Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Voice

 John 12:28 "Father glorify Your name," then a voice came out of heaven , "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again." 

A voice. That word translated from the Greek means a blaring sound, a language, and an utterance. Do not miss this point. Many people look for a voice. They look for it in the stars, in crystals, in the clouds, and various other mystical ways. It is not the voice I am after. I looking for and listening for the voice of God. Not other religious gurus. Not philosophers or pop starts. It is the person behind the voice that I long for. Yahweh. Jehovah. Elohim. God the Father. He is what we should all be seeking. With Him comes His voice. 

The voice on that came to Jesus in John 12:28 was not for Jesus. He knew His Father's voice whether audible or internal. Jesus said the voice was for the people. It was another sign indicating that He was Messiah. Those people totally missed it. They said the voice was just thunder and others attributed it to angels. People do the same thing today. They dismiss God's voice. Make no mistake about it. God still speaks. His voice is still available even though it may not be audible. 

For me personally, I have never heard the audible voice of God. Not that I doubt He can speak audibly if He chooses. He speaks to me in His word and through the Holy Spirit most prominently. To speak about God's voice sounds so mystical. People get weird about it. Learning to hear from God is no different than for me distinguishing the voices of Brenda, Taylor, Tanner, Tucker, and Turner. When they call me I know their voices. I love them. We have spent enough time together. I recognize them by their voice even if I cannot see them. In the same way, over time we learn the voice of God. 

God speaks to me most consistently through His word. He did so again this morning. I prayed asking God to speak to me and a verse popped into my mind. I should rather say it was the reference to a verse. Not one I was familiar with the content. I turned and read the passage and it turned out to be the answer to something I prayed about for over a year and a half. Knowing I hear God's voice in the scriptures motivates me to keep reading, to keep seeking, and to keep listening. 

God has spoken to me in other ways. He has used a cardinal, the back door of a diesel truck trailer, songs, phrases in books, text messages from other people, and the quiet still voice of the Holy Spirit. I promise God still speaks. He yearns to speak more than we want to listen. So attune your attention to the unseen voice. What He has to say to us is vastly more important than anything we have to say to Him. 

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