He reveals His word to me, puts passion and anointing in me to preach it. It is not me. People talked about what a good man I am and I prayed confessing before God silently we both knew the truth of my sinfulness and that I am nothing apart from Christ. Some talked about how they needed me as a pastor when we came. They just did not know how desperate Brenda and I been for years and how Spring Creek was an answer to thirty years of desire and longing. They took a chance on me and have loved my family with words and actions. It is a delight to serve them. 

Others talked about how I had grown the church. I revolted inside hearing such talk again praying silently, "God I know You are the One growing this church. It is not me. You are doing it. You are saving and drawing people. You are working here. You deserve all the glory. It is not me."

It was a very powerful night. We ended the evening by challenging the people to go to at least two other people in the room who had not been called to the chair to express love to them. The first person I went to got surrounded with three others before I arrived. I stood in the back of the room and watched the church ministering love and life to one another. It thrilled my soul. 

We will do it again some Sunday night. It may be months or even years. There will be another night when we will spend an evening loving each other. Another night dedicated to affirmation. 

An Unexpected Lesson

From time to time I walk into the kitchen and whip up creations of my fanciful imaginations. I did that recently with a stir fry dish. I threw in broccoli, cabbage, garlic, jalapeños, purple onion, green bell pepper, mushrooms and just about every spice in the cabinet. I topped it off with some soy sauce and rice and enjoyed a sumptuous feast. 

I had no idea that God had a lesson for me and Turner in that dish. Days passed without my even thinking of it. Then the revelation came. It happened while I drove to the office one morning. One of the things I threw in that stir fry was mustard seeds. I had never had them and figured it could only add to the flavor of that dish. I am ashamed to admit it never crossed my mind that Jesus used mustard seeds as an object lesson about faith. Not until He reminded me on that commute. 

... truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain,"Move from here to there," and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. [Matt 17:20]

I picked up one of those tiny mustard seeds and held it in my hand later. I gave one to Turner just before his district track meet. He took the whole jar to his team and gave the jar to his coach and talked about God doing impossible things in response to mustard seed faith. Turner and I both had mustard seed faith he would finish his race fast enough to qualify for the area round meet. God helped him run his fastest time of the year and he qualified fourth to advance to the area round. Now we hang onto mustard seed faith believing that nothing is impossible with God. That God will run through Him again to glorify Himself. It is not about Turner. It is about God showing a watching world what He can do through a person with mustard seed faith. We are believing God to help Turner run fast enough to advance to the regional round track meet. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. 

Faith just the size of a teensy tiny mustard seed. Just that little dab of faith can heap a whole helping lot of the power of God. 

Maybe your situation is not running track for which you need God's help. There is never a shortage of things to trust God to do. God can do so much with so little. Mustard seed faith can save the lost, heal the sick, comfort the broken hearted, inspire dreams for the future, provide for needs and if my faith is strong enough, help you through reading this blog for whatever you are facing. Just a minuscule mustard seed of faith can do so much. 

I had someone share a prayer request with me earlier this morning. Surely mustard seed faith can see that God honoring request answered. 

Go ahead. Go to the kitchen. Take out your jar of mustard seeds. Pick up one. Then ask God to give you that much faith for the mountains you need Him to move on your behalf. Dare to believe that nothing is impossible with Him. I sit anxiously on the edge of my seat to see what God will do for you. This is a thrilling unfolding drama. 

Jesus,  I ask You to show up and to show off Your power to a watching world doing impossible things. All glory to You and You alone. In Your name Jesus, amen. 

Shattered Hearts and Bruised Faith

 It has been a grueling season. One of hard fought battles of faith. For many of us, especially for a young wife and mother of three boys battling cancer. From the first moment I heard about her situation God put it in my heart to fight for her. I only met her once on a night we gathered around to pray for her. I prayed for her like she was a close friend. In fact, the night we met she hugged me. We had battled together from different parts of town in prayer. 

I cannot tell you the number of nights God would wake me at 2:00, 3:00, to pray for her. I don't think I have prayed any harder for any other person for a long sustained period than I did this for this young lady. Despite bad doctors reports faith was not lost. We prayed scripture, we prayed fervently, we prayed without ceasing. We prayed with greater than mustard seed faith. 

Yesterday morning, right after I stepped down from the pulpit during the invitation, someone handed me a note informing that this young lady had died just a few moments earlier. I stood stunned. I sat down trying to process it while others were wrestling with God over things He had revealed in the message. I thought of a husband and three little boys left to cope with her loss. I thought of extended family and friends trying to make sense of it all. 

Many were moved to tears when I announced it publicly. Hearts were shattered. Broken in many pieces. It was hard to accept because so many prayed so hard for her physical healing. I have to admit my faith was bruised a little. I do not understand it. 

That does not mean that I do not trust. My heart may feel shattered for her family but not for her. I rejoice with her. I know where she is and have read about what she is experiencing in the tattered pages of my Bible. I cannot but smile when I think of how free and whole she is. It still does not make it easier for the family to live without her for the rest of their mortal lives. 

Life is cruel at times. Unrelentingly harsh. Bitter to the taste. Unflinchingly cruel. God is still good in the middle of the pain. Our hearts may break but that does not mean God has abandoned us. Our minds may not be able to comprehend why tragedies happen, but God knows what He is doing. Our faith may be bruised but God has proven trustworthy and reliable. He helps us weather the storms of life. 

So with a broken heart and a bruised faith I drag myself to the altar. I open that well worn Bible and find these words. 

I love the LORD because He hears my voice and supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live. [Ps 116:1-2] 

Even when our hearts are shattered and our faith bruised because we do not understand. He still listens. He does more than listen. He comforts. He strengthens. He consoles. He embraces. He loves us through the pain. He patiently lets us vent our frustrations and confusions. He heals broken shattered hearts and bruised faith. That is what I find today. I hope you will find the same in the day of your shattered heart and bruised faith. 

Sweet Tea and Jesus

 There is a little country cafe Brenda and I like to frequent in Wise County. It's a locally owned and operated cafe. The down home kind of place where you find specialty items you can't get anywhere else. Like the smoked meat loaf (yum), the blueberry cheeseburger, brisket cheese fries and one of my favorites is the brisket pot pie. This is a southern comfort food kind of place. Probably not a place to go eat if you are watching your waist line. Lost of deep fried going on in there like the fried pickles. Again yum. 

Another staple in the south is iced tea. I preached a revival in Minneapolis, MN many years ago during the winter. When we went out to eat after a service and asked for iced tea, the waitress informed me it was not in season even though I could see icicles hanging from the edge of the building. I prefer the south. Where iced tea is always in season. Many a gallon of sweet tea has been guzzled at dinner tables. It is not uncommon to be offered a glass of iced tea on a hot summer's day when visiting in someone's home. 

In that little cafe I mentioned before, there is a little framed picture with the words, "Sweet Tea and Jesus." It has always bothered me. I am sure I am one of the only ones. It seems to me that it should read, "Jesus and Sweet Tea." Nothing is above Jesus. NO ONE and NOTHING!

He is preeminent. He is Alpha and Omega. He is Lord. He is the Chief Shepherd. We are to love Him supremely. We are to love Him first and most. He is Master. He is first in importance and magnitude. He is the leader and we are the followers. Nothing is over Him. Not even sweet tea, though some say that sweet tea is the nectar of Heaven. 

John the Baptist got it right when he said in John 3:30, "He must increase and I must decrease." He knew Jesus was the biggest deal in the universe and that he was not a big deal just like the rest of us. Jesus does not share the spot light on center stage with anyone. He does not play second fiddle in the band. He is not a backup vocalist. He is greater in rank, more important, more prominent, preeminent, and greater than all. In fact, He has the name that is above every other name. That includes sweet tea. He sits on the throne at the right hand of God. He will return on a White Horse to judge and avenge those who rebelled against Him and His Father. 

That sign should read Jesus.... and far far down the list sweet tea. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Scratched Record

Young people may not understand where I am coming from today. They do not know much about record players. I bet some of you remember that sound of the needle gliding across vinyl records. The disk jockeys called it spinning the wax. I spent many an hour in my youth listening to music on a record player. 

Those who also enjoyed that simple pleasure will remember how carefully you had to handle those records so as not to stretch them. A record with a scratch on it would just keep playing the same part over and over again. How frustrating and disappointing that could be. 

That is exactly how I feel after months of ministering to skaters and those on the fringe of society. We keep hearing the same message going to the skate park week after week. The skaters are open to Jesus. Some even admire Him as a great teacher and a kind person. Some are a little unsure about the virgin birth, the miracles and the resurrection. Others just do not know what to believe.

One thing they are clear on.  Crystal clear. Unified even. The church is filled with hateful judgmental people, many of whom are hypocrites. That message has been repeated nearly every single week. We hear the story of one church after another condemning these people Jesus died to save. 

Sure, they are different than me. They often wear Vans, skinny jeans and long hair. I dare not try to wedge myself into anything that identifies itself as skinny. I have worn the same military style haircut since Brenda and I wed 30 years ago. We have seen long hair, colored hair, and everything in between. Our two worlds should never collide except for one reason. Jesus loves skaters, bikers, drug users, and those social outcasts who find acceptance at McGratton Park. 

These skaters are not sub human species. They are people. People Jesus loves. People Jesus died to redeem. People Jesus pursues out of His kindness leading to repentance. So on Monday nights, armed with pizza, bottled water, love, patience, prayer, compassion, and the gospel message we keep showing up. We meet new people just about every week. We listen to their stories and ask lots of questions. We pray for the chance to share the hope of the gospel with them. We pray with them. None have trusted Jesus for salvation yet, but we are not discouraged. 

We have braved freezing temperatures, at least one threat not to return, numerous spiritual conversations, heart wrenching stories of sin, mistakes, abuse, neglect, and the constant theme of judgmental churches. 


Lost And Found

 I lost my keys to the house. I searched everywhere I could think. I looked in the pockets of clothing. I looked on the kitchen counter top, bathroom counters, and table tops. I went through the closet, searched in my truck, looked in the office. I rummaged on top of the dresser. All to no avail. Then I repeated checking everything even more closely but ending up with the same result. 

It dawned on me I needed to text my son not to lock the door so I could get back in the house later today. I recalled that I wore a pair of athletic shorts briefly last afternoon. I was sure that is where I would find my lost keys. I scurried to the house to check in those shorts believing when I picked them up that I would hear the jingle of the keys. When I pushed my hand through the pocket I came up empty handed. 

I went back to the office remembering a task Brenda asked me to do. I knew I would forget it if I did not do it right away. On my way back I prayed, "Lord, You know exactly where those keys are located. I ask You to reveal it to me."

As quick as a flash, I remembered yesterday afternoon dumping a handful of trash from the car into the trash can in the kitchen. My hands were full. I heard some keys fall into the trash. I dug in and saw my car keys nestled in a piece of plastic and retrieved them. After that short prayer, the thought came to go back and check the trash. Which I did and behold, the house keys sat in the same piece of plastic. 

It is a reminder that God desires us to live in conversational prayer with Him. He wants to be a part of our everyday lives. Not just the devotional moments or the corporate worship gatherings. I am reminded that if God can reveal something so trivial as revealing where lost keys are located, He can also reveal so much more. 

I spent a little time in the prayer room this morning. More listening than asking. Several distinct impressions formed for other people in there. For each person a different impression came to me. One  battling fear. One battling disease. One fighting discouragement. Another wrestling with bitterness. A friend heavy laden. A person needing salvation. I laid each before the Lord and felt impressed what I needed to do to follow up with each one. I made phone calls and sent texts. God knows. He chooses to connect us with those in need around us. 

If God can reveal where lost keys can be found, He can also impress on us how to pray and minister to other people for what they are going through. He can also weigh on us those who are lost and under conviction to be saved. He can alter a sermon, change an order of worship, prompt the body of Christ to minister to one another through prayer and encouragement. 

We are good at asking God for things. We are not near so good at listening. I need God to lead me. I need His guidance in my life and ministry. You do too. Make listening a life long habit. I assure you, what He wants to reveal to you is much more important than you what you have to say to Him. He just might show you where you lost your keys.