Thursday, September 19, 2019

People Matter

People matter to God. So much so He went to great lengths to make a path for us to be reconciled to Him through the death of Jesus. All people matter to God. I saw a combat veteran today. He had 9-11-01 tattooed on his forearm. He also had both legs gone below the knees. He walked on prosthetics. He matters to God.

The older couple who sat in front of me matter too. They barely spoke a word to one another as they munched on their burger and fries. They moved a little slower than the youngsters around them. They still matter even if society does not value senior adults like they should.

The people working behind the counter who took my order matter too. I invited one to church for our high attendance day. She stayed busied through the whole lunch hour. The one who served our food matters as well. He hustled and bustled delivering order after order. God knows them by name. He knows their unique personalities, interests, hurts, needs and secret thoughts. They matter to Him. He loves them. He offered His Son Jesus for their forgiveness and salvation. They matter.

The person forgotten matters to God. The homeless one strung out on drugs matters. The immoral is not beyond His sight, love or reach. The one who works feverishly to oppose and resist God at every turn is still a candidate for God's grace.

How easy it is to forget people really do matter to God. The obese woman I saw at an eating establishment a couple of days ago, who looked miserable, can find love, purpose and meaning in the grace of Jesus. The abused can find healing and wholeness in Jesus. To the overworked homemaker chasing kids and trying to maintain some order Jesus offers peace. To the overworked and overstressed employee who feels undervalued and under appreciated Jesus offers worth. To the incarcerated Jesus offers spiritual freedom. To the condemned and shamed Jesus offers forgiveness and another chance. To the divorced Jesus offers healing for broken and shattered hearts. To the child who is confused Jesus offers direction. To the lostwith no purpose and direction Jesus is the Great Shepherd to protect, lead and nurture.

If people matter so much to God, then they must matter to us as well. All kinds of people from different walks of life. If we could learn to see them as He sees them, we would not be so quick to judge and spurn. I pray God give all of us His heart for people. To let us see people through His eyes. To love with His heart. To embrace with His hospitality. To forgive with His grace. To have mercy with His compassion.

Matthew 9:35-36 (ESV)
35  And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.
36  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

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