Thursday, February 13, 2025

Oh, That I Had 100 Lives

 The work of evangelism, laboring and seeking God for revival as well as spiritual awakening, the need for true discipleship among believers, and the continued need to pray as well as to write consume my thoughts this Thursday afternoon. Hudson Taylor felt a similar burden for 180 million Chinese people who had never heard the name of Jesus or heard the gospel message. It was Taylor who wrote, "Oh, that I had 100 lives to give or to spend for their good."

So many Christians are minimalists. What is the least amount they can do in service for the Savior. They do not want to be inconvenienced. It was inconvenient for Jesus to go to the cross, but He did it joyfully. [Heb 12:2] Joyfully and determinedly we should desire to labor for our Master from dawn to setting sun. There is much work to be done. So many have not heard the good news. 

One of my all-time favorite quotes was made by C.T. Studd. He said, "Tis only one life to live and twill soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last." That puts a razor edge on focus. So many of our activities will not matter in eternity. Those things will burn up when tested by fire. [I Cor 3:13-15]

All any of us have is this one life. We only get so many trips around the sun. We must make it count. I wish like Hudson Taylor I had 100 lives. The truth is all I have is one. One life to offer back to Him in loyal service. In my little corner of the world, in my limited influence, with my few talents and gifts I offer all of my days in service to Him. It does not matter where He plants me. It does not matter what assignment He gives me whether easy or difficult. It does not matter what sufferings may come along the way. I must labor for the King. I must give Him as much service as I can squeeze out of this life. 

I realize at 58 I am closer to the end than the beginning. I think I have a lot left in the tank. I am not looking to coast into retirement. I'm looking to hit my sixties in stride trusting God to still be productive for decades to come. Yes, you read that right. Decades as in plural. Not decade as in singular. 

Like a sponge, I ask God to squeeze every drop of productivity out of me. I do not look for accolades. I am not chasing money. I'm only after one thing. When I see Jesus face to face, I want to hear him say, "Well done good and faithful servant." I don't have 100 lives to offer, but I do have this one. 

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