Friday, September 20, 2019

Thank God For The Nook

I heard a horrific story that is still troubling me. A story of sexual abuse. Abuse by a father. Not just any low life father. A father who was well respected at church. He even went out visiting with the pastor weekly and then came home to abuse his daughter.

The door into that room was situated in a nook. Just wide enough so that precious one could sit with her back against the wall and her feet against the door to keep her father from getting in. Night after night she slept that way. Years later ,my friend who relayed the story, told me he led her to faith in Christ for salvation.

There are over 150,000 people living in this county with another 100,00-150,000 coming. I have not been able to shake the thought of how many little ones are living a nightmare in these custom designed brick homes and shanties. How many cry themselves to sleep each night because they are being harmed by the very ones who are supposed to love and protect them. How many feel violated, worthless, like a worn piece of trash to be discarded like a napkin. How many church members pretend publicly and abuse privately.

It breaks my heart. I don't know their names or where they live. I do pray. Often. Pleading with Jesus to protect them. Pleading for Him to rescue them. Pleading for the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus ,who alone, can make them whole.

I think of that young lady I wrote about above going to bed each night in sheer terror of when her door would open next. I think of the numerous nights her father tried to get in but could not because she wedged herself between the wall and door to keep it shut. I think about all the sleepless nights she endured and all the tears she cried. I think about how those abusive actions impacted her life negatively for decades. I think of her praying thanking God for the nook that served as her protection.

Now I think of that young lady set free in Jesus. Now a mother herself. I pray God use her testimony to help other survivors of abuse. I pray Jesus will be introduced to hundreds and thousands of those who need Him most.

Jesus, I plead with You to use whatever means are necessary to protect Your abused and vulnerable ones. I pray You rescue them. I pray You are a refuge for them. I ask You to deliver them and show them the way to salvation and wholeness. In Jesus' name, amen.

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