Wednesday, February 9, 2022

A Secret Burden

 There are many stumbling through life under the heavy load of secret burdens. Those burdens come in the form of cares, sorrows, worries, problems, and even secret sins nobody knows about. The burdens are never shared. Bravely the loaded down ones try to endure under the strain alone not wanting to let anyone else in. Sometimes they are embarrassed. Sometimes they fear being condemned and shamed by others. Onward they trudge weighed down with a crippling secret burden. 

There is one who knows all of the secret burdens. Nothing is hidden from His sight. He cannot be surprised. He is aware of all of it. He also gives hope for relief. It is found in [Ps 55:22]

To cast means to hurl. We are exhorted to hurl our burdens on the LORD. As a pastor, I have seen this happen numerous times in worship services and counseling sessions. I have witnessed people casting their burdens on God. I have also watched them pick them right back up and walk out under the same strain they just cast off. We are to hurl them onto to God and leave those there. Let Him solve the problem. Let Him provide for the need. Let Him work out the trial. Let His deliver from sin. Let Him comfort in the sorrow. 

He will sustain us in return. He will strengthen and support us. That means spiritual support, emotional support, mental support, and even physical support. We live in a day of fragile people. They crumble under the heavy loads of life. Doctors are quick to prescribe a pill to help people cope. It dulls the senses. It covers up the pain artificially. The problems still remain. Isn't it better to throw our heavy loads onto God's massive shoulders and walk away free. Not only to be free, but to also be sustained by the strength of God in every area of our life. 

The sustaining power of God promotes emotional health, mental health, spiritual health, and physical health. Think of the numbers of people dealing with one or more of these areas that are not healthy and whole. It is heartbreaking. People living day in and day out under the stress and strain of secret burdens. The put on a brave face and push forward. They are also exhausted, stressed to the max, confused and unstable, and see no way out. God is the way out. Cast your burden onto Him and receive His sustaining grace in return. 

There are problems in this life. We face tribulations. There is no escaping that fact. There is this truth. God will never allow the righteous to be shaken. He will not allow His own to be unsettled, toppled, disturbed, agitated beyond the ability to recover. He has given us several strategies to stand firm. To help us through the tough times. 

[II Cor 10:3-5] We must work on what we think about and dwell on. Each thought should be taken captive in obedience to Christ. 

[Luke 18:1] We should always pray and not lose heart. 

[Ps 55:22] We should cast our burdens on the Lord and leave them there. 

[Phil 4:6-7] We should pray about everything and worry about nothing. 

Children of God be encouraged. God will not let you be shaken. You may be tested, but He is greater than your test. You may be heavy laden, but He is mightier than any secret burden you bear. Cast them onto Him and leave it there. Walk free from that heavy load today. 

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