God is lovingly kind. What does that mean? He is good, merciful, loyal, and His love endures. It does not matter what circumstances we might face. He is loving and He is kind. He is sovereign. He is good.
God commands His lovingkindness in the daytime. That is what {Ps 42:8] states. God commands His lovingkindness. He orders His lovingkindness and appoints it where to go. Today He directs it towards us. He manifests it in many ways. Just the fact that we woke up is evidence of His good and kind love toward us. We have the opportunity to seek Him in His word and prayer. He meets us out of lovingkindness. We get to live this life and this day as an opportunity. We are not promised another day and the fact that we have this one is a gift of His lovingkindness.
That is not all He does. His song will be with us in the night. I want to look at that statement from two vantage points. First, His song can fill our hearts and minds in the wee hours of the night. When sleep escapes and thoughts run wild like stampeding stallions in our minds His song of praise can bring us comfort, peace, and hope. There are songs that help us endure. Other songs bring great peace. There is a song out there that most likely corresponds with the way we feel at any given moment.
The second point of view I want to consider is God sometimes sings over us. Zephaniah 3:17 informs us that God rejoices over us and He celebrates over us with shouts of joy. In the night hours when troubles swarm our minds God sings His song like a mother sings a lullaby to comfort her baby. He whispers soothing words of solace in our most troubled seasons. He does not abandon us in those difficult days. He remains faithful. Stalwartly steadfast. He is there for us in the darkest night reassuring us that He will not abandon us.
What peace that should bring us. God sings His song of praise during the night watches. He does not forget or forsake us. The next time you have a sleepless night listen closely. You might just hear the Lord bring His song of praise to your spirit in those nighttime hours.
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