God owns everything. Ps 24:1. We learn that every beast of the forest if God's and the cattle on a thousand hills. Ps 50:10 The whole world is His according to Ps 50:12.
The current price of beef is $7.39 a pound. Most people who own cows own less than 50. Do the math. It is estimated that there are currently 1.5 billion cattle worldwide. God owns all of them. The average weight of a cow is 1,100 pounds. If you multiply that by 1.5 billion at $7.39 a pound, well... let's just say that adds up to a lot of provision.
There is not a financial need you will ever have that God does not have the resources to provide to meet that need. His resources are unlimited. What is even better is that He knows your need and your address. He can get it to you every time and right on time. So why do people stress over financial matters if they are a child of God?
Brenda and I have been eyewitnesses to God's amazing ability to provide. Brenda did not work four out of 12 months last year. She had two knee replacement surgeries. We never asked a single person for money. God provided. She only worked part time for another three months as she had physical therapy. We did not miss a beat. We were never late on bills. We did not miss meals. God provided on time in the most creative of ways.
That is not the only time. Our story is a story of faith steps and God's supernatural intervention. We have a long standing conviction. We do not tell people when we have financial needs. We pray about them. For three decades we have watched God answer those prayers in amazing ways. Here is just a short list of things He has provided.
Washing machines. Dryers. Refrigerators. Vehicles. Three houses. More money than I can keep account of over the years. Many times I have prayed that He would sell some cows and send the funds to help us in a time of need. The largest one time gift we ever received was for $15,000. Three other times He supplied $10,000 at one time. In 2019 He provided my family with 5 used vehicles in the span of 30 days without one penny of debt. He once provided me with two new suits. There has been money for groceries, house payments, and gasoline. Simply amazing.
It is a comforting thought to know when any of us might have a need God has the ability to meet that need with ease. The next time you face a financial trial remind yourself God owns all those cows. Ask Him to sell one or two to help you out and watch to see what happens next. He is faithful. We can trust Him. Then we get to testify about what He did.
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