Friday, September 6, 2019

Contagious Servanthood

Many years ago I attended a Christmas party for pastors from all over the county. Many gathered. There were pastors, youth pastors, worship pastors and their spouses in attendance. We ate good food and enjoyed the program.

Most of us had to drive a good ways to attend that event. It happened on a weeknight and when it ended people stood around visiting before making the long drive home. All the while the wait staff started the arduous task of cleaning up. I joined in the conversations until I noticed one pastor helping the wait staff clean the tables. Soon I saw the rest of his church staff joining in helping clear tables of dishes and decorations. When I asked that pastor about it later he commented, "We are supposed to be servants. Those on the wait staff have families they want to get home to just like we do." It did not take long before I noticed another pastor helping out.

I learned a valuable lesson that night. Servanthood is contagious. It is caught as much as it is taught. I am blessed to serve in a church where servanthood is on display regularly. Behind the scenes. I serve with deacons who actually serve. Most people never know the work they do. They don't do it to be seen or recognized. They do it because they love Jesus and they love people. I am thankful to be around a group of people who are always looking for ways to serve. They sacrifice their time to meet people's needs.

It is inspiring. It makes me want to be a better servant. It makes me want to work a little harder, stay a little longer, do the jobs that need to be done but others don't have time to do or don't identify.

Just yesterday I got a front row seat to see servanthood in living color and high definition. One man gave up his morning to paint stripes on the church parking lot. This job had not been done in ten years. The other man came and vacuumed my office, the foyer and church sanctuary because the church vacuum cleaners are in the shop being repaired. He saw the need and offered to help. Both men worked up a sweat. Both of their example inspire me to serve more. May this whole congregation be infected with contagious servanthood.

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