Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Deplorable State

 Picture well paid clergymen who preached, though unconverted themselves, to unconverted people. Lifeless religion dominated the spiritual scene. Picture, if possible, the truth that only 1:20 persons were saved in the community. The conditions in society degenerated into immorality. One pastor commented, "Religion lies as it were dying and ready to expire it's last breath of life in the visible church."

Like so often happens in dark times, a remnant of God's people did the only thing they knew to do. They started praying. Pleading for God's help. One pastor prayed fervently and saw some of the first outer band rains of God's Spirit descending over his congregation and community. That pastor was Jonathan Edwards. A brilliant theologian and devoted intercessor. God listened and answered. God spread the influence of Edwards well beyond the Northampton, MASS community. 

It began when a woman known as a "great company keeper" trusted Jesus for salvation. God's work of salvation spread. Over a two year period 300 people were saved in a community of around 1,000 people. The outpouring lasted for two years in that city. Some say it would have lasted longer but most of the lost people got saved so quickly. 

Just imagine if the people of God lived under His burden for the United States. We are in many ways in a deplorable state like the American Colonies were back in the 1700's. We need some intercessors to plead with God to once again send an outpouring of His Spirit resulting in a great awakening of souls. To save company keepers, homosexuals, liars, pedophiles, adulterers, and others who need Jesus. God is capable of saving people living in a deplorable state. He has done it before. Do it again Lord. Please do it again. 

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