Friday, August 31, 2018

Precious Little Lambs

He looked at me with sad little discouraged eyes,
His next words caught me a little by surprise,
"I want t come to church," he boldly declared,
"Nobody will bring me," sadly he despaired,
I looked intently at his saddened youthful face,
Thinking inside what a shameful tragic disgrace,
Here stood a little one hungry and eager to learn,
His family ignores him and his desires spurned,
How many other little ones feel exactly the same,
Desiring to learn Bible truth about Jesus' name,
Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto Me,"
Often neglected by families - how could it be,
Some children pushed aside by selfish adults,
Some parents oppressed by Spirits of occults,
Some grown ups still wounded children inside,
With sin trying all their hurts and shame to hide,
Still the little children suffer neglect and abuse,
Getting damaged and tossed aside like some refuse,
Unloved, unwanted and a nuisance they may feel,
Satan wanting their souls to destroy, kill and steal,
O but Jesus is a victor who loves girls and boys,
Who died to purchase their pardon bringing joys,
So we the church have much work still left to do,
To reach and love children just like me and you,
Open  hearts to serve those precious little lambs,
Introduce them to Jesus who is the GREAT I AM.

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