Thursday, August 2, 2018

This Is The Day

I drove in early to the office this morning. Most of the way I spent in prayer. I thanked God for this day. A new day to seek God and walk with Him. A fresh start. A day filled with promise and adventure. A day of new beginnings. A new day to trust Him. A new day to follow hard after Him. Another day to serve and work for Him. To be productive for His glory.

This is the moment we have. We are not promised tomorrow. We cannot go back and recapture yesterday. God has given us the gift of this day. It has already been a day filled with blessings. First, I walked into my closet and had a choice of what to wear. I chose a plaid button down shirt, jeans, and boots. Many do not have such a choice. Next, I packed my backpack with this computer. This computer was a gift from a friend some years ago. I packed a Bible. I am thankful to access to multiple translations. I also packed my journal. I am thankful to have been introduced to the discipline of journaling many years ago. I also packed a book. I am thankful for the gift of the thousands of books I possess. They are a treasure wealth of knowledge and wisdom.

On the drive in I caught a sight of a deer running beside the road on the passenger side. The deer ran parallel to the road instead of out in front of me. I praised God for His protection.

I stopped at my favorite breakfast spot to grab a bite before coming to the office. I am thankful I have an office. A purpose. A calling. I am thankful for His provision for my breakfast. I thank Him for the opportunities before me today.

[Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)
24  This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

This day. God made, planned, ordained and has fashioned this day. For some it may still be a day of trials, heartaches and set backs. Others will experience triumphs today. God still made the day. We do not always get to choose what we go through. We do get to choose how we go through it. We can be bitter or we can rejoice that today is another day to get to know our God.

In a little while I am scheduled to see a widow. She is a lot of fun but beneath the surface there is still pain. She loved her husband and they served God together. Now she is left alone. Though I have seen sadness in her at times I have not seen bitterness. I have seen joy and gladness in her. She is still fun to be around. That is a choice on her part. She got handed one of the harshest blows life can bring. She did not give up. I have seen her tirelessly serving the Yahweh through loving, teaching, and serving wherever needed. She is ja oy to be around.

I hope as this new day dawns it does so bringing you joy and hope. Whatever you are going through or will go through God can handle it. He can see you through. He can give you joy even in the harshest most joyless circumstances. Fix your eyes on the author and perfecter of your faith. Trust Him today. And as always, follow hard after Him this day.

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